Done is the work that saves,
Once and forever done;
Finished the righteousness
That clothes th’ unrighteous one
The love that blesses us below
Is flowing freely to us now.
The sacrifice is o’er,
The veil is rent in twain,
The mercy seat is red
With blood of victim slain;
Why stand ye then without, in fear?
The blood invites us to come near.
The gate is open wide;
The new and living way
Is clear and free and bright,
With love and peace and day.
Into the holiest now we come,
Our present and our endless home.
Upon the mercy seat
Our Great High Priest is seen;
His blood forever speaks,
Which washed and made us clean.
With boldness let us now draw near—
That blood has banished every fear.
Then to the Lamb once slain
Be glory, praise, and power,
Who died and lives again,
Who liveth ever more;
Who loved and washed us in His blood,
Who made us kings and priests to God