Titus 1:15-2:14

Duration: 1hr 9min
Titus 1:15‑2:14
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So I do chapter one.
Verse 15. Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defile. They profess that they know God, but in works they deny him, being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
Chapter 2. But think now the things which become sound doctrine, that the aids men be sober.
Brave, temperate sound in faith and charity and patience.
The aged women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given too much wine, teachers of good things.
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, and to love their children.
To be discreet and chaste keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands. That the word of God be not blasphemed.
Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded in all things, showing myself a pattern of good works and doctrine, showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sounds, beats that cannot be condemned, that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.
Exort servants, and to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things, But answering again, not purlining, but sowing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.
For the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should list overly righteously and godly present world, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity.
And purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
Oh said that.
Elsewhere, I can't put my finger on the verse.
Uh, all things are lawful unto me, but all things are not convenient or profitable.
Oh, there is a test 15th verse that's the same.
Doesn't mean to say that they're in pure things or the bad things are good, but.
Under the pure, if we have clean mines, we're not gonna be occupied with the things that are not clean, but we will be taken up with the things that are worthwhile.
God claims the heart, doesn't he unto the pure. All things are pure. God cleans the heart there. But then in the other part of the verse he said, But under them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Well, we don't have to go far to find that out. We can go, we get go within. We find all this within ourselves, don't we, that we find these things that are contrary to the mind and the will of God?
So I think it's very beautiful as we think of this under the pure, all things are pure. Someone put it once this way.
They said whatever we're looking for, we're gonna find it.
If it's impure, if it's fault, we're gonna find it. If it's pure, we're gonna find that too. But it's.
God claims the heart in this thought, that all to the pure, all things are pure.
The Lord wants to purify unto himself if he's a special people 1St 14.
See. You know how it looks, man looks out at others.
I think, I think just thinking of it as man. Here of course, again, Paul's writing is the Titus. But he says.
Uh, the UN, uh, but unto them that are defiled, them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure. And that's true. Isn't that a true statement? It isn't. Their own hearts are not pure either.
They need to get into the presence of God. So I think I see here that it says, but even their mind and their conscience is defiled.
It's a sad state to be in, isn't it? In contrast to.
The pure things, the right things, the good things, the night, the things that are pleasing to God.
Philippines Chapter 4.
Sitting here, I believe.
Verse 8. Philippines 4. Verse 8.
Awesome thing. And then finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are on.
What's the other things are just what's the other things are pure? What's the other things are lovely? Whatever things are of good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on me and you.
Know secure, all things are cool.
This is where it says unbelieving. It wouldn't be a a Christian that is careless and sometimes not believing, but it it's a a position describing the unsaved. This categorizes them.
Yes, because verse 16 proves that, doesn't it? Verse 16 just proves the fact that what you said, they profess that they know God, but in work they deny Him.
Being abominable, disobedient to every good work, reprobate. That's not a believer, that's for sure.
Because some of it brought out in, uh, Romans chapter 8 and verse seven really, uh, gives us the key to what's being drawn out here and tightest, uh, it says because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither in truth can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. So this is the whole force of the, umm, as you said to Brother Perry in First Corinthians, I think it's chapter 6 there. All things are lawful, but not all things are expedient, no.
Umm, those that are in the flesh cannot please God, and so they do everything to please self. They are serving themselves and what they do, what they think about and what they want to accomplish in life is to their own gratification and to their own for their own pleasure. But the believer, his object is Christ. His object is to exalt Christ, to enjoy Christ, and to magnify the.
Person that's gone delights to honor, and so he delights in that person.
So here we have this the IT doesn't matter what the unbeliever does, you just cannot please God.
But this is for and the good for our conscience, isn't it? If we're Christians, we're in this category. If we're believers in this category. And sometimes we as delivers, are not believing.
Or at least we act as if we're not believing. So it's very important for us to be consistent in our Christian life and everything. Young people at school.
Same thing applies if you tell somebody else in the class that Jesus is your savior. They're going to watch you all the time. They might not appear to be, but they're going to watch the sea if you're living that life.
And it's so important for us to bear that in mind, not only young ones, but every one of us. Sometimes we're.
