Three Days

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Address—Bob Thonney
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The night is far spent and the day is at hand. No sign to be looked for The stars in the sky.
Rejoice then, ye Saints, tis your Lord's own command. Rejoice, for the coming of Jesus draws nigh.
The night is far spent.
What's in the world?
Want to start by reading one verse in first Peter?
Chapter 4.
Verse 7.
But the end of all things.
Is at hand.
Be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
I find it fascinating, the subject of time and eternity. And of course, when we talk about the end, we're talking about time.
Time has an end, yes, when heaven and earth pass away, that's the way time is measured. The earth gives 1 rotation on its axis, that's one day, goes around the sun one once, that's one year. So when heaven and earth pass away, there will be.
No more time and I find that.
Something that just kind of blows my mind.
Because then we are dealing with eternity.
And I must say I've struggled with explaining eternity. People say what's eternity? And they say, well, it's.
Goes on and on and on and on for billions and millions of years and.
That's really not the case.
Eternity is just one day.
It's called the day of God.
But it's a day that never ends.
And so it blows my mind. The best definition of eternity I've found is in Isaiah 5715 where it says thus if the high and lofty 1.
Who inhabits eternity?
Eternity is the habitation of God because God is eternal. But try to imagine in your mind.
A Dean that never had a beginning. That's just beyond my capacity. I'm sorry, this head just doesn't fit there. We accept it because God shows that clearly in his word. He's eternal. Never had a beginning. The Lord Jesus was the eternal.
Son of God, Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
So I'd like to speak this afternoon on three days in Scripture. Let's go to the first one in First Corinthians chapter 4.
And verse.
The Corinthians were judging the apostle Paul and.
Here's what he says.
But with me, it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you.
Or of man's judgment. My Bible, there's a margin and it has a reference there. It's day instead of judgment.
We are living today in man's day. Man is the center of his world.
And so the reference for it is what we want. We have a democracy. You need to respect me. I have my rights, and I'm going to go to law if it's necessary to have my rights.
It's man's day today.
The next one is actually. The next two are in Second Peter chapter 3.
Two Peter chapter 3 and verse 10.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
There's the day of the Lord.
That same chapter.
Verse 12. Looking for and hastening.
The coming of the day of God.
We're in the heavens. Being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless, we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.
So there's the three days, the day of man where we are living right now, the day of the Lord.
A day that is coming fast, dear brethren.
And then at the end of the day of the Lord, the day of God, eternity.
Tremendously interesting to me to see in the world that we live in, and I desire to give you young people some exhortations about understanding the prophetic picture we have in Scripture. There's so much information out there on the Internet.
And so much that is confusing and people don't know what to believe. If you do not have a basis in the Word of God that lives and abides forever, that never changes. Let me tell you, you're going to get shaken. There's no question about it. My desire is that you would have that basis in the Word of God so that you would not get shaken.
When things start to happen.
Then when I look at this world today, and I don't know, some of you have probably seen on the news what's going on these last two or three days in France.
Total havoc the police can't hold. They can't contain it. They have to withdraw and let the terrorists burn buildings and loot stores. And I don't know where it's going to end.
Well, things are showing where they end. When man has his way, his day, it's pretty scary. But before we go into these three days too much more, I want to.
Step back.
And think about the Lord Jesus.
Our glorious Savior, the one we remembered in the breaking of bread meeting this morning.
Oh, brethren, we don't grasp properly the glory of His person.
And the sufficiency of his work.
So I'd like to first of all go to the only book in the Bible.
That starts with the word God, the first word of the book. I'm sure many of you know what book I'm talking about.
Book of Hebrews.
Interesting. We believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the book.
There is no conclusive evidence, but he does not mention his name once in this book.
Because his purpose is to occupy them with the person of the Lord Jesus.
And he realized that they had such a problem with his person.
Being a Jewish zealot that he was and then converting to the.
Missionary to take the gospel to the Gentiles. They had problems with the Apostle Paul and so I think that's probably why he doesn't mention his name.
