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Three Daily Things
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Christian Treasury: Volume 7
• 5 min. read • grade level: 7
B. Anstey
The way to live a happy, fruitful Christian life lies in three daily things. All Christians will have a happy ending, but not all Christians have a happy life. The main cause for missing the joy and fruitfulness that God intends for our lives as Christians can be traced to the neglect of these three daily things. The Christian must learn the importance of having an established daily routine of reading the Scriptures, praying, and following the Lord in obedience.
Daily Searching the Scriptures
Daily "searching the Scriptures" (
Acts 17:11, 12
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Therefore many of them believed; also of honorable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few. (Acts 17:11‑12)
) implies more than just reading the Bible. It is a diligent, organized study. The Lord Jesus Himself is always our example. "Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself."
Luke 24:27
And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. (Luke 24:27)
. This shows that He took up the Scriptures in an orderly way. Sometimes we have a habit of reading only our favorite portions, but the Lord read all of the Scriptures. It is all for our learning (
Rom. 15:4
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. (Romans 15:4)
). "Receiving" the words of Scripture (
Prov. 2:1
My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; (Proverbs 2:1)
) also implies more than just reading them. It suggests taking them in and personally applying them to yourself in a practical way.
Reasons Why a Christian Reads the Scriptures
a. To learn more about Christ (
John 5:39
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39)
Luke 24:44, 25-27
And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. (Luke 24:44)
Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:
Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?
And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. (Luke 24:25‑27)
Acts 17:2, 3, 11, 12
And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures,
Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ. (Acts 17:2‑3)
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Therefore many of them believed; also of honorable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few. (Acts 17:11‑12)
b. To learn the extent of the blessings that are his through the finished work of Christ, by which he is also built up and established in the most holy faith (
Acts 20:32
And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. (Acts 20:32)
Jude 20
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, (Jude 20)
Rom. 16:25, 26
Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: (Romans 16:25‑26)
2 Tim. 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16)
John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
c. They fill his heart with praise and thanksgiving (
Psa. 119:171
My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes. (Psalm 119:171)
d. To learn practical principles for living, whereby he can be guided, directed, and kept in the path of following Christ (
Psa. 119:105
NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Psa. 17:4;19:7
Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. (Psalm 17:4)
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. (Psalm 19:7)
e. To cleanse his soul from defilement. Passing through the world, the Christian picks up defilement, but the Scriptures have a washing and cleansing effect on him. If he is going in the path of sin, the Scriptures reveal his bad state of soul, and work on his conscience to produce repentance and confession that leads to restoration (
Psa. 119:9
BETH. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. (Psalm 119:9)
Eph. 5:26
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, (Ephesians 5:26)
Psa. 19:7
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. (Psalm 19:7)
f. To receive comfort when passing through trial or sorrow (
Psa. 119:49, 50, 76
ZAIN. Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.
This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me. (Psalm 119:49‑50)
Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant. (Psalm 119:76)
g. To grow spiritually grow in grace, whereby he becomes more like Christ (
1 Peter 2:2
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: (1 Peter 2:2)
2 Peter 3:18
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)
h. To rejoice his heart. They make him happy and encouraged (
Gen. 15:16
But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. (Genesis 15:16)
Psa. 19:7
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. (Psalm 19:7)
2 Chron. 31:4
Moreover he commanded the people that dwelt in Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests and the Levites, that they might be encouraged in the law of the Lord. (2 Chronicles 31:4)
i. To learn of future events (prophecy). God's purpose is to glorify Himself in His Son in two spheres—heaven and earth. Prophecy shows how He will bring this to pass (
2 Peter 1:19, 21
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: (2 Peter 1:19)
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:21)
Rev. 1:1, 3
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: (Revelation 1:1)
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. (Revelation 1:3)
). The Christian is consequently given an intelligent outlook on the world.
j. To be stirred up to live for Christ, to confess Christ, and to serve Christ (
2 Peter 3:1, 2
This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: (2 Peter 3:1‑2)
Daily Crying Out to the Lord in Prayer
Daily crying out to the Lord in prayer is another important thing in the Christian's life (
Psa. 86:1, 3
<<A Prayer of David.>> Bow down thine ear, O Lord, hear me: for I am poor and needy. (Psalm 86:1)
Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily. (Psalm 86:3)
). Prayer is simply speaking to God. It can be either audible or silent. "I cry unto Thee daily" shows we should be earnest and real when we pray. "Everything by prayer" (
Phil. 4:6
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)
) shows we also need to be specific in prayer. Nothing is too small or too big to bring to Him. Our prayers should also be in His name (
John 16:23, 24
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. (John 16:23‑24)
Eph. 5:20
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; (Ephesians 5:20)
Reasons Why a Christian Should Pray
a. To have communion with the Father and the Son (
1 John 1:3
That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:3)
). Praying is really talking reverently
to the Lord. We need to confide in the Lord as we would in our nearest friend. He wants us to pour out our hearts before Him (
Psa. 62:8
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah. (Psalm 62:8)
Sol. 2:14
O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. (Song of Solomon 2:14)
b. To express dependence on the Lord in matters of guidance and direction in our lives (
Psa. 16:1
<<Michtam of David.>> Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust. (Psalm 16:1)
Prov. 3:5, 6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5‑6)
c. To ask God for things we need in our lives (
John 14:13, 14; 16:23, 24
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. (John 14:13‑14)
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. (John 16:23‑24)
d. To intercede for others, whether they are fellow Christians or lost persons (
1 Tim. 2:1, 2
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (1 Timothy 2:1‑2)
Eph. 6:18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:18)
Heb. 13:3, 18, 19
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. (Hebrews 13:3)
Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.
But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner. (Hebrews 13:18‑19)
Taking up the Cross Daily and Following Christ
Taking up the cross and following Christ "daily" is the third essential thing in the Christian's life (
Luke 9:23-26
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?
For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels. (Luke 9:23‑26)
). Christianity is not a popular thing. Taking up the cross is a figurative expression. It implies accepting the rejection that comes from being identified with the rejected Christ. It is not enough for us to read the Scriptures and pray, we must walk in the things we have learned and enjoyed. Following Christ implies obedience in the pathway of faith.
Reasons Why a Christian Follows Christ
a. He knows that if he lives his life for self he is going to lose it in the end, because only what is done for Christ will be rewarded (
Luke 9:24
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. (Luke 9:24)
). Jim Elliot, who was martyred in Ecuador in 1956, wrote, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
b. He knows that even if he did live for this life only and amassed to himself its wealth and honors, he could not take it with him when he leaves this world anyway (
Luke 9:25
For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? (Luke 9:25)
1 Tim. 6:7
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (1 Timothy 6:7)
c. He knows that he will lose the enjoyment of communion with the Lord if he chooses not to follow Him in the path of faith (
Psa. 66:18
If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: (Psalm 66:18)
). There is a joy in following Christ in the path of faith that is known only to those who walk in it (
John 14:23
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (John 14:23)
). He concludes that it is not worth it to go his own way through life. The conscious sense of the Lord's approval and the enjoyment of communion with Him means more to him than the applause of this world (
Heb. 11:24-27
By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;
Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.
By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. (Hebrews 11:24‑27)
What is a man profited,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?
Or what shall a man give in
exchange for his soul?
Matt. 16:26
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
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