On the incomes tax, there's a little bit of.
Curving around a bit, well, all of these things are to be consistent with our the principles of Christianity.
It's good for children going to school and let's go on to work to, uh, turn to Ephesians, put on the whole armor before we start out, hey?
Because it's pretty hard today.
In the business world, they tell me I don't even know about 12 years, but they tell me things that are going on.
They, uh, crookedness as they call it, and terrible. It's growing more and more.
So the young people must be having a task in schools to us. I pray for them a lot. The things that are going on in the school, I've got children going there, but.
Must be terrible hard for them.
It wouldn't be an exhortation if there was a need for it. And so it says in Thessalonians 5th chapter, let us not sleep with those that sleep in the night. There wouldn't be that exhortation if there wasn't a danger that we would. And so there were 10 versions. They all were asleep. Five were real and five were not. And.
But you couldn't tell if you walked by and you saw the five which were real and which weren't. And umm, so that's why I believe there's this expectation here, because the danger was that they take on the general character of the state of things around them. That's what's so dangerous when people talk about the word of God. Well, back in the days of corn, it was like this and that. And the other thing, the word of God stands really out of time in a certain sense, is that it is the word of God and.
For the very present moment that we take it up, but.
Very great games and then we take on the habit and the way for the world around us. Yes. And they, uh, earlier days, uh, in the gospel it says the lower at least, uh, uh, by their fruits you shall know them. Now that doesn't apply today.
But it did apply at that time, it was very obvious.
In some of the countries in the world, when you become a Christian, why is being baptized for the dead? You are a dead person there. Uh, but in our land.
It's, it's, uh, you can all always tell to our shame. So what does it say for today, Second Timothy 2? It says the Lord knoweth them that are his.
We can't tell. Sometimes the Lord knows and then it says that let him that name of the name of the Lord.
Depart from iniquity. As for the conscience of every one of us, depart. Go away from other bad boys and girls.
And for us to keep away from all the things of the world.
Attractive, look good, lots of fun, but they're the world and it's all perishing.
You would say, Brother Barry, though by their fruits you shall know them today the assembly ought to wait on the Lord to see that there's manifest proof.
People profess things and sometimes can put on a very good show, but Joshua didn't wait on the Lord in connection with the Gibeon, but with every outward sign of, of uh, every outward sign that would have led him to believe that what he thought. But he couldn't excuse himself because the Lord knew. The Lord knew that they were imposters. And so, and we shouldn't blame our brothers of gullibility, I may say, is almost an attractive fault in believers. Love thinketh no evil.
But the brethren, really, if they wait on the Lord, they will see fruit for what is professed. And they ought to, and not to open the gate and tell there's proof that what is the best and, and not just outward signs like the, uh, the tired clothes and the stale bread and so on, but that there was real, not living proof that what was being professed was, was, there was reality behind it. Exactly so.
And so that's why in the next chapter, he goes on.
That but he sells the things which become sound doctrine. And so there's a verse there that's helpful. Evil communications, corrupt good manners is that that doctrine will lead to a bad way of life. Why is it that Christendom has sunk into the moral ways that it has? It's a result of bad doctrine.
And so I think that the, uh, those that come from other parts that.
That they're shocked when they see the moral level to which things are something in in other lands they don't see. Umm, I had a Muslim student from Lebanon. He came to this country which just left shaking his head when he saw the moral level to which this country.
Couldn't believe him, but it's, uh, it's because of the darkness.
My brother at UH Chicago last year, he said UH for about the young people and for each one of us at all times preach Christ and of all ourselves use words.
It's very, very important that we take that in. Our walk is very, very important.
He said, I'll repeat it again at all times preach Christ and if all else fails, use words. We like to do quite a bit of talking, but our actions, they're weighed a lot more sometimes in our words.
So we need to say it again on Saturday of the day.
How thankful we can be.
That we have meetings like this, the reading meeting.
Nice thing that happened yesterday at supper time for other young brother came over to me and he said uh.
Uh, I'd like to ask you a question. And he said you, uh, mentioned, uh, that, uh, the Christians are going to stand before, uh, the great White Throne.
