'Tis Sweet to Know

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 24
‘Tis sweet to know that Jesus came
From heaven, and bore the curse and shame
That we might ransomed be.
Forever be His name adored,
Our only Saviour, Priest, and Lord
Throughout eternity.
‘Tis sweet to know He rose again,
And left death’s awful dark domain
For God’s right hand on high
And there He sits in glory bright,
Above dominion, power and might,
The one who came to die.
‘Tis sweet to know He intercedes
For those whose thoughts and words and deeds
Apart from Him are vain,
Until our feet on that blest shore
Shall stand, to never wander more,
O’er all with Him to reign.
‘Tis sweet to know He’ll come again,
Whose delights were with the sons of men—
The ex’llent of the earth,
To whom His goodness did extend,
Who, through the ages without end,
Shall sing His matchless worth.
‘Tis sweet to know the day is near
When we with Him shall then appear
In glory bright and fair;
When o’er the whole creation wide
God’s glory, through the Lamb and Bride
To all men will appear.
‘Tis sweet to know, in that blest day,
All men shall own His rightful sway,
Any every knee shall bow;
And all confess Him Lord to be
Who died, that sinners such as we
God’s boundless love might know.
‘Tis sweet to know He’ll usher in
A universe of bliss, where sin
And death can never come.
God’s rest! God’s blest eternal day
Shall be our home, while all will say
He died our love to win!