Things That Keep Us From the Lord

Duration: 51min
John 8:21; Genesis 45:1‑15; 1 Timothy 1:15
Children—George Covell
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Good morning, everyone.
Good. Happy Lord's Day.
Happy Lord's Day.
Thank you. We're going to start with singing this morning. You have a song you like to sing. Just raise your hand. Go ahead, Noah #41 #41. I'm going to let you give a few songs out today, this morning. And if you give me the privilege, I might give out a couple too. Is that OK? Sounds good.
Round up.
Bring them to the thyroid.
We're always experienced and joy as a lot of alternatives, but still friends, drivers and everything. And all our dreams glow our dreams.
And the rest of the gods of Allah.
Thank you Noah, someone else had a hymn.
Who else has a favorite? They like this thing.
Yes, 44. Thank you.
Into that.
Nobody. Ever.
Then he played by the round squirrels around his grasp of tea and grasses and thousands of how many thousand grandma's? Thank you.
Yes #40 Thank you.
Jesus loved me.
Yeah, she didn't cry mildly.
Yeah, no, she didn't even drive along with me and 1000 lbs remained alone.
These are the main proof of life that was one day through the puzzle of the man's life he gave him without watching the Lord and his mind stands by the end of the month of the death of the children's forgotten venomous. And you know, you're not you're not. It's a lot of experience. You're just you're not you're not.
You're not strong and communicating.
Yeah, she's right along.
Oh my God.
Oh, you need not to fight being no more than five hours. I don't know if you need to be in the morning. We're ready. We're at we're not doing the whole thing. You're good and everything and heart.
Give me a second.
It's not all right, and then you're right.
You can be wearing your eyebrows. Did you know how that happened two years ago? 1,000,000 times upon the community.
Yeah, it's really time to fly to you. The House of Hearts will come to me.
Before we sing the last verse.
I'm gonna ask the boy who gave this him out.
A very simple question. And you know what? We're gonna open up the Bible, the word of God this morning. And with the Lord's help, he's gonna be able able to read it in our own language. And we're going to understand how God wants us to know the way of salvation and how much he loves us to be in his family. And you know, it's simple. So he asked his boy a question, a simple question.
We sang it over in the chorus. Jesus loves me. He's gonna have to forgive me because it's a really simple question, but who's me?
Go ahead. Me. He pointed to himself. You got it. So now we're gonna sing the last verse and we're gonna sing the chorus, and we're gonna point to ourselves and no one is to sing me. OK? It's gonna be really quiet when we sing me. You ready? Last verse.
It has my crust and shilling the light by.
Oh my, my, yeah, it's not too long.
Yeah, you can make your drive in the front.
You have to do that.
On the ground.
Thank you. Let's sing a few more.
#5 what's that?
Very good, very good. Oh, happy day. And what was your choice going to be?
Mine was 4646. Thank you. So we'll sing #5 first.
Uh, we're gonna change the words just a little bit in the course, OK?
I won't sing at all, but the tune just changes a few words.
Oh, happy.
He surprised, by the way.
Yes, and everyone else. It's all going to happen from 5 over the apartment where it's getting on the bed. I'm going to use the rest of the bedroom. Oh my God, Oh my God.
It's time to be in time to be in the house in the middle of the life and breath. And I'm in America's dietary and I haven't forgotten it for all the whole time. We've done everything else. So perhaps we don't have to be united in class and to be fulfilled by the end of the world and everything.
Turning to the Backpage #46.
Have you been almost trying to take a call?
And give us a call to take you offline during the two days because I have to give you anything, you know, I haven't I haven't got anything. I don't want to go away and.
OK, Noah.
Man of Lords.
It's UH-055.
Can I get a little watermelon? Umm.
You don't want to see everything so high. It's a nice.
Thing, well, I don't feel like I'm not going to go on like a bottle of medication. You're busy for all of those five months or something like that and I have anything. I can't see you. I'm glad you're looking for a job.
OK, we're going to think some more before we do.
Let's talk to the Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus, thank you for each soul in this.
OK, let's stand and sing a song that's not in the book.
It's wide. Why is the ocean OK?
I'm not on my way at the beginning. They don't have my style on this guy.
Long I guess my 373585373737324.
Thank you.
Well I have a few little things I would like to.
Let you know this morning.
One of the things that we're gonna open up the word of God and we're gonna read a few passages.
But I also have a few things here.
Few cups and saucers.