And he was inquiring about that, and I realized that, uh, I had said or used the wrong words. The judgment seat of Christ.
Well, I'm, I'm thankful that the young fellow spoke to me. Uh, I appreciate that. And This is why we can be thankful for a reading meeting that everything that is being said, each one is listening and does that. Is that conforming to the word of God? Does the word of God confirm that? And if not, oh, then somebody is going to.
Speak to us how thankful we are that we have these reading meetings. They aren't common things in other groups because there isn't much agreement, but I really feel that we should be very thankful that we still have reading meetings like this.
I think I know that, yes, the normal I should have brought up, I think, I hope, if I ever.
Say something is wrong and I hope the brother will correct it because I wouldn't want anybody to go on with wrong doctor. No, but, uh, it's a terrible thing.
But these things can be uh.
Correct that and a kind loving way I remember when I was 17.
Going to uh, at home and Willie Martin and the Mr. Farmer said your young brothers come here and you never open your mouth.
I was enjoying this passage where it says.
And as the disciples said, To whom shall we go? For thou hast the words of eternal life. And I have in fear and trembling, my knees knocking, and I said that.
Something about enjoying it now and you remember Mr. Murphy from his Irishman, he didn't hear his hearing was bad.
He's a young brother. The Spirit of God hasn't come yet. They weren't talking in the Holy Spirit.
Uh, you're wrong. So Willie Martin correct me, says he said he didn't say that you can't hear him. I was glad though that he corrected me. I didn't feel bad about it. I used to drive into the meetings and he said to me after the meeting, you want to drive me home. And he said yes, if you ask forgiveness.
But I think these things should be picked up because it's serious and that you.
Or anybody else, they'll do it on purpose and it's good to be, uh, have these things cleared up. Especially if they're strangers in the room.
What's the schedule? And we've got in Acts 17 and verse 11, uh, this is, we've got scripture for exactly what you said. These, these were more noble than those in Thessalonikes and that they received the word with all readiness of mind. Insert the scriptures daily, whether those things were sold.
Very important.
Well, this verse says, speak thou the statements, which becomes sound doctrine. And we have, uh, if we turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 10, we find that there's a tendency that the Spirit of God brings before us, the tendency of our hearts. In verse 12, it says, uh, it's just part way through, uh, some that come in themselves, but they measuring themselves by themselves.
And comparing themselves among themselves or not wise. So we find that there is a tendency.
Uh, in our hearts, perhaps to consult with those that sympathize with our position or sympathize with our train of thought or perhaps those of our own age. It says that I was just thinking of uh, Revo in uh, uh, first Kings chapter, uh, I think it's chapter 12. It says, uh, in verse 8, uh, he forsook the council of the old man which they had given him and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him.
And which stood before him, and he said unto them, What counsel give you? And so he consulted with the young men, those that were most likely to sympathize with them. But here the instruction is given in the word of God, that the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound, and faith in charity, in patience. And so we find that there ought to be in, uh, a godly order, umm.
That are experienced in the path of faith and experienced in oversight to be able to give, uh, uh, a sound, uh, that the trumpet would give a, a distinct sound that the word of God might be distinctly, umm, uh, presented to those that are walking the path of faith. And so it begins with speech. It begins with conversation.
The speak thou the things which become sound. Doctrine is a responsibility, isn't it? Mm-hmm.
Again, I repeat, the doctrine means teaching sound teaching.
It's so important for us to realize the value of the teaching in the assembly.
And the assembly.
Why does the state speak the things that become sound doctrine? Why does it say teach sound doctrine? Well, the the difficulty is in this environment that they were entitled to stay, is that you've got sound doctrine, but then now suddenly everybody understands the doctrine and you can sit down and discuss the doctrine with the brothers and he's very clear in his doctrine. And then he just sets it aside and goes ahead and does what he wants to anyway. And that's the danger.
And that's why he's going on to stay here is we know what the truth says.
