Three Groups of Three

Duration: 42min
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Address—Stan Jacobson
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Eating this afternoon with #18 in the appendix. I'll read it to get some of us seated. And we're gonna sing the 1St 2 verses of #18 and hopefully we'll have time afterwards to sing the last two verses. And is it so I shall be like thy son? Is this the grace which he for me is 1 Father of glory, thought beyond all thought in glory to his own blessed likeness brought.
Oh Jesus Lord, who loved me like to thee.
Fruit of thy work with thee, 2 There to see thy glory Lord, while endless ages roll myself the prize and travail.
Of thy soul.
18 in the appendix, the 1St 2 verses only.
31St to the 12Th chapter of Genesis.
And I have on my heart three separate groups of three that are mentioned. One will take from the old Test, from the New Testament and the others from the old in connection with association, attachment and fidelity. And we're first going to take up the story of Lot.
And let me tell you what you already know, that there was no attachment.
Between Lot and Abraham. Because there is never a word recorded that Lot said to Abram. Abraham and you you don't. You're not attached to someone that you don't talk to. And so let's read from the 12Th chapter of Genesis. Now the Lord has said unto Abram, get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from my father's house, unto a land that I will show thee. I believe that the key, as it were, to the state of soul that we find Lot in.
Is that it doesn't say that God told him to leave, but he did. He left with his uncle Abraham Abraham, and he went with him to err from, err, the counties up to Heron and down through Damascus and down into what became the promised land. But we never find a word that Lot said to Abraham. He was associated with Abraham, but he was never attached.
And we're going to trace.
Two more. One that was us attached to David, but he was never associated with him. And then we're going to turn to the New Testament to find the story of Timothy, and he was both. So I give that as an outline of the first set of three, because I want it from my heart and for yours to not only be associated at the Lord's table and be at the Lord's table and associated with the Lord's people.
And association.
But there needs to be attachment, attachment.
And I I wondered sometimes what's going to keep me and going to keep you in a position of association if there isn't attachment to the person of the Lord Jesus. I'm not gathered to brother X or Y or Z, though some of us remember those of of 30405060 years ago, however valuable they were and however valuable brothers are today.
You and I are not gathered because of them, and if we are, we're going to be very disappointed and be tested now.
Let's turn in the story.
And let's find the first words that we find.
In the 19th chapter of Genesis, we find the first words that lot that's recorded in scripture.
19th chapter, first verse. And there came two angels to Sodom and Eve. And Lot sat in the gate of Sodom, and Lot, seeing them, rose up to meet them. And he bowed down himself with his face toward the ground. And he said, behold, Now my Lords, turn in, I pray you into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early and go on your ways. And they said, Nay, but we will abide in the street all night. And he pressed upon them. Now notice the end of the third verse. And he made them a feast, and did bake.
Unleavened bread.
And they did it. You have to forgive me for this comment I want to make about that. There is religious pretension, Religious pretension. Because if I hadn't been for what dear Peter tells us by inspiration in the book of Peter, we'd never know from the account in the Old Testament that he was a believer to think of it. And I hope by the grace of God that regardless of this meeting, which I suppose use.
Figure that he must be a Christian to speak as he does, but for each one of us to not be assumed that we're believers, but that there will be a witness that not only association, but attachment How important that is. Now let's go on to First Samuel.
And there is a story which is really enough to make you cry, because David did.
In the first Samuel.
UH First Samuel 20.
Now in the case of Jonathan, he's very definitely attached to David and this verse vividly shows it. Uh, first Samuel 20 and verse 41.
I'll have You'll have to forgive me. I've marked on my watch places where I have to go on to my next subject to ever get through in time.
First Samuel 20 and verse 41. And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place towards the South and fell on his face to the ground and bowed himself three times. And they kissed one another and wept one with another until David exceeded and Jonathan said to the lad.
Go and pee, said to David. Go in peace, for as much as we have sworn both of us, in the name of the Lord, saying, The Lord be between me and thee, and between my seed and my seed forever.
And he arose.
And departed.
And Jonathan went.
Into the city. Now I could make a comment about Jonathan and I would want you to correct me.
He wouldn't say with David, that is judging A motive that he wouldn't. And if I, if you say to me, well, you wouldn't do that, well, then you what you're saying is that you understand my motive better than maybe I do myself. But we can say he didn't stay with David. Not that he wouldn't. That's motive but he didn't is a fact. Now let's turn to a few chapters further on.
Chapter 23.
And verse.
And Jonathan Saul's son arose and went to David into the wood and strengthened his hand in the Lord. Isn't that beautiful? I've been encouraged by some of you, and I trust that you're encouraged by what we will say today.
That's definite attachment. Jonathan was attached to David and here we find.
We'll read it and we'll find out.
Verse 17 And he said unto him, Fear not for the hand of Saul, my father shall not find thee.
