Three Gardens

Duration: 1hr 1min
Gospel—Francois Leger
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We would like to welcome everyone tonight at the Gospel meeting.
And tonight, we have a good news to share with you.
But just before we start, we could uh, say #26 there is life and a look at the crucified one. Could someone please raise a tune?
We don't want to get out together unless you're doing anything.
And everything's fine. And I want a task that's brilliant for a little bit too many times one, there may be five quarters of the beginning.
When did I hear the last night here? And I'd bring her everything. I don't cry blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
In the Taiwan, they replied from the moment for the meeting.
Had a nice day in your daughter and chocolate.
Long time no one had any better sleep for my heart so God will be standing around. Brilliant.
85135 BlackBerry bloom went forward and dreams.
What grade Granny spring the Lord thin crimes change in his heart.
Sinking together.
Uh, I mean also very much so I'm going to cross you guys. I remember it's kind of grand Chip on the Ralph Lauren interrupts whenever.
Replied Lambda one. I had much permissible to get all that one today and 35194 and give me anything.
What an object we have before us, the Lord Jesus.
You know, I was asked to take the gospel.
You know, Paul says. It seems like you do the work of an evangelist.
And the work of the evangelist is to present the person and the work of the Lord Jesus.
And also to bring the center into the presence of the Lord Jesus also tonight. That's what we want to do. But we understand that we cannot do that in Orange Trend. So we'll pray together. Father, we come before you now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we pray that as we open your precious word.
That by the power of your spirit you will bring conviction.
We pray, Father, that the heart and the conscience may be reached tonight.
Or we pray they may be joy in heaven for one soul that repent. Oh Father, we ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Tonight I would like to turn to the scriptures and look at the three gardens.
The first one will be the Garden of Eden.
The second one will be the Garden of Gethsemane.
And the last one will be the Garden of Resurrection.
So let's start with, uh, the first one.
In the beginning of the Bible.
The Book of Genesis, chapter 2.
In chapter one we have the account of a creation.
And then in chapter 2.
We read that how God planted a garden for man. We read that in verse eight. That's in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 8.
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed.
And out of the ground.
May the Lord God to grow every tree that was, that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food. The tree of life also, in the midst of the garden, in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, in the river went, went out of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted and became in four heads.
Let's continue in verse 15. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.
And the Lord commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden dummies.
Freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it, For in the day that thou shalt eateth thereof, thou shalt surely die.
And the Lord God said it is not good for man to be alone.
I will make him and help meet for him.
So we continue in verse 23 after the Lord form heaved.
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bone, the flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leadeth father and mother, and shall cleave unto his life, and there shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and the wife, and they were not ashamed.
It is beautiful to notice that how God.
Wanted man to be happy. He wanted the bath for him. He wanted his blessing. He prepared a beautiful garden for him.
And the man was Lord of the creation.
And then gar that garden.
God allowed Adam to name all the different living beings in the earth by the name that he wanted to name them.
So Mann was there in a perfect environment.
He was there with a very blessed occupation to take care of the garden and being Lord over it.
God discerned that man was not good for man to be alone.
Any form of companion for it?
Solomon was, uh, in a very blessed position there.
You know God is.
Got desired the best for Haddam.
And the same thing for you tonight, my friend.
God is love. God wants the best for you where you are today. Or we are in different circumstances and we will see to it in chapter 3. But it is good for us to realize that and to understand and to be clear about the fact that God stopped for you.
Is that he wants the best for you.
God wants to bless you.
Now we read in chapter 3 that, uh.
Something very tragic happened.
And, uh, we will find Adam.
In that garden.
And we will see the result.
The crop.
Of disobedience.
We read in verse one and chapter 3 that now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord had made.
And he said unto the woman, Yeah. And God said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the tree, of the fruit of the trees, of the garden, of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden. God has said, You shall not eat it, neither shall you touch it, lest he die.
We'll just stop there for a minute.
The enemy came in, wanted to spoil.