Most of the other pistols he begins with Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, sometimes a servant of Jesus Christ.
But hear no mention there is an apostle mentioned in chapter 3 verse one.
But it's not him, it's the Lord. Jesus is the apostle.
And I think this is so incredibly wonderful, brethren, that we, in our breaking of bread meetings, keep our focus. Right, you young people.
Get your focus on him, get your focus off of yourselves. That is the problem with our American culture. It is self absorbation. We want to do what we like, what we enjoy.
That is not living in Christianity.
It's not living and I want to challenge you if you have that idea.
To give that up and to focus on this person that is focused in on the 1St 3 verses of this chapter, let's just read them God.
Who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time passed into the Fathers by the Prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the world's, Who being the brightness of His glory.
And the expressed image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power.
When he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
There's seven.
Phrases that we want to focus on about the person of the Lord Jesus to in verse two and five in verse three, the first one is.
He's appointed heir of all things. You know, I find it strange. Why would he start before there's even creation mentioned talking about the error of all things.
It was because in those eternal purposes, God in those eternal councils.
In thinking about a creation and thinking about putting human beings into this creation.
There was already one who was going to occupy the place of error of all things.
And so in the second phrase it says by whom also He made the world. So there we have the creation. There's three portions of the New Testament that speak of the glories of the person of the Lord Jesus.
John 1. Hebrews 1. Colossians one. I find it so tremendously thrilling to focus on this glorious person.
Oh brethren, how little we grasp of His glory.
Here it says.
He made the worlds.
He made the cosmos. He made the universe.
You have any idea of the grandeur of the universe?
I must say I we live for 16 years almost in Bolivia and I love to go to the High Plains, the Alta Plano, you know, in in the West Coast of South America. You come down to the southern part of Peru and the Andes range splits into two ranges.
What they call the inner and the outer ring Andes. And so as you come into Bolivia, there's those two ranges and in between those two ranges.
You have what is called the Altiplano. The altiplano is 12,000 feet altitude.
One time we were coming across the.
Inner Andes from Potocy over to Uyuni, which is situated on the Alta Plano, and we came to the place where the road drops down from. I don't know if it's 15,000 feet, sometimes I get up to 16,000 feet down to the 12,000 feet level.
And we decided to just stop there and watch a little bit.
To look at the scene, I must say the grandeur of it all out way to the distance in the West, I can see the outer Andes, those majestic mountains, and I just felt how insignificant of a little blip I was in connection with it all. And yet.
We're not talking about anything beyond planet Earth. Planet Earth is small in connection with the sun.
1,300,000 Earths could fit into the sun, and the sun is not one of the larger stars.
You know, I was stuck in some time ago to group of young people after the singing Los Angeles and I mentioned how in our Galaxy there is approximately 100 billion stars. After the singer, a young brother came up to me and says you know what brother, it's closer to 200 billion.
Thank you. That's great.
Thank you. But a few years ago, I was out in California and my brother let me see a video from some astronomers, and they say it's closer to 300 billion stars. The numbers just keep going up and up. And how did they ever get to be there?
There's only 8 billion people on this Earth, and in the Galaxy we're located in this 300 billion.
I have a book at home because my kids know that I love to study the stars and in the book it says.
They're approximately 250 billion more galaxies like our own.
Well, that number has been revised quite a bit as well.
The other day I.
Saw a talk online of some Christian astronomers and they said the number of the galaxies now they calculate to be.
Between 3:00 and 4:00, trillion galaxies. I mean, it's going to keep going up like that. I don't know.
But the person we're talking about here in this verse? The Lord Jesus Christ.
Is the one who spoke it all into existence by the word of His power. He spoke and it was done. He commanded, and it stood fast.
I don't know if you get the feeling, folks.
I'm just so insignificant. What is my nothing important. Here's the important one. And yet we're in a world that tries to focus in on ourselves and make ourselves the center of our world. That's what man's world is.
Get out of there, my dear young people.