And thou shalt be king over Israel, and I shall be next unto thee.
That is definitely an attachment he wanted to be not only associated with.
David in the Kingdom he he he wanted to show even now that his heart was attached to David. But is that what happened? Where did Dave? Where did Jonathan meet his end on Mount Gilboa because he didn't leave his father's house even though he was attached to David?
I want for all of us to have the sense in our souls of attachment to him and association now.
Please remember that I understand that every child of God is a member of the body of Christ, but there is a divine center which is Christ in this world, those gathered to his precious name that.
I want for each of us to have not only association but attachment, attachment. And how does that come? It comes by meditation and prayer.
How? How important for us?
And so.
List So now what have we had? We've had lot who had association with Abraham, but no attachment, never a word. We've had Dave, We've had Jonathan who was attached to David.
And that they too made a covenant before the Lord and David abode in the wood.
I'm hesitating on purpose, not to be dramatic, but because of the seriousness of it. And Jonathan went.
To his house.
The attachment was not strong enough in and of itself to overcome the influence that his father had, must have had over him. And so we don't find that he stayed with David. But he said, oh, you're going to be king, and my father knows it, and I want to be right there with you. Beautiful, beautiful sentiment. But you know.
There are things that come before the glory and that suffering, and it appears, it appears, that Jonathan was not able to make the sacrifice. May you and may I, if there is to be a sacrifice in connection with continuing to be attached and associated with the Blessed Lord that he give you, and give me the grace to do so.
Now let's turn in connection with.
Timothy in the old in the New Testament. Let's turn to Philippians, the second chapter. There's a statement that Paul makes about.
Timothy that I think is worth reading.
In connection with our subject.
No, I take it that we understand that for a a a man like Timothy to be associated with the apostle Paul and to be the recipients of two epistles by your name and other epistles, that he's added along with Paul as an author, that we would take it from Scripture that he not only was associated with Paul, but he was attached, Definitely attached. So now in Philippians 2 and verse 19.
But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort when I know your state. Now if I remember correctly, this is the the Darby Translation, for I have no man like minded who cares with genuine desire how you get on, Lord, how are you doing in your soul? Timothy was concerned, and I would like to say that in some weak measure that there are brothers here, and maybe every brother has a concern for the Lord's people.
And I trust I do. And I trust the brothers that spoke uh, during the reading meeting. They have an interest. They have a desire of how the Saints of God get on for all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ. So now we've covered lot with association. We've covered Jonathan with attachment. And now we found that there is a a man by the name of Timothy that had both may the grace of God give you and give me.
That association and attachment. Now let's turn for the second set of three to the Book of Jeremiah.
Things are very, very serious at this time in what is recorded.
You remember this story it it is one of the more serious.
Apostate actions that I can think of that having been given a scroll of what Jeremiah had written down, that they they take it and they have a knife and they cut off a certain section and they throw it into the fire.
I remember as a boy my father was a florist and he was at a place arranging some flowers and he needed a little elevation and uh, they brought a big Bible and they wanted him to stand on it.
Now remember the effect.
Than it had in me.
As a young man that he refused.
To stand on that Bible and to think of the reverence that you and I have concerning the word of God.
What if there was a certain part of the Bible that was missing?
You would quietly close it up, put it someplace, and get yourself one that had the whole word of God.
But let alone cutting some of the pages off, now there were three men in the 5th, 25th verse never. Well it says let's read the 21St verse. So the king sent Yehudi to fetch the role and he took it out of Elisha was describes chamber. And Yehudi read it in the ears of the king and in the ears of all the Princess which stood beside the king. Now the king sat in the winter house in the ninth month.
And there was a fire on the hearth burning before him, and it came to pass. When Djuti had read three or four leaves, he cut it with a pen knife and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth, until all the roll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth.
You know, don't want to be dramatic, and you don't want to be either, but we can hardly believe it that it happened. Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their garments, neither the king nor any of his servants that heard all these words.
Now the first word of verse 25 is very heartening.
Not disheartening, but heartening nevertheless.
L Nathan and Delia and Gemmaria had made intercession to the king, that he would not burn the roll, but he would not hear them.
And so we could pass this as as a story that involved three men.
Well, let me add this.
Proper names and proper place names are significant in the Old Testament. They have a meaning. So let's go back and let's find out what El Nathan means. And Delia and Gemmaria, and we'll see that in these three men who were Princess, that though they interceded their names put together is a beautiful picture. El Nathan means God is a giver.
Well, what has God-given? Well, the first thing you think of is his beloved Son, and then through that he has given us eternal life, no other source that God is the giver. Now what does Delia mean? It means drawn or made free several stories in the Gospels.
Where the Lord uh, heals someone, maybe both of them were women, and before they the Lord, left as it were.
His dealings with that person, he said.
