This Present World, Present Truth, Help, Rain

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YP Address—J. Hyland
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June with him #166.
Lord, thou has drawn us after thee. Now let us run and never tire.
Thy present shall our comfort be Thyself, our hope, our soul desire, our present Savior. Love nor fear nor sin can come if thou art near. I realize that afternoon meetings are sometimes the most difficult, and so I'm going to suggest we stand up to sing this hymn 166 And if someone would please start it.
Let's turn first of all this afternoon to the book of Galatians. We're going to begin by connecting 3 portions of the Word of God. The first one is in Galatians chapter one.
Galatians chapter one.
We're going to begin by reading the last four words of verse 3.
Our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins.
That he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father. Just hold your finger here. We'll come right back. We're going to read a portion in the Book of Titus.
Titus, Chapter 2.
Titus, chapter 2 and verse 11.
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.
Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. And one more portion for now, just back in Second Timothy.
Second Timothy Chapter 4.
And verse 10.
For demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world.
Well, I have it on my heart this afternoon and speaking to the dear young people to take up this little word present in various contexts in which it appears in the word of God. And my exercise simply is to bring the truth of God right where we are today. Because, you know, I was once a young person sitting in meetings like this, listening to the older brother and minister the word. Many of those brethren are safe home with the Lord Jesus now.
Many of them are gone, but I used to sit and think as they ministered the word. Is it really possible to go on? Those brethren don't understand sometimes how difficult it is. They don't seem to realize the difficulties and the problems that we face at school and in the world. Well, maybe I don't understand today the difficulties and problems that you young people are facing. I realize that the darkness, morally and spiritually, is deepening over the Western world every hour.
And I realize you're facing things that I never had to face before, things where we have to say in the language of Scripture. We've not passed this way heretofore. But young people, while I may not understand where you are at this present time, I have, I trust in some measure at least learned that the Lord is sufficient, that the Lord is able to bring us through. He's able to preserve you for His glory. And so this is my exercise in looking at these verses.
But we began here in the book of Galatians, because we find here that he brings before us the Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself. Now there's a very similar expression in the third chapter, where it speaks of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. But there in that chapter it's more the motive. Isn't it wonderful that the Lord Jesus gave himself on Calvary's cross out of love for you and for me?
And we want to say at the beginning of this meeting, if there's a young person here and you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, oh, the way of blessing is open for you, Come and receive him. He wants to save your soul, wash your sins away, give you a happy, fruitful life here, and take you to that happy home in heaven. And isn't it wonderful to be able to repeat with the apostle Paul, the Son of God who loved me?
And gave himself for me. And he was a young couple, and they had that text hanging in their home, in their living room. And one time a man came in to transact some business with them. And when they were out of the room, he was sitting there just reading that text over and over again to himself, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. And when they came back in the room, he said, no wonder you're happy if you really believe that.
And we really do believe it this afternoon. We know it's true. And if you can appropriate that for yourself, then you have the joy of the Lord. But here we find something a little different. If it's the motive in the third chapter here it's the cause. Why did he have to give himself for us? Well, it was that he might deliver us from this present evil world. And there's a different motive here too. Here it's the will of.
Of God.
Father, because you know his first motive, and it's interesting that this is first in Galatians. First, it's the motive of His doing the Father's will. Second, it's love to you and to me. But God would always guard this in the word very carefully, that there was even a greater motive than his love for His for those that he would delight to call his own. And that was my delight, is to do Thy will.
Oh God, that's what took him to the cross. But there was a great need as well. We needed to be delivered from this present evil world. Because, you know, if we're not saved here this afternoon, we are without hope and without God in the world We belong to this world. The children of Israel, as their history opens in the book of Exodus. They were in ******* in Egypt and under Pharaoh. Egypt's a very graphic picture to us of this world.
Pharaoh is a graphic picture to us in the Old Testament of the enemy Satan. And that's what we are by nature. We're under the ******* of this world and Satan. But you know, if we know the Lord Jesus as our savior here we no longer belong to this world. Because later on we find in the book of Galatians, it tells us that it's really the cross of Christ that separates us from this world. God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
By whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. And the Lord Jesus expressed it in such a precious way in the 17th chapter of John, where he said, they are not of this world, even as I am not of this world. And I want to impress this on our hearts, all our hearts. But again for the young people to realize that if you belong to the Lord Jesus, you've been delivered from this world, and it's coming judgment, and you don't belong to this world.