Change your focus. It's not about you. It's not about me either. It's about this person, the one who made the world's by the power of his own word.
Verse three who being the brightness of his glory, the full out shining of the glory of God, how can we ever.
Understand such a thing as in that person, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the express image.
His person.
Images visible representation of what is invisible. God is invisible.
There's no way we can comprehend him. How can we know God then?
Well, the Lord Jesus is the image of the invisible God. In other words, you want to know God.
Get to know Jesus. He is the image of the invisible God. Oh wonderful, how incredible to think of him.
And then it says.
And upholding all things by the word of his power. And not only did he create it, he upholds it by the word of His power.
What tremendous power.
I've often used the illustration of my watch. I get these watches down in Bolivia because they got calculator on them and I like to have that when I go to different countries to calculate the money. But.
It says on here it has a 10 year battery.
Great problem is that after about four or five years it runs out.
Tell me, how often has God had to recharge the batteries of the universe?
Thousands, maybe millions of years and they run clock like.
This is the power. Not only has he created, he maintains it, and I find that so incredibly wonderful. We don't have to be worried about.
This world coming to an end until he brings it to an end.
But then the next phrase. Notice when he had by himself purged our sins. Here's a part of the the phrase that talks about his work of redemption.
By himself, He purged our sins. Don't tell me that the same God that created the whole thing is the one who came here to purge my sins is guilty Sinner that stands here. How can that ever be?
Can you see the young people that my heart is captured by this person? It's not about me anymore, it's about him. The Lord help us not to be deceived by man's day.
I have to say as I travel throughout Latin America.
That I say the number one reason for the decline of the Christian testimony in the United States and the reason why there's been such a tremendous working of the Lord by His Spirit in Latin America.
Is because we are self-centered, self pleasing, but you know this person we're talking about, it says in the book of Romans even Christ pleased not himself.
Just think of it. The Lord Jesus Christ when he was here, the glorious, eternal Son of God, the one who spoke the universe into existence.
Is the one.
That they took.
And the chief priests came up to him and spit square in his face.
Have anybody ever spit in your face?
I've never had that happen to me.
I've had people spit at me but not spit in my face and they spit in the face of the glorious Son of God. They crowned him with thorns, they beat him, they scourged him even when Pilate three times. We read it this morning in what was read and they're breaking their bread said I find no fault in this man.
Even then.
They condemned him to the most awful death possible, the death of crucifixion.
Did he resist?
No, he told Pilate. He says you could have no power against me at all, except if we're giving you from above. And so they let Jesus out.
Side of the city of Jerusalem to Golgotha's Hill, and there they nailed him to the cross. There he hung for six hours in life. First three hours the people were passing in front of him, mocking him, cheering him.
They said he said he was the Son of God. If he's if God is his father, let him come and deliver him.
Did God come to deliver him? No. Why not? Didn't God love his son? Yes, he did.
But there was number other way that you and I could be saved, but that the Lord Jesus died on that cross. And so when it comes to 12 noon.
Everything gets dark. The Lord Jesus is still hanging there.
And then those three hours of darkness, God lies on him. The iniquity of us all in God's holy character that had to be vindicated so that we can be saved, was vindicated fully.
And the sufferings of the Lord Jesus on that cross for sin.
Oh, I stand there and I marvel. I can't grasp the full impact of it all. I don't think we ever will. But again, I say it to you young people and older ones too. What happened there captures my heart. It's no matter no longer about me. It's about him.
So when we talk about man's day and you find the question addressed through the epistles.
That we need to be delivered from the idea that we can do our own thing, have our own way. If you do that, you're going to lose out.
Lord Jesus said a number of times in the gospel, he that loveth his life shall lose it.
He that hateth his life in this world shall keep it until life eternal.
Are you losing your life because you're just doing the things you like?
I can't think of a more disastrous thing. Don't be deceived.
By the philosophy of man's day.
But I want to go on now to.
The day of the Lord.
Because the day of the Lord.
Is a day that begins at the end of the Great Tribulation period, when the Lord Jesus comes out of heaven.