And we're gonna try filling them, too.
Now in filling them, often they've been filled up by moms and dads with coffee, but we're going to fill them with something different this morning that you get to take with you, OK?
The first thing I'm gonna need is some volunteers to help me reading.
And, umm.
I'm going to need two volunteers, maybe 3.
3 volunteers.
I have two volunteers so far.
This is a children's meeting.
Oh, thank you. Thank you. Yeah.
And I want everyone to feel included because the word of God says.
Behold, I in the children whom thou hast given me.
And so this morning, if you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I want you to be included in the children because you're part of God's family and part of the Father's heart. He wants to bestow a lot of love for you today.
So we have one volunteer, second volunteer in Sofia. So could you all stand up please?
And come out here and we're going to let you read this loud and clear.
What is that you've got in your hands?
Could you say that again?
What you have in your hands a Bible. And what did you think your Bible looks like? Bible.
Looks like it's torn up. OK, how's that look?
Much better.
Is there anything wrong with it? Is there anything wrong with it?
It's kind of ripped. It's a good used, worn Bible. Yeah, but it has a nice leather cover on it. And would you like this one? Does that one look good? I'll trade you.
Well, we'll, we'll stay for that for now. So I'm going to ask, uh, Sophia to read Genesis chapter starting in chapter 45. Noah, I want you to find one of my favorite verses in the New Testament. It's in first Timothy chapter one.
OK, First Timothy, chapter one. Now I think it might be helpful if they had someone a little older, one of the teenagers, come and help them too. OK, because finding the passages for some of them, it's hard to find the books of the Bible. So who do we have for volunteers here?
I'm going to pick.
Yeah, I think maybe, uh.
I think maybe, uh, Dana, could you come up and help NOAA find First Timothy? Well, thank you. Can you help, uh, Sophia find Genesis 37, please? OK, this one, you're in First Timothy.
Yes, OK. And you're going to read for me.
What's your name?
Max Oh, Max Hi, Max. OK.
Max, I'm going to have you read a verse for me.
Chapter One.
You're gonna read John 8 and 21, but we'll let Sophia go first. Sophia, go ahead.
Well, it doesn't have Genesis in it. OK, well, you can sit down then, sorry.
OK, Noah, I think, uh, have you found First Timothy chapter one?
Unfortunately, it doesn't have First, it doesn't have chapter.
Oh, here it is. It's torn.
I'll check. There's no first thing to check in. Thank you. There's no First Timothy chapter one in this file, but it did look a lot better. You know, you can have a seat, too. OK, Matt, do you want me to hold the Bible? Would you like to try reading this one here then?
Said Jesus.
Thank you.
Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins. Whither I go, ye cannot come. Thank you.
Let you sit down.
Let's go back to the first reading in Genesis 37.
I want to thank Matt and Noah and Sophia.
And everyone that came up to help.
We're gonna talk about what happened.
But in sorry, Genesis chapter 45.
Genesis chapter 45.
We're gonna read from the first verse.
And we're going to go all the way down to the 15th, 1St Genesis 45. OK, this is going to be a long time reading.
So let's go everyone Found it. Genesis chapter 45.
It says Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him. And he cried, 'cause every man to go out for me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren. And he wept aloud. And the Egyptians in the House of Pharaoh heard.
And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph, thus my father yet live. And his brethren could not answer him, for they were troubled at his presence. And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom he sold into Egypt. Now therefore be not grieved nor angry with yourselves that you sold me. Hit her, for God did send me before you to preserve life.
Verse seven And God sent me before you.
To preserve your prosperity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me hit her, but God. And he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and Lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
Hastie and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy son Joseph. God hath made me Lord of all Egypt. Come down unto me, tarry not, and thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen. Thou shalt be near unto me.
Thou and thy children, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hast there will I nourish thee. For yet there are five years of famine, lest thou and thy household and all that thou hast come to poverty.
And behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that is my mouth that speaketh unto you.
You shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye have seen. Ye shall haste and bring down. My father hit her, and he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck and wept, and Benjamin wept upon his neck. Moreover, he kissed all his brethren and wept upon them. And after that his brethren talked with him. Let's hold that place, and we'll go to First Timothy. Chapter one.
First Timothy, Chapter One.
And verse 15.
Hmm, OK.
Can I get Isaac or Aaron Sacks to read that for me?
First Timothy, chapter one and verse 15.
The faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am she.
