Children—John Kaiser
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And he called, and he called all the oil, and he wanted to be always.
To to see our new I see you again. I have all there and not much away.
Now I got a question for you. You gave up to him. You know what tidings are glad tidings I bring.
Tidings are new. That's a big word for news, good news. I bring that Jesus come to save me, and I am certainly glad that he came to save me. And he calls, and he calls all the girls. What are those?
Girls. Yes. And he wants all the boys. Two. What are they, boy? Yeah. All right.
To TRUST in him. What does that mean? Trust and have all their sins not washed away. And you know, I trusted the Lord Jesus when I was very, very young. I wonder, boys and girls, I'm going to ask you a question. I want you, boys and girls, to observe how many people here, adults receive the Lord Jesus Christ when they were very young.
Isn't that wonderful? Look at that.
That's the time to receive the Lord Jesus Christ when you're young. All right, How about another? Yes #47 when he comes. When he comes.
Here may come, here you won't all give you all his jewels.
Are the 2 old crash of jewels with love and healed life. So it's gone. The morning here's riding around the door in there shall shining.
Her beauty for all your jeans for you.
The second verse of this hymn says he will gather. He will gather the gems for his Kingdom.
All the pure ones.
All the pyramids.
What does pure mean? What does pure mean? PURE. What does that mean?
Nobody knows. Yes. What's pyramid plane? Yes, clean.
Suppose I've got a bottle that's clean on the outside and dirty on the inside. Is it? Is it pure?
Is it really clean? What do you think?
I see boys and girls here this morning that are nice and clean. Their mother or father has trained them or done the work themselves to make them clean. They have clean clothes on. They they have clean faces and clean hands.
What about the inside?
He says he will gather all the pure ones.
All the bright ones his loved.
And his own argue his own this morning. Are you sure you're his All right? I need a song from a girl.
Had two boys choose this morning and the girls want to choose a song.
Yes #41 all right.
Around the throne of God in heaven will merely children save.
In shining from the bottomless whining, one will be arraigned.
Worrying everlasting life and joy that never.
Anything in glory. Glory.
Glory, glory to God.
On heart.
What brings them to that world that hands over right and there, where all the faith and joy and love are in those gentlemen? They're singing glory.
Glory made to God.
Oh God.
Being on the finger Shank is what difference away there says no worship that no precious Lord people and quiet and clean singing pouring glory.
Glory there to come on.
Now, before we sang this song, we talked about being pure, being clean. Who can tell me how we get clean in the sight of God? We're not talking about clean hands or clean clothes or clean faces, but how do we get clean inside before the eye of God?
How to get clean? Yes, we trust in him, but how does he do it? We just sang in this song here.
Yes, the Lord Jesus died for us. What is the last verse of this song say because the Savior.
Shed his blood.
To purge, purge.
Away our sin. You know, purging is more than just outside washing. That's getting the inside clean something. When you purge something, you get down deep.
Purge away our uh, their sin now washed in that most precious blood. Behold them white and clean. You say, how does it happen? Well, our brother Jim was up here last night and he said, he explained how another preacher said, I don't know just how it happened, but God says it happens and it does. It works.
So we expect to see.
Millions of people in heaven someday, pure and clean through the blood of the Lord Jesus.
Now let's ask God's help this morning. Let's pray.
Our God and Father, we thank you this morning for the gospel, the good news that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and he did it.
He accomplished when he came to do.
We pray that each one here this morning.
If there is one here who has not trusted the Lord Jesus, and we are afraid there may be.
That he or she might trust the Lord Jesus this morning. Just simply receive your word.
We ask your help and blessing in Jesus name, Amen.
Now, I know most of you get Sunday school papers, and there are Sunday school papers. I saw them last night over on the edge of the bleachers there. So if you want one today, somebody will. If they're not there, they'll have them for you somewhere else. I know most of you get Sunday school papers and then the Sunday school papers. Every week there is a memory verse. Does anybody know what the memory verse was for today?
Yes. What was it?
Go ahead, you say it. Yeah, yeah.
That's right. Very good. I, you know, I'm just always relieved when the children agree with me.
Because I know what I prepared for. Anybody else want to say their memory verse this morning? All right, let's go to you next. Yes.
Yes. Anybody else?
All right. There's no obligation. Go ahead. Yes, Sir.
Alright, go ahead.
Yeah. Anybody else? OK.
