There is a Greatness in God in the sense of which we should much exercise our hearts. There is no straitness in Him. In Psa. 36, all that the psalmist there sees in God, he sees in its proper divine greatness and excellency.
His mercy is in the heavens.
His faithfulness unto the clouds.
His righteousness is like the great mountains.
His judgments like the deep.
His preserving care so perfect that the beasts as well as men are the objects of it.
His lovingkindness so excellent, that the children of men hide under the shadow of His wings.
His House is so stored with all good, that His people are abundantly satisfied.
His pleasures for them so full, that they drink of them as of a river.
All this is the greatness and magnificence of God, not only in Himself, but in His way and dealings with His people.,
J. G. B.
2, Upper Teddington Road, Hampton Wick, Kingston-on-Thames-S.H.31 Made in Great Britain
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