And we have no business getting involved in the things of this world, things from which we have been delivered from. We're not a moral force to change the world. We're not here for the betterment of this world.
Sometime ago, some weeks ago, I was in the city of Denver visiting my brethren there, and I met a young couple with some young people and children, sweet Christian couple.
But this brother said to me with his young son standing beside him, he said, You know, I have no greater aspiration than my son here. Grow up to be an American senator and be a moral force on Capitol Hill.
We are not of this world. This world is under judgment, It's reserved under fire. And man has built a vast system of things in independence of God. And I would just suggest young people that if we would spend more time.
Propagating the gospel. It would have more effect than trying to plot, card and lobby against all the abuses of humanity and many of the things, many things I don't agree with.
But what man needs is not reformation. He needs a change of heart. And so we've been delivered from this present evil world. But then I read also in the Book of Titus, because here we find something else.
In Titus chapter two, he speaks again of this present world. But here we find the grace of God brought in because you know, if we've been delivered from this present evil world, isn't it simply the grace of God? Why is it this afternoon we can sit here as those who are a heavenly people, those who have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, and those who are on their way to glory.
And those who are joint heirs with Christ and so on. Is it because there's anything special in US? No.
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, and so it's only His grace that we can we can claim.
And here he tells us that grace, because it's grace that's the teacher here.
Grace teaches us to live soberly, righteously, godly, when in this present world.
You know, sometimes I think, especially as young people, we look around and we say, well, you know, it was all right for the older brethren to tell us that we needed to live soberly, righteously, godly, and that we needed to walk in a way that was in keeping with the word of God and obedience to the Lord and so on, But what about now?
This verse tells us that we can live for God's glory and that there can be piety exhibited in our lives when.
In this present world, I want to impress this on our hearts right now. This brings us right down to the end of 2003 because we might say, well, it was all right for Paul to tell Titus that in his day. It was all right for our grandfathers to preach that in their day. But this brings it right down to the time we live in. Because young people, there's never been a time so dark that we can't live for God's glory with the resources that he has given us if the day ever gets so dark.
That we can't live soberly, righteously, godly in this present world. Then the Lord Jesus will take us out. But until then, we have all things that pertain unto life and godliness, and I just want to encourage you to go on for the Lord. We don't have to fall into the moral degradation that we see all around us. We don't have to compromise. We don't even have to become desensitized.
To evil and sin.
That is the tendency of the day, isn't it? We used to hear the illustration of the frog being boiled slowly and how he didn't even realize that he was being boiled. You know, I believe that there is a device in many homes that desensitizes us to evil.
You know what I'm talking about and I remember when that particular commodity, I don't remember, but I remember hearing about.
When that particular commodity was becoming accessible in the homes of people.
It was a salesman.
Came to the home.
Of our brother Albert Hayhoe in the town of Smiths Falls, where I live.
And this salesman was determined to sell Brother Hey Ho, one of these devices.
And finally, in desperation, he said to brother Hey Ho, he said if you buy this item, you can bring the world right into your home, Brother Hale said. That's the very thing I'm trying to keep out.
And I believe that that very thing has been Satan's great tool to desensitize us to sin. Things have been, over the years, introduced so slowly and insidiously that people who sit in front of it every day and watch it don't even realize how bad it is.
That's just a little aside, but it burdens my heart. Young people, keep yourself pure. You know, in Romans it doesn't just talk about those who participate in evil, but those who find pleasure in others that do it. We need to be very, very careful and so we can live soberly, righteously, godly in this present world.
Mr. Darby says this present course of things.
Are you going to go against the course of this world? You know, naturally speaking, we once followed the course of this world, but we don't have to follow the course of this world anymore. I know it's tough, young people. I know you hear and see things every day that defile, that discourage you, that vex your soul. I know it's tough and we can't isolate ourselves in this world.
But we can go against the course of this world. It's often been pointed out that what two of the characteristics of a clean fish under the Levitical order of things was that they had fins and scales.
Scales to protect them from the elements fins so they could go against.
The tide.
God has provided so that you can go against the tide. We have all things that pertain.
Unto life and godliness. But then there's something else he immediately says, and you'll notice it's all part of the same sentence, looking for the blessed hope.