The blessed thing that man was enjoying with his wife there in the garden.
In the start, as it was satisfactory to put doubt in the heart of heath there about God's love.
But you know, you ask us a question and she answered us to the fact that yes, God said we shall not eat it, neither touch it. God never sadly shall not touch it, She added to the word of God.
You know, and Adam was not there at the time.
The Word of God was not dwelling in the heart of heath.
Because she had it toward the World Cup.
She was not familiar with the communications of God.
So the enemy at an advantage there to come in.
She wants to use.
And the the enemy came in, in verse four. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die.
He is a father of lie here.
Verse 5. For God not know that in the day he thereof, then your eyes shall be open, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eye, and the tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof.
And did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her. And it did it. And the eyes of them both were open.
And they knew that they were naked, and they sued fig leaves together and made themselves apron.
And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves.
From the presence of the Lord God, the Lord God among the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.
You know the scripture speaks about the fact that there is.
Pleasure for a season instead.
But the scripture shows us that there is much regret.
Grave consequences.
So here we see disobedience.
And Satan or the serpent here brought before the woman, that it would be an advantage to disobey God.
It was a lie.
We are still reaping today the consequence of that.
You know, as soon as the disobeyed the Lord.
It has said their highs were open and they realized that they were naked.
And they tried to cover the nakedness there with fig leaves.
But before God.
They were always naked.
You know, could it be that you realize tonight that you are a center and you try to do things?
You try to do things in order to make yourself acceptable before God.
And work.
Someone has counted about 10,000 religion in the world. 10,000 religions.
Where people are trying to sell fig leaves in order to hide their nakedness before God.
You know, it's like a religion is like.
Trying to climb a ladder to go to God. There's no way we can do it.
But Christianity is God coming down the ladder to us and the person of the Lord's disgust.
So they heard the voice of the Lord, and it brought fear to them.
Do you have fear in your heart tonight?
If you were to.
To meet God tonight.
Are you ready for that?
I'd like to tell you a little story that happened.
About, uh, probably 35 years ago.
Recently my son attend called me one evening. He said that I meant I met the guy that you know his name is Francois Allah.
Oh yes, I remember Francois.
And uh, this man was a, a friend of my brother and umm, I would go visit my brother once in a while to share the gospel with him and he would be with him. He was about probably 17 years old at the time. And uh, I would give him a track and at some point he said come to see me at my place. So he lived share an apartment with his sister while he was studying in Montreal. So I would go and visit him and he was sitting in photography in those days, he had those black room to make pictures.
This kind of thing. So I took a big bit of interest in him and he would show me this kind of things and we would do sports together and, and when I would go see him on cherry track, track with him, the gospel track.
And let this continue for a couple of years and then?
One evening you called me, says hey, I'd like to go visit you tonight.
I said come so that that day I was not married and I shared an apartment with a brother. This is Sima.
So we came to our place and, uh, sat down at the table. We had a coffee or a cappuccino and we started to talk and he started to bomb bombard me with questions about the Bible.
He says what about Adam and Eve? And he had a series of questions.
What about Noah? And again, seriously? And he was, he had quite a few arguments to try to let me know that what I was saying was not right.
I was a young believer at the time. I, I tried it back, you know, to, to explain, you know, give an explanation to his question.
And you continue on with Noah, and then with Moses, and continue on.
And it's lasted a couple of hours.
At the end of the talk we said.
How do we? How do what do we do to accept Christ?
Fletch, my head and my friend Joseph. What's going on here?
For two hours he argued with us and now he wants to accept right?
He says, you know, I did not sleep for two nights.
I'm very anxious. I have great fear. I'm not ready to meet God. I must settle this question.
He had read a few tracks before, so you know he he knew a bit about the gospel.
But this man was led to the Lord because of fear.
It was explained to me all that as it was trying to sleep at night, it could feel the power of darkness.
You could feel that he was not ready to meet the Lord.
So, my friend, tonight, do you have peace with God? It may very well be that you heard the gospel many times.
But is it something that you possess?
