SEE, these children are playing at keeping shop, and very amusing they seem to find it. Mr. “Jimmy” looks very wise, peering at the watch through his spy-glass, but the big hammer lying on the table looks rather a rough instrument for mending watches. I don’t suppose they learned any very serious lessons at their play, but were well content with the fun they got out of it; nor do we older people want children to he always serious. Old heads on young shoulders are not at all to be desired.
But as you are not playing, but only looking at the picture, perhaps you may learn a good lesson. Look at the notice, “Time taught while you wait.” The greatest instruction you can receive on that line, is that God’s great clock of salvation points always and only to one time.
“Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.” 2 Car. 6:2. How happy when children learn this when they are quite young. I learned it when I was eleven years old, and the older I grow the more thankful I am that I learned it so young.
A friend of mine did even better than that, for he learned it when he was five, no higher than the big dining room table in his father’s house.
What I mean by learning, NOW is God’s day of salvation, is not merely learning the text in my memory, but receiving Christ as my own Saviour in my heart.
So while you look at this picture, and enjoy its fun, don’t forget that NOW is the best time, and God’s time to be saved.
ML 03/27/1927