What they didWhat was said or done to or of them
Mary the Mother of Jesus
Submitted to the Lord's will and called herself His handmaid. - Luke 1:38
Was "highly favored" in becoming the mother of Christ, and "blessed among women"; the Lord was with her. Luke 1:28
Took a long journey to visit and have fellowship with her cousin. Luke 1:39-40
Simeon blessed her, but told her that a sword should pierce through her own soul. Luke 2:34, 35
Magnified the Lord and prophesied, Luke 1:46, &c.
Was reproved by Jesus. Luke 2:49; John 2:4
Kept in her heart and pondered the things she heard. Luke 2:19, 51
Was given by Jesus into the care of John. John 19:26, 27
Spoke to the Lord rather unbecomingly. Luke 2:48; John 2:3
Told the servants to obey Him. John 2:5
Came to see Jesus whole he was speaking to the multitude. Luke 8:20
Stood by the Cross of Jesus. John 19:25
Mary of Bethany
Sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. Luke 10:39
Was loved by Jesus. John 11:5
Chose the good part. Luke 10:42
Was complained of by others.
Sent to tell the Lord when their brother was ill. John 11:3 (Also Martha)
Was defended by the Lord. Luke 10:42; John 12:7
Sat still in the house till Jesus called her. John 11:20
Hastened to Jesus when she was called, and told Him her trouble. John 11:29, 32
Anointed the feet of Jesus. John 12:3
Received Jesus into her house. Luke 10:38
Was loved by the Lord. John 11:5
Served Him and His disciples. John 12:2
Was reproved by the Lord. Luke 10:41, 42
Was cumbered about much serving. Luke 10:40
The Jews came to comfort her and Mary. John 11:19
Complained of Mary. Luke 10:40
Went out to meet Jesus. John 11:20
Confessed Christ's name. John 11:27
Went and called Mary. John 11:28
Told the Lord that Lazarus had been dead four days. John 11:39
Mary Magdalene
Went with Jesus on His journeys, and ministered unto Him of her substance. Luke 8:2, 3
The Lord cast seven devils out of her. Luke 8:2
Stood by His cross. John 19:25
Angels appeared to her. John 20:12
Went to anoint the body of Jesus. Luke 24:1, 10
The Lord appeared first to her. John 20:14
Told Peter and John that the Lord's body was gone. John 20:2
The Lord revealed to her the truths of His Ascension. John 20:17
Stood at the sepulcher weeping. John 20:11
His disciples being His brethren, and God being their Father; - and sent her to tell His disciples. John 20:17
She took the good news to the disciples. John 20:18
Other Women
She arose and ministered to them. Luke 4:39
The Lord raised the son of the widow of Nain and gave him back to his mother. Luke 7:15
The woman came and touched His garment in faith. Luke 8:44
He healed Simon's wife's mother. Luke 4:39
She confessed how she had been healed. Luke 8:47
She was healed and comforted by the Lord. Luke 8:44, 48
A woman blessed the mother of Jesus. Luke 11:27
Women were told by the Lord to weep for themselves and their children. Luke 23:28
Women of Jerusalem bewailed him. Luke 23:27
Angels appeared to them and told of the resurrection. Luke 24:4-7
Several women followed and ministered to Jesus, beheld His death and burial, brought spices to anoint him, and told the disciples of the resurrection.
A woman was accused by the Pharisees, dismissed by Jesus, and told to sin no more, John 8:3-11
She glorified God, Luke 13:13
Woman with spirit of infirmity healed by Jesus. Luke 13:13
The Lord said that mother would be against daughter &c. Luke 12:53
Was righteous before God. Luke 1:6
Was filled with the Holy Ghost. Luke 1:41
Blessed Mary. Luke 1:42
"The Lord showed mercy upon her," Luke 1:58; and her neighbors "rejoiced with her."
She insisted on her son being called John, according to the word of the Lord. Luke 1:60
Departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers day and night, Luke 2:37
Gave thanks to the Lord. Luke 2:38
Spoke of Him to all the believers. Luke 2:38
The Woman of Samaria
Argued with Jesus. John 4:9, 11, 12, 20, 25
Jesus asked her for water. John 4:7
Directed others to Christ. John 4:28, 29
Revealed Himself to her as the Messiah. John 4:26
Women as Types
The woman leavening the meal. Luke 13:21
The woman finding her piece of silver. Luke 15:8, 9
The importunate widow. Luke 18:2-5
The Woman in the House of Simon
Anointed the Lord's feet and washed them with her tears. Luke 7:38
Was scorned by Simon. Luke 7:39
Loved much. Luke 7:47
Was defended by the Lord. Luke 7:44-47
Her sins were forgiven and she was saved. Luke 7:47, 48, 50