Or if Christianity is something that you profess only.
You're, you know, Adam and Eve, they, they have covered their nakedness.
But in reality, before God, they said that they were naked.
It may it may appear to us that you're a believer.
But we're down in your heart. You know where you heart before God tonight.
There is a light, the light of the Lord wants to reveal where you are tonight, but is love wants to take care of the question of sin that brings fear into your heart.
That's why the largest strike came down here, that's why he shed his blood that you can be forgiven.
So we see here in the Garden of Eden result of disobedience.
But we see other things there also. We see that.
Adam and Eve, they tried to hide themselves.
Are you trying to hide yourself tonight in that crowd?
Could it be that you're in a family where many believers or maybe and you appear to be one, are you hiding behind the people? Where are you hiding?
We cannot hide before God.
He knows where we are exactly tonight.
And you want to bless you. You want the best of you.
In order for you to get the best, the question of sin has to be taken care of.
So we find here that I got a, a conversation with, uh, with the man and the woman.
And uh.
We read in verse 12 and the man said.
When God asked him the question if he had eaten up the fruit, he said the man said, verse 12, The woman whom thou give this to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did it.
So, you know, instead of saying, well, I, yes, I I did take it.
Is talking about the walnut. Is trying to. It's called blame shifting.
And the woman again, when she's asked a question in verse 13, and the Lord God said unto the woman.
What is this about? And the woman said the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
You know, it's easy to, uh.
To put default on others.
And not be real before God.
You know, there was a day when people who had the habit of drinking, they were called drunkard today.
It is said that they are afflicted with a disease called optometrist.
And we can apply this thing to to many many.
Many sense today people are trying to.
Take away the responsibility that we have before God.
With a doctor at Montreal that, uh, killed his two children a couple of years ago.
Uh, Bryant, man.
Cardiologist and his wife too was a doctor and they then became so jealous at some point that he.
Killer Kitchen with a great violin and there was a trial and it was the no way the way the results were the was that he was acquitted because he said he was he was not himself at the time.
And there was a big protest in the society there in Quebec, and there was another trial and it was found guilty.
You know, we may find excuse for our sins, but before God it doesn't work.
Much better to say, as David said in Psalm 51, we'll just turn to it. Psalm 51, verse 4.
David said against D the only of Isin, and done this evil and thy sight.
It is before God that we send when we send. Yes, we may hurt others, it is true.
But we need to deal with them.
So here we find that the serpent also the Lord will speak to the serpent in verse 14. And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field. Upon the upon by Billy shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman.
And between thy seed and her seed.
It shall bruise thy end, and thou shall bruise a seal. It's beautiful that right after that sin came into the world.
God would bring the good news here about the fact that there would be one day when you see that the woman would bruise the head of the enemy, and this is what happened at the cross.
But it must be sad.
That the serpent with bruise is heel talking about the sufferings of Christ. That he wouldn't you?
You know there are consequences to uh, diso disobedience.
And we have seen the fear. They have tried to hide themselves.
But we will find that.
From the children also, they will be consequences, the first murder that happened on planet Earth.
Happened, you know, between the two first men that were born from Adam and Eve.
Very tragic. What a sorrow it must have been for Heath, for Adam also.
You know among the consequences that at the same that was disobedient, that brought in garden, Goddess said to to Eve that she would bear children with sorrow, and that man also.
With the till, the ground, with with sorrow also. And thorns would come out of the ground, and it would be difficult, and they would be swept on his brow.
So these are some of the consequences.
Of that disobedience.
But we find in verse 21 of chapter 3 that the Lord in His mercy provided garments for them. He said unto Adam also, and his wife did. The Lord God made coats of skin and gloated them.
It got upset that the day that they would eat, they would die.
And here they are, animals that that were killed in order to provide them some some garments appropriate before God.
And we find also on verse 24 that man was driven out of the garden there.
Could not stay there.
Chapter 4. As I said earlier, the first murder.
In chapter five, it was said in the middle of chapter four, we see the beginning of civilization.
