Take an A and a K,
Put an S in between,
And a marvelous blessing at once
will be seen;
For ’tis “Ask, and it shall
Be given unto you;”
’Tis thus Jesus speaks, and His
Word’s always true.
Between an S and a K,
Put two E E’s straight away,
And a wonderful promise you’ll have for today;
For the Lord is so kind,
He says “Seek, and you’ll find";
And the blessing He’ll give is what just suits His mind.
Between two lovely K’s,
Place an N, O, and C,
And a rich mine of wealth at once you will see;
For the Saviour says “Knock,”
And the Door opens wide;
Faith’s key doth unlock, and
Christ’s word must abide.
Then “Ask,” “Seek,” and “Knock,”
For this is God’s way;
And sure are His blessings, which ne’er pass away.