Three Immensely Great Considerations

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
Before we come to the examination of what Scripture teaches as to the resurrection of our Lord, it will be helpful for the better understanding of that supreme event to consider three things in their inter-relation one to the other. It is natural to ask, WHO is it that could rise from the dead? What kind of life was it, that deserved such a distinction? What character was the death that could claim resurrection? Let us consider then,
(1) The Person, who rose from the dead;
(2) The character of His life;
(3) The character of His death.
All these are intimately connected with our Lord's resurrection in the scheme of Christianity. Without a right perspective of these, and their inter-relationship one with the other, we shall not be in a position to understand rightly the supremely important nature of the resurrection of Christ, and the immense results that have flowed from that fact from that day to this.
Everything about the Lord is vital. We may have a differing opinion about this great person and that great person, and in the end our opinion would make little difference. But in the case of our Lord, He claimed that He alone could bring men into right relationship with God for their eternal blessing. If this claim be true, it is vital to every one of us; if false, it reaches the highest point of blasphemy possible.