When we have, uh, some verse, uh, nineteen, we have Lamac there we got two wives. Again, not going according to God's order.
Then we have in verse 20.
We have the beginning of the commerce.
And verse 21 we have the word, the world of entertainment.
And uh, the verse of 20, the verse 22, we have the word of industry now. That's the world in which we live now where God is excluded and men are trying to live a life.
By their own strength, by their own ideas. This is a consequence of the disobedience of the Garden of Eden.
And you know, we read Chapter 5 about the generation of SAP. And what we read about this generation is it would live so many years, it would die. They would die, they would die.
This is the.
Salary of sin, you know. What's that?
Even today there's so much sorrow, so much sorrow in this world because of that disobedience in the garden.
Recently I was doing, uh, last week, actually I think it was on Tuesday, I was doing work somewhere helping someone to move.
And, umm, as I was, uh, helping the young man there, a young man of 19 years old.
He told me about sorrows in his life.
He told me that how that his father had tried to kill his mother.
He threw him through her mother to a third story.
And his father is in jail for seven years. He told me how how that his father's visit him when he was young and.
Poor young man.
Suffered so much, he told me that two years ago.
It was, uh.
He was arrested by a gang there in Montreal and they wanted to steal his personal belongings and he refused. He resisted and he was beaten.
And he was beaten with sticks and his skull was open and so many bruises and poor young man. This is the world in which we Live Today.
You know, in chapter 6 of Genesis, as a consequence of sin, it is said that the earth was filled with corruption and violence.
You know, the picture that I'm drawing right now is a reality to the world affiliate. You know, a couple of years ago, I, I went on the net and then I, I looked for statistics about crime in the USA.
And I was so struck about the number of crimes that are committed and the amount of money that is being spent at.
The government.
By society in order to.
Bring all these people to court and also try to eradicate them and.
And the price that is paid to keep people in jail is incredible and very often crimes are repeated by the same person.
So my friend, there is a.
There are great consequences of that sin that happened in the Garden of Eden.
But the good news is that.
God has provided for a way for us.
To be safe from that crooked and perverse generation.
To belong to another Kingdom.
Where life rings.
You know, we, we look at this garden and we see my it was so promising in the beginning. It looks so beautiful, perfect.
But soon came in.
The woman that was seduced and man followed.
Well, my friend.
Satan is at work in order to seduce you also.
To make you think that after all, if you would just listen to a suggestion, you may be happy without God.
You may be happy for a short season.
But there is much to consider about the judgment of God that will come one day.
I'd like to turn to a verse in Acts chapter 17.
In connection with the judgment of God.
And it is very important to be clear about that.
Verse 30. Act 17. Verse 30.
And the time of this ignorance God winter, but now commanded that all men everywhere to repent, because he had appointed a day into which He will judge the world and righteousness by that man whom he had ordained, whereof he had given assurance unto all men.
And that he had raised him from the dead.
God is commanding oh man to repent.
You know, for some years I was working under the authority of some superior and sometimes I was commanded to do things and I just had to do that. Other times I had people under my authority and when I would command them to do things, I knew that they could do it. I would not ask them things that they could not do.
So God is commanding you, you know.
Addressing your responsibility where you are tonight.
To repair because one day.
They will be a judgment.
The Lord Jesus will be there as a judge today is presented before you as a Savior.
But the day is coming where you would be a child.
And you will have nowhere to go. You'll have to face them.
The Lord Jesus is risen. He wants to bring blessing to you.
You know, we saw the first garden, the Garden of Eden.
Good beginning.
But sadly, disobedience came in and the consequence. But now we'd like to talk about the Lord Jesus when he came into this world.
You know the Lord Jesus with the Father, we read.
And proverbs chapter 8 that he was always enjoyed before him.
I think his delight in the Son of Man.
And we read also on the Old Testament, at some point the question was raised, who will go for us?
Lorzus Aramycin.
Through the Lord, Jesus came down here to fulfill the will of the Father.