But then we say, oh, but you don't understand. With some making a difference. And now we suddenly take the doctor and we set it aside and we go ahead and we follow our human wisdom. Have you sat down and you said, well, what does the word of God teach? I know that's what it says, but you don't understand. This is a special case. And we set aside the sound doctrine and we plow ahead and follow our own will. Yeah. And so we're to speak to things that that that become sound doctrine, that our application of the doctrine is a connection between the doctrine and the things we're going to say. And so that's why.
Saying now that the older men are to be uh, uh, sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith and charity and impatience. Why sober and grave and temperate? You'll often find that people who are very wise in business and wise in the world suddenly throw everything to the wind and become very reckless in the things of God. And so it's as a stewardess required that we become, we're faithful and that we're faithful with that which is entrusted to us.
And we become careless in the things of God in a way which we would never imagine being with our money or our car or our possession. And so there needs to be a sobriety in connection with these things. Because if you we've done foolish things sometimes some of us, and we regret having done them. But if you, you make a mistake with some natural thing, I mean, there's some recovery. But in the truth of God, these things touch with eternal thing. And so there needs to be sobriety that the issues of life are serious.
And, uh, we can't just throw, say, well, yes, I know the teaching and, and I've learned the teaching since I was a child and throw it all to the wind and, and fall ahead and proceed according to human wisdom. So there has to be sobriety and greatness in connection with these things. And I believe that that's why he's bringing that before them here and temper it because when we're young in youth, there's a youthful energy in connection with things and temperate, you'll learn that.
With experience, how to apply the truth and sometimes you see when there's.
The thought of temperate is self-control, I believe, and there is a thought in which the doctrine is not wrong, but the application of it may be a little bit hasty or it may be a little bit. And so that's why you see in the Word of God that in Scripture that between ages 30 and 50 that they were to bear the burdens of the sanctuary. Then afterwards they were the older brethren were to keep the charge because they had learned not just the doctrine, but by experience they learned how to apply it.
And so the, the grunt work, if I may say that was carried out in a public way, but by those between 30 and 50, the older brothers, they kind of added the temperateness to it, but they're not the hasty things done and so on. Well, we need the, not just to know the doctrine, but to apply them in the right way. No, the opposite of, of, uh.
Sober is, is joking and that's a very serious thing these days because everything is turned into a joke and I don't think it becomes older brethren to be joking. The next one is temperate. Well, we have to be tempered in the way we, how much we eat and so on. These are practical things that make us consistent, uh, with what?
We're saying in our teaching.
We have a little light on that in Ephesians chapter 5. Verse 15 says, See then that you walk circumspectly, not a school, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Sound in faith that somebody brought me a piece of a a floor joint. Floor joint. It was a group choice, but a piece of two by 8IN and umm, there are no termites, I don't think in Saint Thomas, but there are Carpenter ads. He brought in this piece and outwardly it looked perfect. And yet if you tapped it, it was just like a Wasps nest. It was just paper sand that the IT was just overly. There was every appearance of it, but it wasn't found. And so we need to be sound and safe. It seems sometimes, you know, you poke a little bit to find out whether there's more to it.
And so the principles on which we're active, there has to be soundness in faith and in charity. And it's a great danger when older brethren, and it's speaking about here, it says speak to the aged men. Why does it say the age tend to be found in faith? Because there's a great danger when principles are given out. And it has every appearance of conformity to orthodoxy. But the Apoca a little bit like, and that's the way the building inspector does. He takes a, he takes a sharp object and he pokes into the framing members.
To see whether there's sound method, structural soundness in the member so that there's rot instead in there because it can be awfully beguiling sometimes, because principles that term is often used very loosely, but that it sounds according to the faith of God.
And so there was to be this exhortation here that the aged man to speak things so that the aged man would be sounding faith. And in charity there's a there is.
We're to put the girdle of truth on and the breastplate of righteousness, because it can be that we're not found in charity.
It hurts. Affections can go out, but they need to be reined in. There has to be in connection with this. But we can't let our hearts wander and go out to a situation. And so we're not a different. We're not to let our hearts get it get away from us. If I may put it this way in these things. And there is as much as and he's speaking here.
In connection with the old man and so we can become over overcome with sympathy in situations and charity and it's a wonderful thing. But he is really there is an exhortation here that the aged men be in charity and faith found in faith and charity and impatience.