There's nothing will preserve us and keep us pure like having that hope before us, you know, it's our object that forms our character, isn't it?
And what is your object? What is your hope? Now don't misunderstand me. It's good to work hard at school, and we need to have goals as far as school and education, a job, whatever it might be. But what, really is our hope? What is really our focus? Do we get up every morning thinking that this might be the day when the Lord Jesus would come, Will come?
Watching, not just waiting, but watching for His return. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find not just waiting, but watching. We need to be watching.
Some of you have heard me use this illustration, but when I was growing up we lived out on the highway. Just out of Smith's Falls was a busy highway and there was a big plate glass window in my parents home.
And on a day when we were expecting company, particularly if it was company that we as children enjoyed having in the home, you would find particularly my sister, who was next to me and myself every once in a while at that window looking overlooking the highway, and we would be looking down in the direction that we knew that company was going to arrive from. We weren't just waiting for that company to come. We were watching and we would watch a wild count, a few cars, and then pretty soon we'd go back to whatever we were doing. But in a little while you'd find us back and we were looking down the road again.
Are we really looking for the blessed hope in that way? And not only for the blessed hope, but as was mentioned this morning, the glorious appearing to realize that there's a day coming when sin isn't going to be open and rampant the way it is today. Open rebellion, for the most part, is going to be put down because sentence against an evil work is going to be speedily executed at that time. You know it's not speedily executed today.
And Ecclesiastes tells us that's why it's thoroughly set in the heart of man to do evil.
But there's a day coming when it is going to be speedily executed morning by morning, and I don't think it's going to take many mornings for people to fall into line when they see how swift and how severe the judgment is.
And so we need to be looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing. But now I want to go on and speak of something else in connection with the word present.
Before I do that, I do want to mention the verse I read in Second Timothy chapter 4.
Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world or this present age. Now it's interesting here the Demas is a man we're not told a great deal about. We find 3 brief mentions of Demas in the word of God we find in Philemon. He's listed with the fellow laborers of the Apostle Paul we find in Colossians he's mentioned in conjunction.
With Luke, Luke and Dimas sending a greeting. But here we find at the end of Paul's life something very sad.
In connection with demas.
In Colossians, he could link Luke and Demas together.
Here he could say only Luke is with me and he had to say of Demas.
He's forsaken me, having loved this present world, not this present evil world. I don't suppose the Demas parted company as one of the fellow laborers of the Apostle Paul because of any gross sin. I don't suppose he got into any of the degradation that this world gets into today, but something, some spirit of the age. We're not told what it was, but something came in.
To to take the heart of demas away.
To divide his affections, perhaps so that he didn't follow on with the apostle Paul.
Isn't that very sad?
You know, Barnabas went down and exhorted the early believers that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. And what I want to simply point out in reading this is that it's one thing young people to make a good start, It's another thing to continue on. I love a little statement at the end of Daniel, one just slightly out of context, but it says, and Daniel continued, I like that. And you know when you read the life of Daniel, Daniel, he did continue.
You come over to the 6th chapter and beyond, and there he is, no longer a young person, but there he is, an old man, and he's going on with the Lord as a man of prayer and a man of the Word.
But what about you? I realize none of us have finished our course.
And all, I just want to encourage you.
To seek that purpose of heart.
That you might be preserved and that you might go on in the truth. A little time that's left. Young people were almost home.
I dare say many of you may never.
Reach my age.
The Lord Jesus is coming.
All seek grace and strength to go on. That it might not be said of you that you've forsaken and gone your own way, that something came in of the world to take your heart away. Because Satan is vying for your attention. He's vying for your affections, and he's not going to give up.
But I want to speak to something else now in connection with this thought of present.
Let's go over now to the book of Romans, Romans chapter 8 I believe.
Romans chapter 8.
And verse 18.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time.
Are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed. Really ought to read to us. Just hold your finger here. I want to read a verse in Lukes Gospel as well. Luke chapter 18.
Luke, chapter 18 and verse 28.
Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all and followed thee. And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the Kingdom of God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in this present time and in the world to come life everlasting. I would like to read part of the same incident in Mark's Gospel, where you get some added details. Mark chapter 10.
Mark chapter 10 and verse 30. But he shall receive 100 fold. Now in this time houses and Brethren, and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecution, and in the world to come eternal life. Well, we spoke of this present world, but now we have some scriptures that bring before us this present time and again this brings us down right where we are. I think sometimes the tendency of our hearts is to think.