Born of a virgin.
That holy thing there, the Lord Jesus lived among here, the among us being without sin. Perfect man.
And if we turn to Matthew chapter four, we will see the beginning of his ministry.
And is the beginning of this ministry starts in a desert and the wilderness?
And there it will be tempted by.
By the demo.
We saw that how Adam and Eve have failed when they were tempted, but here the Lord Jesus.
We read in verse one.
Then was Jesus LED up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, he was afterward and hunger. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, commanded these stones be made bread. And he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone.
But by every word that proceed out and out of God.
You know, in the Old Testament.
Seth and Saad Eve did God really say you want to put doubt about the word of God, but here you know me wants to put doubt as to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ because it would say verse 6 thou be the son of God.
Cast thyself down, for it is written, It shall give his angels charge concerning the and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time now dash thy foot against his tongue. Jesus answered unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Beautiful to see the obedience of the Lord Jesus.
As a man, as a perfect man there.
You would not reason with the devil there, but you would refer to the word of God, the obedient 1.
And then we read in verse eight again, The devil, take him into an exceeding eye mountain, and show them all the Kingdom of the world, and the glory of them, and said unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said unto him, Get thee hand Satan. For it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only.
Shall thou serve? Then we read. Then the devil liveth him, and behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
You know the Lord Jesus will receive when they are the Kingdom of the world.
But he did not want to receive it from the hand of faith, and it will receive them from from the Father.
So what a contrast here that we have demand and the garden, the 1St man in the garden, and then we see here that men from heaven and the desert being tempted and manifesting that full dependence upon the Father.
What is beautiful? Beautiful scene here?
You know, we continue and.
We'll just turn to another garden now, as as I said in the Garden of Gethsemane, let's turn to, uh, Matthew Chapter 26.
And verse 36.
The Lord Jesus accomplished his ministry for about 3 years and uh, He manifested the heart of His Father as He as He was here among us.
Did so many miracles that are, you know, in the gospels.
His main reason?
Was to accomplish the will of his father.
Was to as we read in the Mark 10:4545For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45) For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as advanced and for many.
It came to accomplish there the will of His Father, to be that sacrifice that would fully glorify Him and bring blessing for humanity for those who would trust in Him. So we read there in the chapter 26 of Matthew, we find the Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Let's read in verse 36. Then cometh Jesus.
With them unto a place called Gethsemane. And said unto the disciples, Sit ye here while I go.
And pray under. And it took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then sent E unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death. Tyree ye here, and watch with me.
Then we read in verse 42.
And it went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, Oh father, Oh my father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be thy.
We see the Lord Jesus here in prayer.
And experiencing.
Great challenge there.
As he was anticipating going to the cross.
It is said here that we had this, uh, great sorrow and it was very heavy.
And you know it was.
He took with Tim, Peter and the two sons of Zebedee to be with him.
Hoping that it would be his companion there.
The same thing that the Lord said in the Garden of Eden, that it was not good for men to be alone. But here the Lord was left alone. He could not tarry with him one hour.
They could not enter into what it was going through.
What was before him was a cup that he could not participate.
Because the Lord Jesus was going to accomplish or work on the cross.
That could not be understand.
You know, David said in Psalm 37, I am old, I was young, and I'm at whole now, and I have never seen the righteous abandoned or forsaken.
But on the cross, the Lord Jesus.
The righteous one, the one who knew no sin.
Was forsaken. He was made soon for us, something that was never seen before.
The two manufacturers that were beside the Lord Jesus, they deserve the judgment that they received.
But for the Lord Jesus, he did nothing wrong.
It was there.
To take your place and my place. Or the apostle Paul could say the Son of God will love me and gave himself for me. Or could you say that tonight? Oh, I can say it for myself. The Son of God loved me and he gave himself for me.
What a blessed Savior.
We see the Lord here in sorrow, great sorrow.
You know the consequence of disobedience for Adam and Eve was that they would be sorrow in their life.
But for the Lord Jesus, here you are sowing the seed here in sorrow.