All right. Anybody else?
Go ahead.
Very good. OK.
All right.
Yeah, I I remember when I was young and I went to trouble learning a verse and then I didn't get asked to say it. I was disappointed. So I don't disappoint anybody this morning. And I got bad eyesight, so I missed somebody. Somebody else helped me. Yes.
All right, OK.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Someone there wanna say the verse?
Anybody else?
Go ahead, thrill here.
OK, very good.
OK, sure.
Yes, that's right. OK, very good. Anybody else?
Now with so many children saying the verse, we're glad it wasn't the long verse. One more. Who else? Go ahead.
OK, very good. By the way, we're speaking about time this morning. Do you know why we sing and sing at the beginning of Sunday school? Well, I know. Yeah. What? Why?
Because what?
Oh, you know, well, I'll tell you one reason we sing is because we should sing and we need to sing and we ought to sing. We have lots to sing about. But another reason is sometimes I think we sing. We make a point of singing at the beginning of Sunday school to give time for those to get here who were not on time.
And I'm talking about time. This morning we only have 1/2 hour. We had a short verse and it says it is time to seek the Lord.
So I want to talk about this verse.
I'll move this microwave, excuse me, the microphone move to the side here and it is time to seek the Lord.
And it's in the Bible. God says so. Hosea 10/12. We just quoted it. We could look it up in Scriptures. Let's look it up just real quick, Hosea, those of us that have Bibles.
It says Hosea chapter 10, verse 12. So to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord till he come and reign righteousness upon you.
It is time to seek the Lord right now.
But that is what time is for. That's why I press upon you. This is what time is for.
Because someday there's not going to be any more time. What is going to come after time is gone? What?
Well, maybe we might want to talk about it that way. But so that might be a hard question for a child. What comes after each time after time is gone? What judgment. Oh, that's something to think about. How about what you say the Lord? But I remember, I just say who I said what?
Eternity. Eternity. That's not time.
You know, we all think about time.
Who knows?
What this is? What is? What is this?
Well, that's sort of a clock. Who knows what kind of a clock it is, Yes.
A sundial. Can you tell what time it is on that sundial?
No, you can't excuse no sun.
No sun sundial is no good if you haven't got a son to cast a shadow. That's that's the first kind of clock. I think it's the first kind of clock that human beings ever had was a sundial. And the sun would shine on this little projection on top of this little table and it would it would create a shadow on the marks on the table and tell time now inside this.
There's a verse. Who's gonna read the verse for me?
Go ahead.
Right. Remember now, thy Creator in the days of thy youth. That's right. Now, Remember now.
This is important. All right, then, another piece of something else. We're telling time. Who can tell? Tell me what this is. What is it? An hourglass? What time is it? Or how much time is left? You can't tell because, see, this is the hourglass for eternity.
Sand is all gone. You know when they make an hourglass, they put sand in it and then you turn the thing upside down and the the sand that was in the bottom is in the top and it flows down. And by how long it takes for the sand or whatever is in the hourglass to go down, they can tell time. But someday there's not going to be any time.
Who's gonna read the verse inside this alright?
Yes, come now, come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord Isaiah 118. All right, now we all know what this is. You know what? Oh yeah, what is it?
O'clock, how many clocks have you seen like this one?
I hope not too many.
What time is it?
You can't tell no hands on this clock. We have hands on clocks that they go around and point to the numbers and we know what time it is.
But this is the clock for eternity. No time. There's going to come a time when there is no time. I don't know. There's going to come a the end of time. To say there's going to come a time when there's no time, it's kind of a a illogical statement.
All right, God, now come in. Oh, man, everywhere to repent. All right, now, what's this? What is it? A watch? Wristwatch.
Most this is a picture of a digital wristwatch. I drew this picture 20 years ago. They don't even look this cheap anymore because they got a lot more features. I made a few little pictures 20 or 30 years ago.
And wrist watches were a lot simpler. What time is it on the watch?
Yeah, someone says time to replace the batteries, but, uh.
Time is it? There's no time on the watch.
I want to impress on it the importance of time, and I'm gonna do it another long way. Oh, I forgot to check the verse inside. Who's gonna read the verse inside for me? Uh, someone who hasn't read a verse yet?
Got upside down. That makes it difficult.
Go ahead.
Right. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now. Notice all these verses say now, because now is God's time. Now is the time the Lord has given us. It's time to seek the Lord now.
