The Work in Canada

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I have not seen poor D.'s book, only its title, nor have I at present any intention of reading it when I do,... I know, I suppose, fully from their letters what they object to, so that I have nothing to gain on that side, and the rest I gain nothing by. Quietness is often God's way of dealing with such cases. I trust no brother will set himself about answering any of these papers. The objections are known, they have been discussed by those anxious: all the rest is attack, and no answer is the best answer. It does not then become a matter of useless controversy; it probably tombera dans l'eau—its best issue, for the fruits of righteousness are sown in peace. At present I find I cannot occupy my mind with it before God. The adversary may use it as a hindrance when occasion is sought: it will, I am persuaded, be the loss of those who let themselves be so hindered. This may be a cause of sorrow, but it is one we must, alas! expect.
I look sometimes for antecedent causes on God's part, to see if there be anything to judge in myself, or even in brethren's ways. One may profit by sorrow thus. It is very good for me I am sure, as exercising me, and keeping all sound in its place, and so I seek to use it or receive it at God's hand; its immediate causes are not the error of what is attacked. Were there false doctrine I should-not so look at it, but the more I weigh the whole teaching, the more I see profit for the brethren—expressions to be made clearer, so as to take away any handle; yet these to a willing, fair mind would have afforded none. It is a mere attack of the enemy, and thus I am not afraid. I have sometimes feared it might not have been in due season, minds not prepared for it, but then it was [not] a remedy, if it be sound, leaving them without light; and I believe for those who seek God's face and His word it will prove a positive blessing. Those who are cast on the bank I mourn over—am satisfied it is their own previous state—but only search myself to see if I have given occasion whereby that which was lame should not be healed. I earnestly hope there may be no replying or discussing, but that the brethren may walk on peacefully in their own path, seeking God's will and wisdom. I suppose it is the will of God that there should be these attacks just now....
Boston and New York will now occupy me, the Lord willing. Laborers are wanting here as elsewhere. In general, we have to be thankful for the Lord's gracious care and guidance, but there might be more earnest labor amongst us all. Those you know by name are, I suppose, more and more useful....
There are now in Canada and the west as near seven hundred as possible whom I have visited, save two small gatherings.
It is little or nothing, it is true; still the testimony is spread by this, and the progress though in its infancy has been regular. It is the Slay of small things.
Affectionately yours in Christ.
October 15th, 1866.