If we turn to Psalm 126, I believe, yeah, Psalm 126.
Verse 6.
He that goeth forth and weepeth bringeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Believe we have a picture of the Lord Jesus there as He was weeping, bearing that precious seed.
As the Lord Jesus was going to the cross there as He was anticipating, that time, it was before him.
It was going to much thorough.
Let's turn to, uh, Luke chapter 22. The same same place, the same garden, Garden of Gethsemane and verse 41.
That's Luke 22 and verse 41.
And it was withdrawn from them about a stone cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, saying, Father, if thou would be willing remove this cup from me, nevertheless not my will but dying be done. And there appear an Angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in agony, he prayed more earnestly.
And his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
And when he rose up from prayer and was come to a disciple, he found them sleeping for sorrow.
To the first man it was said that the consequence of sand would be that it would win it bread with sorrow with sorrow and sweat also. But here the Lord Jesus.
Is sweating drops of blood falling to the ground from his brow there?
Oh, that cup was before him.
In his holy soul, the Lord Jesus was contemplating what was coming before him. It was.
So heavy for him.
He was doing it especially for you, my friend.
As someone said that it is not the nail that retained the Lord Jesus on the cross.
But it is his love you for me.
Let's turn to John, chapter 18.
Again, the Lord is in the garden.
The same garden.
And verse 4 Jesus, therefore, knowing all things that should come unto him, upon him went forth and said unto them, whom Sikhi.
Let's go to the to the soldiers who came to arrested him, they answered him, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus said unto them, I have he and Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.
Assume then, as he had said unto them, I am he. They went backward and fell to the ground.
Then ask, ask you then again om CE and they said Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he. If therefore you seek me, let this go their way.
At the same might be fulfilled which you speak of them which thou gave me, I lost God.
Interesting here that they come to arrest him. They have their stick and everything and.
When the Lord said I am he, they all found out, all the soldiers.
You know the Lord Jesus was a willing victim. He went there willingly. It was led by obedience to his Father and by his great love for you and him. It is said that the religious world they they bowed his hands, they bowed his hands and they took him in front of the sign render to be judged by their religious leaders. The rule in the crucified his hands.
My friend.
It is beautiful to know that.
The Lord Jesus could have called his Father, and he would have.
Come to him 12 legions of angels to defend him.
But no the Lord Jesus.
Went hauled away.
Let's read a verse in Philippians chapter 2.
To see the beauty of the character of the Lord Jesus and His obedience.
Philippians, Chapter 2.
And verse five, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man. And being formed, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death.
Of the cross.
We'll just stop there for a minute, you know? It said that the Lord became obedient.
Unto that even the depth of the cross.
Now we read in Hebrew that the Lord learned obedience to the thing that He suffered.
The Lord Jesus, when he was with the Father, one with him, we read that He was created everything. Everything was created by Him. Everything is sustained by Him.
He was commanding that, but as a man here.
He humbled himself and he became obedient unto that, even the death of the cross, or he went solo. You went solo.
What a savior.
We read the first time, Wherefore God also at highly exalted him, and give him a name which is above every name, that is the name of Jesus. Every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Oh my friend, did you bow the knee before the Lord Jesus?
Or one day, every new bow before him.
Today is the occasion to do for you to do it in appreciation for what he did on the cross.
But one day.
Every creature will Bowden you before him. You have no choice. No choice.
Better do it now.
As a safe person and to do it as a condemned person.
Our time is almost gone, but let's turn now to, uh, another scripture in Matthew chapter 27.
Matthew 27 and verse 29.
The soldiers that they did to the Lord, and when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head in a Reed in his right hand, and they bowed a knee before him and mocked him, saying, Hail King of the truth.
You know we read in Genesis chapter 3 that consequence of sin of Adam and Eve.
Horns would grow from the ground.
The ground would be cursed.
In here, in mockery, we put a crown of thorns.
On the head of the Lord Jesus.
I'd like to turn to verse and 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21.
The thorn would speak to us occurs.