I imagine not too many people knew these things were up there.
Most podiums don't contain balloons.
I'm gonna get one or two more. I actually have more up here.
Now, how many have ever had a balloon?
You all had a balloon.
OK, now.
And how many got a balloon sale over a year ago?
Yeah, where is that balloon now?
It popped. Goodness. And So what happens if you don't pop a balloon? If you don't pop a balloon, what happens? You tell me.
Yeah, yeah, you're looking at these three balloons here.
And these balloons are like our lives. They don't last forever. We all know that balloons are things that pop, things that shrink. They don't last forever. And they're just full of air, like little bubbles in the atmosphere. Balloons like bubbles, bubbles pop. And our lives are like this. Now let's pretend that these balloons are boys or girls who would like to name a balloon.
All right, which one you want to name?
The blue one. And what's his name?
Hammy. Hammy. OK, that's a different name. All right, This blue in here is Hemmy. How about name another balloon, just for the fun of it? Yes. Which one you want to name? The green one? What's the green one's name?
No, I'm not gonna use that name. How about another name?
Too long.
Yeah, the grade. What number? What name?
And we're, I know we named the blue one, didn't we have blue one's Hemi? And, uh, there's the green one here and the red one we're saving. Save the orange for another little story. So we got two boys here. I don't know why we, I assume. Have you had me a boy? Yeah. OK. And they're both boys.
Pretty tough look at that.
Yeah. And you know, we, we start out our lives with plans. How many here? How many have already made some plans of what you'd like to be someday? What would you like to be?
So you're asking me, OK, oh, a doctor and a Macquarie, a fish doctor. That's interesting. All right, we, we all like and you know, I want to be a doctor. When I was a boy, I thought it'd be wonderful to be a doctor. I still think it'd be wonderful to be a doctor. But, umm, the Lord didn't leave me that way. We all have plans. We think about what we're going to do. And so maybe it's, uh, Hemi here wants to be a doctor and he goes to school and.
And he has these plans.
And things been going pretty well for him and.
You know, things like that happen in life.
And what we name this fellow here, George Washington, most of the George Washingtons that have ever lived.
Our dad, Our lives are short.
Uh, George Washington, it was a George Washington who was the president of this country and most other George Washington's were probably named after him. And uh, I want to say I just recently read a biography of George Washington and he, he was a God fearing man. I'm not sure he was a believer in the Lord Jesus, but he talked like it. I will say that can't, can't judge for sure.
How about you? Some of you talk like it too.
Are you saved? But George Washington, he, he, you know, people thought he was amazing. George Washington, the Indians said he was the man that couldn't be destroyed. They tried to kill him. They shot him. He had a horse after horse shot out under him and bullets just went by him. He never got shot, but he died.
You laugh because these are just balloons, but this is what time is like. Like time is coming to an end for every one of us. Every one of us. I'm looking forward to it.
But some people aren't ready.
Now you know what? Serious.
It says here it is time to seek the Lord, but what happens if I take time away?
And to write something else.
It is. What is it saying here?
Yeah, that's what it says. Now that is not in the Bible, so I'm going to take Hosea 1012 off in here too.
It is not yet too late to seek the Lord, but now is the time. That's what time is for. It's time to seek the Lord. That's what time is for. Everything counts, every moment counts. Everything we do counts for eternity, every moment of our lives.
It is time to seek the Lord and you know.
Time start again.
Time and our time is about us I just gonna mention that I have we use calendars to remind us the time and I have calendars recount anybody who wants a free calendar afterwards can come up and get it and our time for Sunday school is up you know there's a verse in the Bible that says the.
Harvest is over, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. I wonder this morning, is there somebody here who's late?
Late getting saved, but you're not too late yet. But you could be. The Lord Jesus could come any moment, and time will be past now.
I if I had more time I would have used more balloons.
There's more balloons in the back and I will give away the rest of the balloons I have, but not till at lunchtime. All right, lunchtime you can collect. If you want to come get a balloon, you can get one out of the back of this podium, or you can get one from me to blow up. I have extra balloons. I don't. I find that if I keep them too long, they're good. Anyway, now the idea is to remember the importance of time. It is time.
That's what it's for. The time the Lord has given you this morning. It's time to seek Him. The verse in Psalm 22, it says.
They shall praise him that seek him. Let's pray.
Our God and Father this morning, we ask. I'll press upon.