Three Months After Death.

A MAN lay dying in a hospital. He said to the nurse that attended him, “Do you know what I have been thinking about? I have been wondering what a fellow will be doing three months after he is dead.”
The remark was an unusual one. But is it not strange that men do not more seriously ponder what comes after death?
The Word of God alone can enlighten us as to the condition of departed spirits, while awaiting resurrection.
If we turn for information to its pages we read of a penitent thief that died whose spirit was, on the same day, in virtue of the blood of Christ, received into Paradise. But it tells also of a godless, rich man that died, and was buried, and in Hades lifted up his eyes, being in torment.
It is therefore evident that there are two classes of the dead. There are those that have fallen asleep in Christ, who, absent from the body, are present with the Lord. There are those that have died in their sins and have entered an eternity of woe.
It is appointed unto men once to die, and, in view of this undisputed fact, the strangely couched question of the dying man, “What will a fellow be doing three months after he is dead?” is of vast importance, and we would commend it to the earnest attention of every reader. C. H.