In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. And when he comes, it says in Second Thessalonians chapter one, he's going to be accompanied by his mighty angels. How many angels are there?
I don't know.
I suppose there are billions, just like there are billions of people.
But I say those angelic hosts, that you can accompany him when he comes out of heaven.
Are extremely powerful, much more powerful than any humankind.
We know, too, that when he comes out of heaven, he's going to be accompanied by his Saints.
It's going to be 1 tremendous invasion from outer space.
I really believe, brethren, it's going to be the most glorious event ever in human history.
The day of the Lord.
And there is so much that could be said by it. I'd like to go over to 1St Thessalonians chapter 5 because it speaks of it there. The end of chapter 4 it gives us the details of the rapture.
Something that we believe will happen before.
The Great Tribulation and as I said, we believe that the day of the Lord begins at the end of the Great Tribulation, when the Lord Jesus comes to exercise his authority and take back the reins of government in this world.
Tremendous to think about.
You know.
God gave to David and to his descendants authority to reign.
But David's descendants were not faithful, so they lost that. And with the introduction of Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel chapter one, when he comes to conquer Jerusalem, destroys the temple, and takes the children of Israel away captive to Babylon, is the beginning of a period that's called the times of the Gentiles.
It's the time of Gentile dominion, and that's the time we live in.
Remember, dear brother, Clint Buchanan used to say you could put over the book of Daniel.
The subtitle The Times of the Gentiles, and that's very helpful to remember because the Talians of the Gentiles began when God took away from Israel.
The authority to govern and gave it to a Gentile king.
And the 10 times of the Gentiles will end when the Lord Jesus comes back to take the reins of government away from the Gentiles and He will establish His Kingdom, a Kingdom that will last for the whole millennial day.
Wonderful to think about it again, I say. I do believe, brother, that is going to be the most glorious event ever.
In human history.
You remember there was somebody before the flood.
That learned about this day.
It was Enoch.
Enoch walked with God, but he didn't have any Bible.
Where did he learn about this day?
I can't say conclusively, but he knew about it because in the book of Jude we have the.
Prophecy that Enoch gave Behold, the Lord cometh with 10 thousands of his Saints to execute judgment, and so on.
Where'd he learn that? I really believe it was when he was walking.
With God.
God probably says that, Enoch, I want to tell you about an event in the future that's going to be extremely glorious. And so he told them about something that hasn't even happened yet. We're waiting for that day too, when the Lord Jesus is going to come back, the man that hung dead in that battered body on that cross.
That day.
That was the last time this world saw him. The next time they see him, the heavens are going to rip open and the Lord Jesus is going to come out on a White Horse.
To reign.
With his Saints, he's going to be a company.
You know, people ask me if I've ever been to the Holy Land. I said I'd sure like to go, but I've got plans, definite plans to go.
And I think you know what I mean.
I'm gonna go, I'm gonna get a view from the Mount of Olives with the Lord Jesus. It's gonna be.
So extremely.
Glorious that I'm really not interested in having very much down here. I'm waiting for that day, the day of the Lord.
Wonderful day it's going to be. And you know, when we go to the book of Isaiah, it speaks a lot about the day of the Lord. I just like to point out a few things to me that are extremely interesting about that day.
Isaiah chapter 2, please.
Verse 2 will come, shall come to pass.
In the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow into it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord.
From Jerusalem.
He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people.
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their Spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up and sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. How different than the world we live in today.
I understand.
I've seen these figures some time ago. Maybe they should be revised, But I understand that if you take after the United States, the budget that is allotted for defense, if you take the next 10 nations.
That expend a lot on defense.
US spends more than the next 10 nations.
On defence.
Well, you understand why when you see what's going on in our world.
But isn't this going to be wonderful?
Nations shall not learn war against nation, neither shall they. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. Oh House of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.
Verse 10.
Enter into the rock, hide thee in the dust for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His Majesty. The lofty looks of men shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down.
And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day, for the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon everyone that is proud and lofty.