OK, and then I read a verse in John's Gospel, chapter 8 and verse 21.
Then said Jesus again unto them.
I go my way. You shall seek me, and shall die in your sins. Whether I go, you cannot come.
This morning.
The thought came to me.
About being in the presence of God. Have you ever thought about it?
Being in the presence of God. And I want to just mention a few people.
There was a man by the name of King. He had a brother, Abel. He found in the first few chapters of this special book. And in this special book we read about Cain.
That he went out from the presence of the Lord.
There is another gentleman that we can read about, and I know there's a boy young man here by the name of Thomas. And if we read in John's Gospel chapter 21.
That when his friends and his disciples who were friends got together one morning.
He wasn't with them.
And after the event, his friends, the disciples came to him and said, Thomas, we have seen the Lord, we have seen the Lord.
So you know, if someone came up to you and said we have seen the Lord.
Do you think that was good news?
For Thomas.
Sort of, sort of. Why was it kind of good news?
And he had mixed feelings. What do you think?
I think the reason why Thomas with good news is because his Lord was seen by somebody. He wasn't dead. He was alive. And that's good news. You know, if you have something, get hurt, you feel bad a little bit, but if it gets all better again and you feel better, yeah, Well, Thomas, best friend, the Lord was risen, but he missed him. He missed seeing him.
And so that was the sadness is because he missed out. And I want the boys and the girls and all of us as children here this morning.
To not miss out on appreciating.
God who sees us.
OK. And watches over us.
And God, that looks right in, you know, you might have counted all the seats in this room in the last day or two.
But did you know that he's actually counted every one of your hairs this morning that you had to comb?
He did. So you see, God knows all about us. He knows our down sitting and our uprising. He knows our thoughts are far off. He knows what you're thinking about. You know, the feeling is very attractive. And so if I don't see your eyes, you might be attracted to the ceiling. That's OK. We have a lot of things to attract us. But this morning I want to attract your hearts to Jesus, the Lord Jesus. And that's why I picked the story of Joseph, because in the story of Joseph.
He's the type of the Lord Jesus, and in this chapter I thought it had something very special because God has a big heart, He really does. And in God's heart he wants you to be in his family, and that's why he sent Jesus to die.
And if you don't know Jesus, there's probably two things that are preventing you from knowing Jesus right now.
One of them.
Is your thoughts?
Your ideas?
Because in Isaiah chapter 55 we read about the Lord. Jesus says my ways are not your ways. Neither are my thoughts your thoughts.
And in John 8 and 21, where you read how the Lord Jesus said he was gonna go his way, and the religious people of his day, the Pharisees, said he had to say you're gonna die in your sins.
So you see, it might be that our thoughts are not Jesus thoughts and that's why we don't appreciate who the Lord Jesus is and his presence, his person. You know, when you get to know Jesus and realize that he's a heart, a God that really loves us, it really changes our focus on a person. Uh, I always ask you at your home.
Umm, are you glad that you have a? Let me see, I have to be careful who I ask. Please forgive me, but uh.
Noah, you like it? Umm, are you glad you have a dad at home?
He's right here.
OK, you gave me a full answer, but are you glad that your dad is here with you?
Yeah, that's an honest opinion, OK. And you know, if you were to ask my children that, they would say that I'm glad you didn't show up at the young people's last night.
So I think I've, uh, they're very happy with me this morning.
OK, that's the way we think. But you know, that's a really special and really important and, you know.
We have a Father in heaven and the Father in heaven He looked down upon us and there was a problem when Adam and Eve came into the world were made.
God made them.
It says that they sinned and God had to put them out of the garden.
And you know, it's our sins that keep us from understanding God as our Father in a relationship, just like you can enjoy your Father.
But in a greater relationship, because God our Father is always the same. He's always caring, He's always loving, He always has a heart towards us that wants to give us something really special.
And so the good news is that a little sin came into the world. In First Corinthians chapter 15 and verse four, it says Christ died for our sins, and so it's possible for us now to come to the Father.
Through having our sins forgiven, asking Jesus to wash them away. And that's why that verse in First Timothy one and 15, it's really important because although it's not in this one, it's in God's book that's complete. OK. And so there's two reasons why you may not be saved this morning. It's because you're leaving out some of those scriptures, some of the passages in the Bible. This book here starts in Exodus chapter 5. It's just fallen a few too many times and the cover came off in some of the pages.