There is a soundness in connection with those things.
And then the sisters come up in the next.
The older sisters.
Likewise, it says. So that's a kind of an umbrella overall the things that have been said.
That they aged men likewise.
There should be that those things that characterize the men characterize the sisters too.
Except the spirit of the teaching of the sister is different. And so to teach your husband, to teach the young women to love their husbands.
Be sober.
Hello there husband.
Yeah, older sisters don't, uh, speak, preach, but they sure can be a wonderful lesson to the younger sisters and newly married girls. And she's a, she's an older sister that is consistent. Oh, she can learn from her, uh, to apply that in her life and starting off, get a good foundation.
In their marriage, it's so important.
It's ultra important.
Anybody had any thought why it would bring in?
To the age 1, about two months. One not the man.
There must be a reason God doesn't make any mistake.
Well, it might be in the social life that the sister sets the table and.
And she puts one on the table or and over does it.
More, I think in the entertaining side of it, the man doesn't have to do with that side.
She is liable to fall into self, or at least an indulgence in that field.
Well, I don't think that Scripture envisage wine is used in that way.
Peters does not wine drinkers, but I think perhaps that was a danger that the old it says take a little wine for your stomach, face and through your often infirmities. And there was a danger there in particular, particularly with the older sisters, that that it would be a use as a pretext of using a lot. You know, when you get older, you tend to become more occupied with your ailments perhaps than any others. And there was a danger of that. I just say that because I.
I, I maybe I shouldn't say maybe I've fallen into the trap of thinking this, that it was envisioned that believers should have wine on the table, but it's quite, I don't really see that in security that that is the case. It says that, umm, if you're there wine drinkers is that we're not to be characterized as people who drink wine. And scripture does give the outline as to where it's to use and it has the rightness scriptural use.
And that is for ailment and umm.
The older sisters, I think perhaps they have all kinds of advice that don't want different ones, but you know, they've got advice as to what to do about your blood pressure and about your weight and this that and the other thing. And it just seems to be the right proper fear that an older sister occupies himself with. And, and there was a danger that that they become taken up too much before. But that's was a broader thought than that. We didn't mention false accusers. And I just would like to say this in connection with that.
That, umm.
And 2nd printing so I can put my finger on the 1St that's on my heart in connection with false accusers. And again, umm.
Does anyone have a new translation to read that verse?
Six out of three.
That the elder women in Lake Manor be in deportment, as becoming those who have to say to sacred things, not splattered, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is right, that they may admonish the young women to be attached to their husbands, to be attached to their children.
I'd just, uh, like to give a little bit of an illustration of how perhaps this might be, uh, played out in our lives. When my wife was a little younger and had, uh, young children at home, uh, she longed for fellowship in the home. Uh, it was difficult to get out and there were perhaps three children at home that are young or four, and she longed for the visit.
Of some of the, the older sisters that might come and just, uh, visit for a little while during the day and just, uh, perhaps have a time over the word of God and speak of the experiences of, uh, raising a young family. And, uh, just to get a little bit of, uh, instruction or guidance, so to speak. You long for it. And, uh, I just suggest this to those that are older sisters that, uh, even though there are those that are younger in the assembly where you come from.
And they look like they're very busy and don't have time for a visit. It might be good to suggest, uh, coming over for a cup of tea or something and, uh, to spend a little time with the younger ones and make that, uh, that, uh, time for blessing. And so they were given, there was really something that, uh, this generation, this generation has a work to do for the Lord, a work that no other generation can do. So those that are older and that are experienced in half of faith.
Umm have a work to do.
That someone else of a younger generation cannot do. And so this was the work that they could bring, uh, they could do that. There's really a God-given, uh, responsibility, you might say that they may teach or, uh, just instruct or guide the young women sober to love their husbands or to be attached to their husbands, to be attached to their children. It's a blessing thing to, uh, do this on behalf of the Lord. To do it is not to the Lord and to really.
Umm, be an assistance to the next generation coming up.
And it shows us, too, that the sisters have just but double the number of remarks that are made that the men.