They found everyone that is lifted up and he shall be brought low.
So there's the day of the Lord. The Lord Jesus only is going to be exalted in that day.
Dear young people, we need to live for that day, not anything down here. It's just too puny. Whatever riches you might go for possessions, it's not worth thinking about. Yes, we have to provide for our families, That's a given. Scripture is clear about that. But beyond that, dear young people, let's keep our focus.
On that day, the day of the Lord.
Chapter 11, There's a lot that could be referred to, but I just want to show you some of the differences there's going to be. It'll be a different world that will exist in that millennial day.
Verse one.
Isaiah 11 One there shall come forth out of the rod, out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots, in the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.
The spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord, shall make him a quick understanding in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.
But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reigns. The wolf also shall dwell with the land.
And the leopard shall lie down with the kitten.
And the calf and the young lion and the fat lane together, and a little child shall eat him. Completely different world than what we live in today. The violence that there is even in nature, one animal eating another. That is the way it has been for a long time. It's going to be changed because the Lord Jesus is going to free this creation from the.
Of corruption and be brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Oh, what a wonderful day it'll be.
There's so much that we could talk about, about the day of the Lord.
I I'm sorry, I took you over to 1St Thessalonians chapter 5 and then we didn't even read it. I'm sorry, forgive me.
And let's go back there again.
First Thessalonians, chapter 5.
I mentioned how that the rapture is mentioned at the end of chapter 4 from verse 15 to verse 18. Now let's read the first verses of chapter five of the Times and the Seasons. Brethren, you have no need. I write unto you. There is time mentioned again. I find that fascinating time.
A sequence of events.
That we measure time.
When you talk about the Rapture, there is no time, no event in human history that signals when it will be.
We do believe that it will be before.
The 70th week of Daniels, 70 weeks.
Will take place, will start.
But it is not signaled by any earthly event that could take place at any moment. Are you ready? You got something pending in your life?
Your young people live for the Lord. Whatever the place is that the Lord has put, you, live for him.
It's so worthwhile. I see people who live for themselves and you know they're empty. Unhappy people don't go there.
Live for him.
Times and seasons are connected with what we have in verse two. Yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord.
So cometh as a thief in the night.
Would you like a thief to come to your house, David?
Are you waiting for one to come?
No. Do you wait for the Lord?
So he's not coming for you as a thief?
Is for the people that don't want him to come and don't wait for him to come that he will come as a thief. There's the thief has gotten come into the house and that's the way he's coming for this world at a moment least expected in his coming to reign supreme to establish his Kingdom. The day of the Lord is connected with many signs and wonders.
I suggest.
One of the signs that is most notable that has already happened.
Was the establishment of the nation of Israel. You know, this year they celebrated their 75th birthday.
Of the establishment after close to 2000 years of not existing as a nation.
On again there is the nation of Israel. The Lord Jesus said when you see the fig tree and all the trees budding, know that the summer is nigh. Victory in the Old Testament is a figure of the nation of Israel. The fig tree is butted.
Not a sign of the rapture, but it's a sign of the Kingdom, the coming Kingdom. It has to exist, and it does exist now. Tremendous to think about.
So the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travel upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should take over, take you as a thief. It's pretty clear.
We're not in darkness about this.
No, we have been given the light of scripture to know when that day will take place.
You're all the children of light and the children of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.
Therefore, let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch.
And be sober, for they that sleep, sleep in the night, and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
What is sleep?
Sleep simply means you're not alert.
Person sleeping on the floor here. I can tell he's just sleeping because I can see him breathing.
Hey, you, does he listen to me? No. Why not? He's asleep. And sometimes we're asleep. Brethren, the Lord speaks to us. The way this country is going, I do believe that God means us to feel.
The degeneration of the moral structure of this country. Not that we can do anything about it, because the Lord is going to take care of it as it's come at it's coming, but I think we need to heal it and confess it. We don't. Maybe we're asleep.
But there's another thing. Drunkenness. What's that? Under the influence? Not only under the influence of alcohol, under the influence business, under the influence of pleasure.