Well, you know, we're the only ones that have ever had to face these kinds of problems. We're the only ones that have had to go through these kinds of circumstances. But, you know, when you trace through the word of God, you find stories of men and women and young people who were faced with all kinds of similar situations to what we passed through. Because, you know, it's never been easy to follow the Lord. It's never been easy to live for God's glory in this world.
It takes exercise. We use that word, exercise, and exercise denotes the thought of energy. We've got to put forth energy, and it takes spiritual energy to live in days like these. But it always did. It's never been easy. Was it easy for those three young men in Daniel? One. No. They were faced with tremendous difficulties and decisions. Was it easy for Caleb in his day? No.
Was it easy for the Apostle Paul in his day and the brethren that were alive then? No. Was it easy for our forefathers to live for God's glory? No. We live in a world where it says our adversary, the devil, is a roaring lion, walked about.
Seeking whom he may devour. You know he'll never take our salvation, but he can discourage us. I suggest in application that's the roaring lion character of Satan. For us today, Satans great desire is to discourage and confuse and weary the people of God. And we find here in Romans chapter 8, we have our present state contrasted with what is going to follow. You know, in Scripture there's contrast.
The Bible is a book of contrast. I just passed that along to those who are younger. It has helped me in my study of the word of God to realize that often the truth is taken up by contrast, and it's good to notice those contrasts as you read through the Word of God. And so we have a contrast here, the present time, our present state of things contrasted with that which is ahead, the coming glory. And so he says, I reckon that the sufferings of this present time.
Now, young people, I don't know anything really about suffering. You know, we sit here this afternoon on very comfortable chairs in a climate controlled building. We enjoy three good meals. We have a comfortable bed waiting for us tonight. We know, I know little about suffering. Not only that, but we're not afraid this afternoon of someone busting down the door and coming in and arresting us or shooting us for having Bible meetings. You know, some of our brethren.
Are passing through circumstances like that. But you know, we are still here in this world. We're with bodies of humiliation. As this chapter goes on to explain. We're here in a groaning creation. In our prayer meetings the previous, the past two mornings, we've had something before us of the suffering of our brethren. Just a few things and a few individuals mentioned for prayer because of the circumstances they're going through.
And I know, have no doubt there are brethren here, there are young people here, even boys and girls.
Who are suffering in one way or another. You're going through some trauma, some real circumstance in your life. And you know, we never want to underestimate those trials and difficulties, nor do we ever want to become callous to them. They're allowed in our lives, and they're allowed for a purpose to teach us in his schooling, sometimes in his chastening and admonishment. And we never want to be indifferent to those things that God allows in our lives and those burdens and those cares. But isn't it wonderful to think of the glory ahead?
There's a time coming when there's going to be no suffering. Suffering is for this life, for this time. But there's a time coming when suffering is going to be done away with. Can you imagine a sphere of things where there's nothing to bother you, either from without or within? You can't imagine it, can you? You know, when we're younger, it's more the cares of life and getting through school, passing those exams later on, trying to provide for our families, making a living.
So our brethren here are a little older and they're finding more. It's more the physical things that are coming in.
Remember visiting with our brother Dawn Rule, one time, older sister in the nursing home. And we were talking about this and how there was a time coming when all these things that we experience now are going to be passed. And she had stood up to say goodbye to us. We were ready to leave. And I said, you know, sister, when the Lord Jesus comes and we leave this world and we leave time behind, you're not even going to need those glasses. She threw them on the bed. She said, I'm ready to go.
I thought that was very nice. You know, we're just going to leave it all behind. But all if we could just have a little vision of what's ahead, a little sense in our souls of the glory that we're going to see there in that coming day, as we finally young people look into his precious face, what's going to captivate us in the Father's house and for eternity?
All when we get one look at his blessed face, I don't believe we're going to take our eyes off him for all eternity. He is going to be the center he is what's going to captivate our hearts and our gaze as our song of praise flows out to him in that day. And it says in Proverbs, where there is no vision, the people perish. Why is it the things of this life?
Become so, I become so attached to Why is it sometimes we get so discouraged as we pass through the trials and circumstances of this life?
Well, I suggest that one reason at least, is because we don't have a sense in our souls of the glory that's going to fall, the glory that's going to be revealed to us.
