Peace with God we have as the first notable result of justification. Our previous state was enmity and war with God. But now that He has justified us by faith of Christ, we can look back at all the past, so humiliating to our souls, and yet we have peace with God.
The next effect is that through our Lord Jesus Christ we have also, as a permanent blessing given already to us, the title of access into this favor wherein we stand. Blessed be God! It is grace that reigns there. Not a breath is there, save of favor toward us who deserved, alas! to be cast out and contemned for our unworthy ways, even since we have been brought to God.
But there is a third result: We "boast in hope of the glory of God." He will have us to be with and as Christ in His own glory. With us who believe He deals as to past, present and future, according to what our Lord Jesus deserves and His eternal redemption. If the righteousness be God's righteousness, not man's, if divine righteousness be the starting point, no wonder that the grace of God is the ground in which we stand, and that the glory of God is the sole adequate hope, whether we consider the Person or the work of the Savior. May we boast of it and Him! [8]