1. When Goliath approached David, did David draw back or did he hasten to meet the Philistine? 1 Sam. 17.
2. Does the path of faith today give any place to those who would draw back? Heb. 10.
3. Where did the stone which David slung emits Goliath? 1 Sam.
4. Does scripture foretell that the head of Satan (is typified by Goliath) would be bruised by Christ (as typified by David)? Gen. 3.
5. Did Goliath’s might and stature prevail against David’s sling and stone? 1 Sam.
6. Will the gates of hell prevail against the Church? Matt. 16.
7. Could David, later on, look back and see many occasions when those that afflicted him were not permitted to prevail against him? Psa. 129.