Goal in peace. That's the point of Delia Drawn and are made free. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Now what does Gamma Raya mean?
It means completed, completed.
Is the work that God wants to do in you and in me completed? I remember being in a Bible bookstore in the area I live in and I was going down one aisle to get someplace else and I happened to notice. And I don't mean this humorously, but I I noticed a book and the title said something like this. Lord, leave me alone. I I like the way I am at the present time.
And isn't that just about what our hearts often say when there are trials, which we all have?
Tribulation. Lord, leave me alone. I'm just all right the way I am. But are we? Uh, didn't our him say something? Myself, the prize and travail of thy soul? God is so pleased with his beloved son that he, God, wants all of his children to be like him, and we're going to be in that conformity.
In that coming day. But now if we we've had it today that the Lord that Paul said, I you saw the Lord thrice that it might depart from me. And what did the Lord say? My grace is sufficient for thee.
To be able to say it is merely to be able to quote Scripture, but to be able to have it as something in our hearts.
Is a different matter.
So what if we had? We've had a very apostate situation in Israel at this time, and the king, I'm assuming, is Jehoiakim.
He had no respect for the words that God had given Jeremiah for their conscience and exercise, because he had somebody, as he was reading it, to cut it off and burn it up.
Well, we find later that there are more words that were added and so they didn't get away with it, but there were three men and they were Princess in that time amongst the people of God and they really jeopardized their lives.
To stand up against the king.
Had made intercession to the king that he would not burn the roll.
But embedded in those names is the whole pathway of you and for me, God the giver.
Made free. Oh, there's.
It's another subject, but it makes me think of the 7th of Romans.
And the story of these women that I mentioned, the Lord said go in peace.
And behold of thy plague, he didn't merely release them from their infirmity, but he wanted them to know.
From himself that they had peace.
The 7th of Romans.
Is not really the experience of every Christian. I don't think it was my wife. It never was mine.
But it's the experience of many.
They're they're on the fringes of Romans 7. But to be brought into the liberty of the 8th chapter is another matter. So that you can go in peace. That's what the Lord wants. Peace. I leave with you my peace I give unto you that may be peace of circumstances, but he wants you and for me to have that peace that passes all understanding.
To as we sit and remember the Lord if we're left here till tomorrow.
There's going to be an opportunity for those in fellowship, the males, the brothers, to take part. May God give us that liberty that comes from the peace that we have of knowing that he has said go in peace and behold thy plague.
For the last set of three.
Let's turn to Ezekiel.
There's probably a meaning to these men's names, which, uh, if someone knows it, feel free to tell me afterwards, But I didn't look it up in the 14th chapter of Ezekiel.
I'm looking I I I know the verse, but I'm looking yeah. Here it is. Uh, Ezekiel 1414 and Ezekiel 14. Uh 23 men.
Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God.
You and I obviously accept this book as being the inspired word of God.
If you and I have been doing it, I'm not sure we would have chosen these three particular men, though we say they're they're venerable There, there. There's something about each one of them that that's very special.
I'm hesitating because I I know what.
I've had on my heart concerning job.
But let's take Noah. These three men, and and the three the same three are mentioned in the 20th verse, though Noah, Daniel and Joe were in it, As I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter. They shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness. What do we see as as as so obvious really Now we see deliverance from coming wrath.
Do you and I as believers have a deliverance in in the sense that it we're not afraid of it, uh, without turning to it, because our time is limited, we could find in Hebrews 2 That through fear of death were all their lifetime subject?
To *******.
There is nothing worse.
In a Christian's life and profession, to have fear of death when Scripture is so very clear of what it means.
And so, Noah.
They might turn to it. I I I don't want to misquote what it says about Noah because it says the same about Enoch, that he walked with God.
Well, I I I know that that's what it says about Noah and he he was like, uh.
The man I mentioned. Uh, the.
Forgive me my my mind is slipping. Uh, Enoch. Enoch was a man that walked with God and it says so did Noah. He walked with God. Now what circumstances of his life, Uh what was revealed to him? I can't say because scripture doesn't say. But God singled him out as the the savior of the world. Noah. So that's the first one.
No one is a deliverer from the coming wrath. And to think about the Lord Jesus is for us the coming wrath, you and I, thy acceptance of the Lord Jesus, our personal Savior, based on His work, not mine His work. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. That's Noah. Now what about Daniel?
In addition to association and attachment, there's another word that needs to be introduced at this juncture about Daniel is fidelity. Fidelity. I like that word.
I wish it were true, more true of the speaker, and I I see it in my brethren if I look for it.
Tell you a little story. Some of you know better than I that Brother Clifford Brown and Macmillan were building their house here in in Des Moines, and they were not too pleased with their own carpentry. So they went out looking for other uh houses that were being built and they found that that brethren and houses were very much alike. You could find what you looked for. They found houses that weren't very well done and they some found some that were very well done now in you.