This one here has been well used, but I think it must have the binding got a little loose and it's missing First Timothy. It only comes to first Timothy chapter six. OK, so I didn't rip it. Actually it came that way or it's uh, over time, It's this is all that's left. OK. But it's wonderful that God wanted us to know his thoughts towards his Son. And so he's given us all of the word of God. He's given us all of the word of God.
And so I want you to rest tonight, this morning, with joy, with joy, because God wants you to rest with joy. He wants you to know, as he told Mary in John chapter 20.
My father can be your father and my God, your God. You know, it's a wonderful thing to know God as our Father and to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior because.
How can I explain to you about the Father and about His presence, how He really wants our presence?
What do you know?
One thing I I have here, we read it yesterday in Luke chapter 15.
Who can tell me about the chapter in Luke 15 that we read yesterday? The Sun was a what?
A prodigal, yes. One who is wasteful, One who was wasteful. But you know what was really encouraging?
That that whole, that whole story, you know, why is that story so special?
Why would we want to read it all about just because we like prodigal sons? Because the prodigal son came back.
Well, the product of some came back, but you know, if that's all he came back to our house and he wasn't welcomed by a father, would it be the same story? No, it wouldn't be the same story at all.
Yeah, he came back and you know, I have something in this bag, you see.
Chocolate. Umm, these are you might. Some people might call them chocolates.
OK, I have.
What does that say?
Say that a little louder.
Kisses, kisses good.
What does this one say?
Hug. Now how do you know a difference between a hug and a kiss? Valerie, can you help me? This one is a kiss and this one is a hug. What's the diff?
The one that has like.
Yes, the hugs have stripes or they have lines that wrap around them. OK, now.
What's those things called? Smarties. OK, I started by saying that we have two things that might keep us from knowing God. One is our thoughts. Do children here you have a lot of thoughts. OK, is that Smarties?
Are those smarties?
Marty seemed pretty good to taste, don't you think? But you know what? They're just Maybe Smarties could speak to us about our thoughts.
And then we have hugs and we have kisses. And then John chapter fif 15. That's a father. What did he do when he first met the son?
What did he do?
NOAA, you've answered a lot.
He did. He did. He gave him a hug and a kiss.
He gave him a hug and a kiss. That's what the Father did. And so we read in Genesis 37.
About a man by the name of Joseph, who is the type of the Lord.
Our SAP. Sorry, Genesis 45.
And Joseph came onto his eleven brothers.
And did they sit up with a big smile on their face in in verse 3?
Aaron, can you answer that one for me to Joseph's brother? Sit up with a big smile on their face, really glad that they were in Joseph's presence.
No, no. What does it say about his presence in that verse, Aaron?
What's the word that God gives us in verse 3, Aaron, that tells us how his brethren felt in Joseph's presence? Troubled. Troubled. Oh, I hope all you boys and girls are really upset right now and trampled, shaking. Why would I want to wish that for you right now? Why won't I see boys and girls not very happy?
Because if you don't have Jesus in your heart.
Why is it so important to have Jesus in your heart?
Because you get to know the Father, you get to enjoy the hugs and the kisses that he has for you. See, his brethren hadn't under seen Joseph for a number of years in this chapter. And then we read he says what's the first thing he did? It says come near to me. They didn't even want to get close. They were still troubled. And you know, maybe the Bible is like that to you in your life and in my life. How do you feel about picking up the Bible in the morning?
Is it one of those things that.
I have my thoughts and I can hit the day. Or do we take it a little reading in the morning? Enjoy God's thought.
It's important that we have a bit of got stocks.
Are there some packages in the Bible maybe that you'd like to pull out like Noah suggested I did in some of my old Bibles? Is there some of those passages where, where the father wants to give you hugs and kisses, but you have kind of declined to say, I think thanks. But, uh, my nights are kind of full. I have a lot of, uh, a high, a big agenda and I would just prefer to, uh, keep my agenda and, you know, I, I like the father.
And I'm a Christian, but.
I just don't have time to be in the presence of the Lord this week. How is it? How does the Lord Jesus feel about that? You know, the Father has given a special provision to this side of heaven for us to enjoy. And so first of all, we have to come near. If we don't come near, we're not going to understand the Father's voice and the Father's heart. And So what was it when Joseph came near? When Joseph came near, it says.
Down in verse.
And as he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck and wept, and Benjamin wept upon his neck, moreover, he kissed all his brethren and wept over them. And after that his brethren talked with him.
