Mrs. Wong was sick, so very sick that she could hardly get out of bed. But, though she felt sick, she didn’t know that her sickness was absolutely incurable. At last someone persuaded her to go to the missionary hospital. She had heard of the hospital and of the missionaries who had come to China to tell of Jesus, but she had not yet been to the city, or met anyone who told about Jesus.
At last she made up her mind, and slowly and painfully made her weary way to the city, and then to the clean white hospital. She was treated kindly and carefully, and thoroughly examined to see if the doctors could possibly help her to get well. And every time they came to her bedside, the missionaries would tell her about Jesus, and His wonderful love in coming down into the world to die for sinners. Mrs. Wong eagerly drank in the story, and soon had gladly accepted the Lord Jesus as her own Saviour.
After a few days, the doctor came to her bedside and told her the sad news that their examinations had revealed the fact that she could not be cured. She was dying.
She said nothing for a moment and then looked up at the doctor.
“You are sure that I will not be well again?”
“Yes, Mrs. Wong. We can give you medicine that will help you a little, and you might live for three months.”
“And if I go home and don’t take the medicine, how long will I live?”
“I don’t think you would live more than three weeks.”
“Get my clothes, please. I must start for home right now.”
The doctor looked astonished, and was about to protest, but Mrs. Wong looked at him with a wonderful smile.
“Doctor, the Lord Jesus Christ loved me and died for me. He is my Saviour, and I would like to go home right away and tell everyone who will listen about His wonderful love. Surely a few weeks of my life is as nothing compared with what Jesus has done for me.”
I’m sure the doctor and nurses never forgot Mrs. Wong’s eager desire to tell of Jesus, and I think it ought to be a voice to you and me. The Lord Jesus loved and died for sinners, it is true, but I wonder if the reader of this paper has truly taken the Lord Jesus as his own? And if you do belong to Him, have you told any others of what He has done for you? The time is very short, for the Lord Jesus is soon coming back again, and then we shall have no more chance to speak to others about His great love.
ML 08/12/1956