The Worker's Prayer

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
O, Son of God, who loved me,
And gav’st Thyself to set me free,
Inflame my heart with grateful love,
And let my life’s devotion prove
That Thou art All in All to me—
That I remember Calvary.
The value of one soul, O Lord,
Teach me to see; and as Thy Word
Assures me of the awful fate
Which doth the Christless soul await,
O, may I wrestle and prevail
With God and man like Israel!
Give me Thy tenderness and tact,
Guide every thought and word and act,
And cause me so to do my part
To reach the hard or longing heart,
That men to Thee, O Christ, may turn—
More of Thy tenderness to learn.
Let those I seek to win for Thee
Know that the Lord who died for me
Has shown through me His strong desire
To save them from eternal fire;
O, God, until life’s work is done,
Use me to save them—one by one.