What was the thing he did, Joseph did with his brothers, it says.
He fell on their neck and wept. Says he kissed all his brother.
You know if all we leave in the morning.
When we leave our day.
Is our own thoughts. They seem pretty good.
Don't they have a lot of smarties?
You're welcome to take some if you like them.
At the end of Sunday school.
But now I need 4 different volunteers to come up. Three. Sorry, three other volunteers to come up.
Who is the other volunteers that haven't come up already?
Sure you can come up.
You'd like to come up? Sure. You both can't come up. OK, You just have to stand behind the cup.
You can stand over here behind this one.
OK, I can bring this one over. There you go.
Your aim?
Pardon, Abigail and Naomi. Nice to meet you. And your name, Oscar. Thank you. So what I have, Oscar. Do you like kisses or hugs? Sometimes both. OK. How about you, Abigail? Hugs or kisses?
Kisses. Let's see here. I've got kisses. You can have as many as you can put in the cup.
How about you kisses too? You can have as many as you want in the cup and you can have as many hugs.
And as many kisses, so you can actually just take some out of the bag and put them in your cup and put as many as you'd like in your cup.
Or you don't have to take any. If you don't want any, you can just sit down too.
And you know, because you're just you're having a a big cup, like an older person, you can put as many in the cup and O outside of the cup, as many as you can take back with you. OK, So if there's some fall on the side, you can leave them on the side too.
You know, if it was your turn up here and you had the opportunity to fill a cup, I wonder how many you would put in.
Let's see how many Abigail is going to put in.
Remember you can put as many in the cup and some of the sides too, whatever you can carry back.
And when you're done, you can take it back with you and sit down.
They're putting a bunch of hugs and kisses in a cup.
Right now.
Will they get to keep them? That's a good question.
Oh, eat them.
OK, well, I think we're going to let their parents decide whether they can eat them or not. How's that?
Good for you.
OK, when you've, uh, got as many as you want, you can go and sit down and take it back with you. Maybe put it on the chair beside where you're sitting so you don't have to hold it the whole time.
And if you don't wanna take it back with you, you know you can leave it there.
Or do you want someone to help carry it back for you?
Yeah, you can put some back.
This is a lot. OK, very good. So what you want now?
Good, good.
Good. Thank you. OK, so we had some that only wanted kisses. We had some that just took the saucer and they made it level with the top. There's others that have kisses and they're heaped up a little bit. Oscar, he has them not just in the cup. He has them on the saucer. You remember the illustration I was trying to make with the hugs and kisses?
You know, Luke 15 isn't much of A story if it doesn't have a father's heart in it. I want to say to each one here, if we don't have the father's heart, we don't have much of A story of a life. OK, I'm sorry I've gone into overtime, but I want to close by summarizing a little bit what we said.
You know Oscar example makes me think of the Father's heart through another type of the Lord Jesus.
He said to David, he says my cup runneth over. Is that what we want from a father's heart in your life? Do you wanna have a father's heart that says my cup runneth over? That's what he offers us. You see, we have unlimited supply for those three people. Unlimited supply? I'm not sure we have unlimited for all the boys and girls to fill all their cups. But after a Sunday school year, we'll, we'll make sure that you all get some. I'll. I'll hand them out. OK.
So I want you to understand the Father's heart. It's really big.
Well, I want to know God as your Father. Do you want to come? You have to come and accept Jesus as your Savior. And when you accept Jesus as your savior, you get the Father. A father has a heart of love, OK. And I want to encourage you that to have the Father's full hugs and kisses.
You know, make sure you have the complete word of God, leave the Smarties behind and just take the hugs and the kisses that He wants to offer. Take your thoughts, leave them behind and just enjoy the Father's heart of love. That's what warmed the heart. And you know what, it's an unlimited supply because it says about the Father and the son of Luke 15, they began to get married to be married. It was a very happy occasion and you know why they were together.
While the sun was with the Father, I don't think the Mary ever stopped. How is it in your life and in my life? Are you ready for the Father's heart? Are you ready to enjoy your Father? I'm speaking about the Father in heaven.
And through that we get to know through the Lord Jesus. You know He has a heart that wants to fill us and save my cup overflowing.
Well, it's very important, children. First of all, to get it, we have to know Jesus as our Savior.
I remember that either Jesus says in Acts 8 or John 8 and 21 he says I go my way and you die in your sins, or the other one as you can say Christ died for my sins according to the scriptures. Let's pray.