Well it this shows what a privilege it is for a sister to be living in conformity with these things and your children.
Like, uh, the end of, uh, Proverbs, they will call you blessed if you are faithful with their children and carry out these things. You're going to be your husband.
Will, as it says, they're in Broward, uh, will honor you. And it's a wonderful privilege not together to order in this world where marriage is, I think, quickly disappearing.
Living common law is just going to be the order of the day, and it's gonna be conspicuously different to the consistent in our marriage relationships and practices.
Inconsistency brings in dishonor to God, doesn't it? And I just noticing here in connection with these, uh, these sisters that, uh, verse five, to be discreet, chased keepers at home, good obedient to their own husbands.
That the word of God be not blasphemy. That's the ultimate of it all, isn't it? They go on in their own way. And if they're not following the injunctions of the word of God, if they're not following the Lord in these things, then as a dishonor to the Lord, it brings a dishonor to the Lord. So it has more than it's more than just a failure on the part of the individual. But what about the Lord? What a dishonor that's done to him and.
It's been he is spoken against because of these things.
Mm-hmm. We've mentioned false accusers or slanderers there. And where does the scripture does speak of two men that are striving and the wife is watching. And so she reaches out and crushes her husband's opponent in the stone and, uh, her hand, her hand is turned leopard because of it. Oh, that's pretty graphic illustration. But there is a tendency in a national loyalty in women to their husbands. And so there was a danger that.
These things get taken up.
In private conversation and it really has ended to a level of false accusation and slander. And, uh, there had to be a guard against that in taking up these things. These are very practical things. I do believe the instructions of the younger women and it's very needful in our day because our brothers spoke a couple of years ago here about having children and how it's become almost sort of a despised thing in the world. And, uh, the, the, uh, the role of the.
Wife there's a a spear that the woman any woman women are intelligent. Any woman can run a tire company like I mean, they they're not short and intelligent, but they're but who but a woman could fill the place in the sphere of the home.
That God has given them, and especially in Crete here, you see that, uh, the men were given, we see what the men were, they were lazy blood and slow bellies and so on. And so the women had to be taught to love their husbands, to be attached to their husbands because I imagine it wasn't all that easy. And I, sometimes I think we give our wives a pretty difficult time. And it's, it's, I think, uh, two of the, uh, just say this and, and love to the sisters.
Don't support, don't lend sympathy. I should say, if your to your husband, if there is some remark made in the assembly or at least by the brothers of criticism about your husband, don't rush to defend, but get before the Lord. I saw a very, very sad case.
15 years ago now, but I never forgot my brother was being criticized in the assembly for, uh, some matters. And uh, it was, it was too strong. They put against him and he got up and he walked out and his wife jumped up after him and weeping bitterly and out loud, uh, lending support to her husband. And he didn't. He shouldn't have the support. He had to be dealt with.
And so it's a danger for our sisters to be that way. That's where you need to be closely walking with the Lord yourself to have discernment.
We get it in Second Tennessee chapter 3, the 1St 2 verses. There's no also than in the last stage. Perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves. That's the head of the list. And that's women too. And that's something that is not supposed to be in a family. Men, men love themselves. How many times have you heard of a family where the man and wife have lived together and they've had children and 1:00 morning.
That one, either one or the other, just woke up and, well, leave. I'll go somewhere else.
Men are lovers of their own selves and so we get this expectation here that first of all, women are to love their own husbands and, uh.
In the world that's not what we get today and if we if a woman really loves her husband then she can do what it says in verse five. She'll be obedient to her own husband and that's not in the world today everybody as we've read every me.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves. Nobody wants to be accountable to anybody, even in the marriage.
I just like to say that.
For the young people are starting up a home, just marry that. I'd like to warn them it's a tendency today to serve a little wine at the table. I was shocked about four brothers in Montreal had a one time and I heard from their sons, umm, that they had it.
I I think it's terrible at our home, we weren't allowed to bring any wine or.
Liquor of any kind of that. And my father always used to warn us and we had a brother in Montreal that, uh, was wonderful. But he was a great help to me when I first took my place at the Lord's Table going in gossip work for the Indians. And he got his first drink with the Office of Wine and, uh, his death and he was.