Where there is no vision, the people perish. And then we read in the book of Luke here this little incident.
When the Lord Jesus was here in the life of Peter and the other disciples.
And Peter says to him, here we've left all and followed thee. Now you might ponder, why did Peter say this? Well.
Perhaps the first thing comes to mind is Peter was always saying things perhaps he should have thought about first. However, I'm glad that Peter said the things he did, because the things that Peter said have cleared up many things for me, and perhaps they have for you too, in regard to the answers that the Lord Jesus so patiently gave Peter.
But I've wondered too, if there isn't another reason why it was Peter that made this statement here. Because you know, Peter, of all the apostles that company with the Lord while he was here on this earth, Peter is the only one that we know of from Scripture that had a family. We know that because there was a time when his mother-in-law lay sick of a fever. And, you know, Peter perhaps looked at the other disciples and said, well, I've left a lot more than the others to follow the Lord.
I'd rather be home with my wife, and I've left the comforts of home and family to follow the Lord. I've really left a lot. What did Peter really leave? Well, he left a boat and a broken neck when the Lord called him. But you know, sometimes things get out of focus and we think those things of life and maybe some little sacrifice that we feel we've made to follow the Lord, those things become greater again.
Because we've lost the perspective. And so the Lord Jesus very patiently answers Peter here to show him, Peter, if you've given up anything, what you've gained is far greater, you know. That's why I read in Mark's Gospel, because the Lord told Peter there, if you've left family, if you've left a wife or children or mother or father, I have another relationship. You're brought into a new relationship.
Mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters in the family of God.
I suppose most in this room I would never know if the Lord hadn't saved me and saved you.
And, you know, there are times when I feel closer to those who are my brothers and sisters in Christ and my mothers and fathers in Christ. And I'm thankful for them, but I feel closer to them than some of my own flesh and blood by natural ties because of that bond that we have in Christ. And so he tells Peter, if you've given up anything to follow me, I'll make it up to you. I'll give you a hundredfold. You know, that's 10,000%. That's a lot, isn't it?
But let's make it very clear.
That he doesn't promise us material prosperity if we're going to follow him. That is not what the Lord was referring to.
I think sometimes there is the thought that if we're faithful and follow the Lord.
He'll prosper us with a nice home and a three car garage, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but that's not what the Lord was telling Peter, he said. You'll have something for now and for eternity that is far greater than anything. You think you've given up to follow me.
John Wesley one time was passing one of the great Manor houses in England.
And he stopped to converse with the gardener who was keeping the grounds. And the gardener took him around and showed him the beautiful grounds and something of that great estate.
And when they were through.
John Wesley said to the gardener.
He said. I too have a liking for these things, but there's another world.
Young people, there's another world. What are you building for? Are you building just for the things of time, the things that are temporal, or are you building for eternity?
I know we've heard the story. We'll repeat it. The story of William Kelly, and I believe it was his nephew who was attending one of the great universities in England. I don't know if it was Cambridge or Oxford, but one of the celebrated universities of the day.
And this young man was studying Greek.
And the professor realized very quickly that this young man was getting some tutoring outside the classroom because of his excelling in the subject. And so he questioned the young man. He said, you're doing so well in Greek, you must be getting some help. And this young man confessed that his uncle, William William Kelly, whose commentaries are right behind you.
He confessed that his uncle William was helping him with his studies. And so the professor, the Dean of the college, made an appointment to interview William Kelly. And he was astounded in the presence of one of the great minds of England that time, William Kelly. And finally he leaned across his desk and he said, Mr. Kelly, you could be a great man in this world.
And Mr. Kelly looked him straight in the eye, and he said, Which world?
Which world are we simply building for time, or are we building for eternity? All the Lord Jesus is interested in us, right where we are now, and he'll provide for us. But it's interesting too in Mark's gospel that he adds the little expression with persecution, again, showing that he doesn't promise that everything is going to be smooth sailing and sunshine and roses. And you know, there are many of our brethren in this world tonight, today, this afternoon.
Who are suffering real physical persecution and martyrdom because of their testimony for Christ? Are they any less faithful? No, no.
All they that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Let's go to Second Peter.
Two Peter chapter one.
Two Peter, chapter one and verse 12.
Wherefore, I will not be negligent, to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.