Sometimes I go along and stopped at a stop sign and I hear that it's thumping in another car there. Now here I see a guy moving himself along. He's under the influence.
Dear young people.
Be careful not to get under the influence of present things.
Lord help us to be alert.
Watching not asleep, sober, not under the influence.
And then I just want to point out verse.
Nine, because it's one of the verses that is very clear about.
We not going through the Great Tribulation, for God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Great Tribulation period is a period of wrath.
He's not appointed us to that. He's going to take us out before that day comes.
Wonderful, wonderful day.
Lord help us brethren to be watching and sober.
Your life habits.
Don't let the Internet dominate your world. Yeah, I use the Internet too. We get on meetings with our brethren in South America with the Internet. I'm thankful for it. But you got to watch continually. You got to watch to be exercised, not to get under the influence of those present things.
Well, I'd like to.
Go back to first Peter chapter or Second Peter chapter 3 to talk the remainder of our time about the day of God.
Let me say this, young people, I found it very helpful in Speaking of these three days, the day of man, the day of the Lord, and the day of God.
Man's day today.
Reigns through righteousness.
The day of the Lord, righteousness reigns. It will not be a day of grace. Anybody who sins in the millennial day, the next morning he's gone. He's taken out.
Righteousness reigns. You'll find it in the book of Isaiah.
A king shall reign in righteousness, and Princess decree justice.
But in the in the eternal day, there's a difference. And if we have it in verse 13.
Nevertheless, we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Again, Let me put it this Give it to you again. Man's day is a time when grace reigns through righteousness because of the work of the Lord Jesus. God is showing grace.
To this world, he's waiting for men to come to repentance.
But in the Millennium, righteousness reigns, and the eternal day righteousness dwells.
Because in the eternal day there will be no sin left at all. There's no need of raining. Righteousness dwells. And I'd like to go briefly to the first verses of Revelation chapter 21, where we have.
The Day of God. We have it mentioned in a few places in Scripture, but let's just read a few of these verses.
In the end of chapter 20, we have the heaven and the earth.
Passing away before the face of him that sat on the great white throne. And then it says in verse one of chapter 21. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the 1St heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he.
Will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. There shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.
He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.
And he said unto me, Write, for these words are true and faithful.
And he said unto me, It is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his gods, and he shall be my son. Verse 8 talks about the.
Eternal state of the loss.
I just want to make a comment or two. This is eternity.
They're still the heavenly. And there's the earthly. Remember the promise made to Abraham in the book of Genesis?
God promised Abraham as the stars of heaven, as the sand by the seashore. There's always 2 spheres and their purposes and counsels of God, a blessing, the heavenly and the earthly. And here they are together, a new heaven and a new earth, and the holy city coming down out of heaven from God.
Doesn't say it arrives, but I think it just simply means that there's communication between the heavenly and the earthling.
How many of you ever had a visit from an Angel?
Brother Bobby Woods, have you ever had a visit from an Angel?
Not sure I have to say the same thing because sometimes there are situations that take place that make you think it might have been.
But it's not an open thing. But in the Millennium, in that eternal day, there will be free interchange between the heavenly and the earthly. Oh wonderful. God is a God that enjoys fellowship, and he wants us to have fellowship too. Wonderful to think about One other thought before I close, brother. It's in verse.
And he says, I will give unto him, That is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. You know what?
I read that at first and I could not grasp why does he talk about thirst in the eternal day? What does that mean? We're going to be thirsty there?
But I enjoyed this thought, brethren, and I share it with you, that even in that eternal day we will not be sufficient in ourselves. We will need God to satisfy belongings of our soul, and He will be there to satisfy us for all eternity. I will give.
Him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely God is the fountain.
And He's there to fill, to satisfy us forever. So there's a brief repass of man's day, the day of the Lord, the day of God. Young people, older ones too. We are waiting for glorious things. Don't get distracted by this present world.
Lord help us.
To live for that coming day of glory.