And you and me, we can find what we look for if we want to find Christ.
I'm not sure.
That I can.
Continue with a story that that I.
Have maybe I should avoid it for the sake of emotion, but.
I'll try. There was a widow.
Some of you know her very well.
She called me.
She called me not too long ago and.
We if the two of us had decided ahead of time what she was going to say, that was of help. It couldn't have been more complete.
Than what she had to say to me under the circumstances that I was going, which she had previously gone through.
Fidelity. This sister just resonated. Fidelity concerning the things of God and the comfort that she had received and the comfort that she wanted to convey.
I I don't think it would be appropriate to tell you who she was.
Fidelity, Fidelity. Trueness to the circumstances, to to the things of God. In the midst of what we find all around us. What did Daniel do? He was thrown in the den of lions.
You say.
Remarkable. Remarkable. The three boys.
Were thrown into a fiery furnace.
We will not bow. We will not bow to that idol. And so even if we know that, God will.
But even if he doesn't, we're not going to bow. That is fidelity.
Now, probably the most difficult.
Of them is job.
And I I wanna, I don't wanna speak.
Off handedly. But I would have thought that if you have deliverance from the coming wrath, and you have fidelity as a Christian to walk until the Lord comes, there's nothing else that's needed.
In your own heart, you're saying if that's what you think, you're wrong. Because we had before in connection with what God was doing in your heart and mind. He doesn't like. And I know you've mentioned in my last name, most of you know it, and and I can mention your last name. There's nothing very much to be proud of about last names or first names, because the Lord wants to work.
In our hearts, so that it's like the refining of silver.
The pot and you can the the refinery can see his face in it.
Someone quoted me a verse. Let me see if I can quickly turn to it.
Forgive me.
Beholden as in a glass, the glory of the Lord are changed to the same image. That's enough. And so Job is brought in.
As that which is needed in your life and mine.
More than salvation doesn't add to it.
More than fidelity. Well, we need that working in the soul, so that whatever my last name is.
There are attributes of that family name that that I'm not too proud of. And if each one of you could could look at yourself in the same way. I don't want to stay this way. And some of us are are not 40, we're not 50, we're not 60, we're not 70. And so there's been an opportunity in our lives for the circumstances.
That God has brought us through.
To make a needed change.
In my attitude my.
Rebellious feelings towards others, whatever, just name them. The 1St 15 are pretty bad and so the Lord wants us to be different than we are and He wants us to be.
I beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ.
Oh, that hurts, doesn't it? Well, our time is almost gone. We've had.
Lot, who was associated with Abraham but never attached to him. We find Jonathan who was attached to David, but he didn't.
Associate he didn't associate with him, and Timothy by the grace of God was a an example in the New Testament.
Of association and attachment.
And those three men in Jeremiah 36.
We're gonna meet them someday. I wanna talk to them.
And I want, and I mean I mean this seriously. I wonder if they realize that their names have such a a significant as far as the pathway of the Believer. I wonder if they did. And then we've had these three names in the book of Ezekiel, Noah, Deliverance, from Coming Wrath, Daniel and Fidelity and Job.
God working in the soul to produce an effect that at the end of his life or at the end of that trial, he could say I'm vile.
You know, you come to the end of yourself because no man ever yet hated his own flesh. And so we found these three. Let's repeat them.
Lot, Jonathan, Timothy and those in.
Jeremiah 36 and in Ezekiel 14 Noah, Daniel, and.
Job, wouldn't it be beautiful if in your life and mine, there could be the result of a work of God that he desires to do so? That not that we know it, but that it could be reflected, so that our brethren realized that what they have gone, you've gone through, produced a likeness to Christ, and we're soon gonna be with him.
And eternally like him, and I hope that.
With all my heart that each one of us can see that his work in US is far more important than his work by us.
This thing the last two verses of #18.
Let me read them first. This is him 18 in the appendix. To be very honest with you I'll I'll looking for a hymn of Darby's and I knew we wouldn't have much time for singing or for anything within 45 minutes. So I found this is the shortest Him by Darby in the Little Flock hymn book.
Some of them have 789101112 verses, so this one has four. So we chose it, not really because of uh default, but it is a very very significant uh him for each one of us. Yet it must be thy love had not his rest, where thy redeemed not with thee fully blessed.
That law that gives not as the world, but shares all it possesses with its loved coheirs, nor I alone, thy loved ones all complete in glory round thee, there with joy shall meet.
All like thee for thy glory like thee, Lord object supreme of all by all adored. Someone please start for the last two verses of #18.
Verses of Luke 7 and they that sat at me with him began to say within themselves.
Who is this that forgive his sins also? And he said to the woman.
Thy faith hath saved thee. Go in peace.