Well, here we have the expression, the present truth. You know, young people, this book we hold in our hands this afternoon, the truth of God. It is the present truth. It is relevant for the day in which we live. This book does not change because again, I think sometimes the tendency of our heart is to say when the truth is ministered, well, that was all right for a day. Days gone by, that was fine in the horse and buggy days, that was fine back then.
But the truth of God stands for all time, and it is a red light.
It is a warning if someone comes along and tells you there's fresh truth just at the end of the dispensation of the grace of God.
You know, it's never a principle with God to give fresh light at the end of a dispensation. He always gives it at the beginning of a dispensation, and at the end, when there's failure, he brings in judgment because of it.
If someone comes along and tells you they've got fresh light, fresh revelation and I have heard people say that.
It's a warning to you. Peter here says I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, the truth of God. Now, it's interesting that this is not said in the first epistle, but the second epistle, because second epistles always denote failure and ruin. They're always days of weakness. And what is it that's going to be? What is it that's going to preserve us in days when the truth is being undermined?
When there is a great attempt by the enemy to subvert our souls and turn us from the precious truth of God, what is it that's going to preserve us? It is to be well rooted and grounded in the fundamental principles of the Word of God.
Are you reading the word of God?
Are you letting it form your thoughts?
Not looking for something new, but the present truth and as our brother Chuck and others have reminded us several times in these meetings, to go back.
To that those books in the back there, and to go back to that which God caused men to write.
That exalts Christ and brings out the truth for us.
I never knew Brother Chapter Brown, but I heard a quote from him.
He said he had an exercise to pass on the truth of God.
With the same purity in which he had received it himself.
I thought that was very good not to try to give some different slant to things, not to try to bring out something different or even in a different way. And I'm not saying that we need to, don't need to be exercised as to presentation and presenting the truth in a way that's relevant to the day in which we live. But the point I want to make young people is that this book does not change. And when Jude wrote of appalling days of apostasy and giving up of the truth.
Days, as we had this morning, that are very parallel to the days in which we live.
He began his exhortation by saying this, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation.
It was needful for me that I write unto you, and exhort you that she earnestly contend for the faith.
Once delivered to the Saints that which was set forth at the beginning, the Apostle Paul said to the Philippians, To write the same things to you, to me is not grievous, and for you it is safe.
I've had the privilege of sitting in conferences most of my life.
I have no doubt. I've heard Hebrews one and two expounded many times and you have no doubt too. And other portions and things that we bring out that we've heard again and again and again. Do we make apologies for that? No. Peter said I'm going to remind you of it. And he said to the Saints, even though you're established in it and going on in it, I'm going to tell you again, we need it again and again and again. We need to be reminded of these things.
But before we pass on, I just want to say again, and I cannot stress this too much, it is the present truth.
It does not change with time or because of culture. God has given it to us, and truth is truth.
Let's go to Psalm 46.
Psalm 46 and verse one.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present health in trouble.
Well, here we have a present health.
I've enjoyed this portion many times in the circumstances of life because isn't it wonderful young people?
To have someone who is always available, You know, we have a God, we have a savior who's always available. There's nothing, I suppose, more frustrating than calling up the doctor or the lawyer or whoever it might be and not getting them in, you say. I know they could be a help to me, but they're not available, I might tell you. Well, you know, if you're ever in such and such a problem, just give me a call and I'll come and help you. And then the problem arises and you call me.
And you get my answering machine that says I'm out of town for the weekend. I'm not available. You see, I know he could help me, but he wasn't a present help. And young people, I know you're going through some struggles. I know there are some of you right on the verge of decisions that are going to have an impact and affect you for the rest of your life. But I want to encourage you as to the truth of this verse, that there's one who's there that's always ready to help when Peter was sinking on the water.
All he did was cry out. Lord, save me. Isn't it beautiful what it says? And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand. He was right there. He was a present Help. That's really the thrust of the verse in Philippians that says the Lord is at hand. He's right there, the psalmist said, Thou hast hold of me by my right hand that will guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me the glory Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
And I want to encourage you to walk every day in the conscious sense.
Of the Lord's presence with you. You know we don't have to pray and ask the Lord to be with us. He's promised to never leave us nor forsake us. But what we do need to pray every morning is that we would walk in the conscious sense of the Lord's presence with us so that we can talk to him, commune with him, feel his hand in your hand.
