This World Is a Wilderness Wide

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
I know many of my readers, though young in years, have found out that, indeed, “This world is a wilderness wide.” You know, in measure, I trust, the truth of that beautiful verse,
“‘Tis the treasure I have found in His love,
Has made me a pilgrim below.”
And as a pilgrim, you have to travel a pathless desert, a scene like a vast snow-covered common with not a foot print which the eye can see. You have a home, a bright happy home, at the end of your journey. You often sing,
“Lord, I can see, by faith in Thee,
A prospect bright unfailing,
Where God shall shine in light divine,
In glory never fading.
A home above of peace and love,
Close to Thy holy Person,
Thy saints shall there see glory fair,
And shine as Thy reflection.”
But you are not there yet. You have trials, sorrows, temptations and failures, experiences, which are earthly not heavenly; and the more you know what it is to be in heaven in Christ, even now the more you will realize you are still in the wilderness. Have you found out that the world is a wilderness without a path? Have you discovered that all your wisdom, all your intelligence, even all your care can not find a single mark that will direct you towards heaven? As a believer in Christ, have you ever found yourself lost in a pathless desert? If not, you have never yet learned that simple, but wonderful word, “We walk by faith, not by sight.” One has traveled this desert before you, and left His footprints from one end to the other. You know well who that One was. He loves you, He died for you. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us;” and the world was, indeed, a wilderness to Him. To the lowly Jesus there was not a guidepost, not a landmark, not a footprint from the cradle to the grave. How did that blessed One find His way through this desert? “I have set Jehovah always before Me.” “Thou wilt show Me the path of life.” The Lord trod an untrodden path, and that path He learned from the Father. “Thou wilt show Me the path of life.” He spoke not a word, did not an action, took not a single step, but as directed by the Father. But in walking that path, He has left a clear distinct footprint, which is to be your guide to the end of the journey.
“The path of life” to Him lay through the grave, but He did not fear it, for He could say, “Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell (hades); neither wilt Thou suffer Thine holy One to see corruption.... In Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” And just as the blessed Lord kept His eye on Jehovah, was guided by His counsels, and afterward received into glory, so must you, dear young child of God, keep your eye on Jesus, find out His footprints, and steadily, faithfully walk in them. “Looking unto Jesus, the author and completer of faith.” He began, continued, and finished His wondrous journey through this wilderness world by faith, and “we walk by faith, not by sight.”
How shall you find out those footprints? Here comes in the value of the Word of God. “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” It is full of Christ; every verse is, as it were, one of His divine footprints. Give yourself, then, to the Word and to prayer, keep your eye on Him, and faith will surely discern those steps, which will lead you safe to the joy that is set before you.