2nd Corinthians, chapter 5.
For he made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
We read in verse 45 of the same chapter.
In March 227, now from the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land until the 9th hour. In about the 9th hour, Jesus Christ with a loud voice saying Eli, Eli Lamasabakti. That is to say, My God, my God, why as thou forsaken me?
The Lord is on the cross there.
And there was darkness there.
There was something that was happening between.
God, the holy God and the Lord Jesus there.
When he became Sam for us, he became that perfect sacrifice there.
When you receive wave after wave, all God's judgment upon Him, when you bore our sins there, and his body.
What a blessed Savior.
Is it your savior tonight?
Let's turn through the lost garden now.
Chapter 19 of John.
And verse 41.
Now in the place where he was crucified, there was a garden.
And in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid.
There they laid Jesus. Therefore, because of the Jews, preparation day for the superior was nigh at hand.
Let's continue in Chapter 20.
The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark unto the sepulchre.
And see the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Then she run it, and committed to Simon Peter and to the other disciple of Jesus love, and said unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the Cypriot.
And we know not where they have laid him. Peter therefore went forth and that other disciple, and came to the city. So they run both together. And your disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the syphilis. And he stood down and looked at him, and saw the linen floated lying, yet went in that hand. Then coming summoned Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre. And.
Linen clothesline in the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.
Then went and also the other disciple, which came first, the sepulchre, and he saw and belief.
The Lord Jesus is risen.
God has been fully satisfied with the work that He has accomplished on the cross.
The glory of the Father has raised them.
We read in Romans chapter 4 that the Lord Jesus was delivered for our offense but risen for our justification.
So the fact that the logistics has risen is a proof that God has been fully satisfied with the work of the Lord Jesus.
The payment has been paid in full, the Lord Jesus said it is finished.
Well, my friend, tonight God offers you this salvation, free salvation.
You know, we we signed there is life in the look at the Crucified 1.
Or tonight we have a look at those three gardens. We have a look at the Garden of Eden. We have seen the consequences of of disobedience upon Adam and Eve and then the generation and after today.
We have look at the Lord Jesus and the consequence of His obedience. However, He went to the cross in order to accomplish the work of redemption.
Although they fully glorified as God and Father and accomplish that work now by which we can be safe if you would just trust Him.
It's very simple tonight. Only one look, one look at the cruiser carpet.
You know, in that garden there was one more thing that I would like to say before we close.
There is a man there that that we see. His name is Judas.
Judas is a man who was with the Lord for three years. He had the responsibilities, you know, among the disciples, and he appeared to be a real, a real disciple.
It is striking that demand.
Was not real in his heart.
And when it came to deliver the Lord to the Jews, the Lord would say, Friend, is it with a kiss that you delivered the Son of Man? The Lord tried to reach him, try to gain him to the end.
Is there someone here maybe who appears to be a believer?
You know, Judah, we're taking care of the money, and he loved money. He was stealing from the back. Nobody knew.
You know the Lord sees everything He sees in your heart, and one day all the secrets of man we've read in Romans will be judged by the Lord Jesus.
You know, there are many secrets of my life that I'm not very proud of, but they have been cleansed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. What about you, my friend?
Can you look up at a clear conscience before God?
So we saw in that garden that there was a there was a tomb there, and that tomb is empty now. Today the Lord Jesus is risen and he is coming soon.
He may be coming. Maybe he's coming tonight. We don't know. But for those who have rejected the message of the gospel we read in Second Thessalonians.
That there will not be a second chance.
How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It is very solemn, my friend. Tonight I plead with you. I plead with you.
If you have fear in your heart and when you think about meeting God, if you're trying to hide yourself somewhere.
You can stop that game.
You can come to the Lord tonight, look to Him. Just to look at the crucified one is enough tonight to be safe and say Lord.
I've I've tried to hide myself but it's finished now tonight.
I want to be real before you.
And the Lord said to the one that come that would come unto him, he wouldn't know why he's casting out.
Let's pray.