That we can turn to him in any problem, in any difficulty. And not only is he available as a present help, but he's always able. You might call me and I might be home and I listen to your problem and I say I'm sorry I can't help you on this one. But there's no problem. There's no trouble that you can bring to the Lord that he isn't able for he's able for any situation. You ever go to the doctor and he reviews your case. Maybe he's always helped you in the past.
But he says this one's too much for me. Oh, there's one who's of present help. He gives power to the faith and to those that have no might. He increases strength. You ever feel like you just had no might? He increases strength. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as Eagles. That is the eagle. If there's a problem, why, it just rises up and he soars above it. The Lord can help us to do that, you say? No, I can't seem to get above the problem.
They shall run and not be weary, you know you can't get above it. But the running person? He's running and he's finding daily strength, you say? No, I'm not even running. Well, they shall walk and not faint. Even if we're just down to walking, the Lord is sufficient. He's a present help in time of trouble. There's lots of troubles. We're not home yet. It's not all smooth sailing, but we have one who's a present health. One last portion in the book of the acts.
Acts, Chapter 28.
Acts, chapter 28 and verse one. And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita, and the barbarian people showed us no little kindness, where they kindled a fire and received us everyone because of the present rain and because of the cold. And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, there came a Viper out of the heat and fastened on his hand.
Now, brethren and young people, in reading this portion, I just want to make a little application and I don't want to go too far with applications and illustrations.
But I pondered this little scene, and you can picture it. Here were those Paul and those who were with him washed up on this island. They'd had a very rough voyage. They'd just come through the sea. Now they're washed up on the shore. And there were those. God made sure there were those to take them in and take care of them. And we find that they kindle a fire because of the present rain and because of the cold. Now again, what I'm going to say is simply an application.
But I thought of the present rain and the cold in a spiritual sense. Don't we feel it sometimes? You say there's a lot of coldness, there's a lot of indifference to the truth. But what do we find here with the apostle Paul? You know, the apostle Paul might have sat back at this point and said, well, I've been through a lot and I've just had the trauma of being cast into the sea, and I'm cold and wet and tired and hungry. I'm just going to sit back now.
And let somebody else take care of things. Is that what Paul did? No, indeed.
Paul rises and he goes out, and he gathers a little bundle of sticks.
And he takes those sticks and he puts it on the fire for the warmth of those that were with him, he said. There's a lot of coldness in the little assembly I come from. There's a lot of weakness. There's a lot of indifference.
Young person, what are you doing about it? Are you just going to sit back and say, well, they need to show me a little more love and a little more care in the assembly?
That's not what Paul did. Paul got up and he gathered some sticks. It took effort, it took energy. But he gathered some sticks and he put them on the fire for the heat and warmth of others. You know, young people, you can do that in the little assembly you're going back to if the Lord leaves us here.
Do you realize?
That it doesn't take much sometimes to be a help in the assembly.
I'm talking to brothers and sisters alike. Do you know how much your brethren would value if, instead of after tea meeting, you went outside for a walk? You stayed behind and gathered up the silverware or wiped the tables? You know how much that would mean to your brethren?
You know how much it would mean.
If you went over to the meeting room some afternoon and.
Vacuum the carpet. Made sure the chairs were straightened.
That's putting a little stick on the fire. And you know, as Paul put this bundle of sticks on the fire, not only did those who were with him.
Receive warmth and encouragement. But Paul was able to sit down with them and feel the warmth of this fire as well. You want to be encouraged in your soul. Be a hell. Gather a few sticks. Maybe there is coldness. Maybe it is the present rain.
But gather a few sticks.
You'll find that not only will it be a great encouragement and help to your brethren.
But you will be encouraged, and you will be refreshed in your own soul.
As you show that care, that practical love that is so very, very necessary for the ongoing function of the assembly that you come from.
We've looked at these verses very quickly this afternoon, young people.
We've just scratched out a few things from the word of God. Go back over them.
Be exercised to go on for the Lord's glory right now, right here where we are. We're living in wonderful days, days right at the end when the Lord Jesus is going to come. They're difficult days, but let's seek to go on in this present world for His glory, knowing that He has given us the present truth, that He's a present hell, that we have resources in himself.
That we can live soberly, righteously, godly in this present age until he comes. Let's pray our God and Father.