They called my line, I'll have to drink the wine all the time and they went up to Toronto and it was still by a freight train. I was quite upset about that, but I was shocked. I got the young man's job to go to work and I got him a job at the good company. He had a good job. One night I got a call from his sales manager in the company. He said I got a shock today. And when the boy said that he was stringing off to his own, uh, above the line. He said I used to go with a member of your family.
Uh, the umm meeting used to be with the guard and, uh, she used to tell me they couldn't drink wine and they couldn't go to their shows. And he said he knows all the different kinds of brands of wine and everything. He was telling us all.
I was shocked, brother, and I couldn't get over it. Eventually he lost his job. He didn't take the drink or that, but.
He lost his job, but I think it's dangerous when we bring in any of these things into the home. Wine and liquor and the juice for uh, as they call it a cocktail.
It dangers your plane with fire when you start that stuff.
It was very, very serious. What you say that, uh, people will say to you, yes, I, I know how to control it. I can take just and just enough and I'm all right. But what happens if you have it in your own home and your son or your daughter get into it and you lose one of them?
What? How? How good was that little bit of wine that you had?
And there's a verse that had zero brothers with the Lord now brought before me a heavy ****. 2 and 15.
It's very, very important.
Two and 15.
Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor's drink, that put us thy bottle to him, and maketh him drunken, also that thou mayest look on their nakedness. It's a solemn thing to give a drink to anybody, even if it's your own family.
That same brother gave me that.
The word when, uh, I was concerned about taking people out in sale or selling, uh, pretty spiders. And I, uh, by the grace of God, I've been selling all my life and I wouldn't take anybody else, uh.
For drinking today, this morning I took some rest restaurants. I used to tell them, I request that you won't take any kind of, uh, soft drink for that because people think it's uh, cocktail. And I'm a Christian born again Christian and I preach the gospel on the street party. So I don't want them to think that my hip are good. So, umm, if you don't mind, no, no drinks. And I'm going to put in 27 years of one company and 25 but the next company.
The largest refuse to take anybody out.
Because I'm not doing.
Interesting here it speaks about again in verse five. I know we're not moving fastly through quickly through here, but to be discreet. This is to the young women there, isn't it? There's four. They know that the elder women keeps the young people, young women to be sober, love their husbands and love their children. Then to be discreet chaste keepers at home. Good.
That that word good comes in sometimes. I was thinking of the of a verse over in Ephesians chapter one.
And verse or chapter 2 and 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works. God has placed this in each one of his people and that the expectation is that we might maintain good works and you find that here in the in this little epistle. It says the home to be good works. But if you drop over into the uh.
Uh, next chapter there.
Umm, well, verse fourteen of our chapter. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works, not just to maintain them, but to be zealous in that which would be pleasing to God. That I don't want to do something that is your brain every day. I say, Lord, preserve me from dishonor to thy name.
And that's a very important thing to think about, not just so much for me or for my neighbor or for someone else, but what what does it do to the name of the Lord? It dishonors the Lord's name. So he says to be careful and to be zealous of good works. Now just drop over to the next chapter, the third chapter of the same. But if that's all verse 8. This is a faithful saying that these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have.
Believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. So the the works are there and what is it for that we might not bring disgrace or dishonor upon the name of the Lord really because it it speaks about the the the the the Hebrews, the Jews.
By their actions brought dishonor and, uh, to the name of the Lord.
And so it's it's it's very important to see that that that should be our thought. It's not just to please myself or others, but to please God. That's that's what we're that's why we're giving this we're we're we've been given this new life our desire to please him. So I just think of this in connection with the sisters here to be discreet chased keepers at home good and obedient to their own husbands been said too, that if if a wife you know.
Obedient to their own husbands. I I believe myself, I'm I'm convinced of being a man. I I think that many times it's very difficult for the wife to be obedient to her husband because he's he's such a.
Such a, uh, tyrant, you might say, let's say to see that, but suppose your husband was like we have in the, in the 5th chapter of Ephesians, like the Lord Jesus. I'll just turn it over to that. I just, I thought of it many times, umm.
It says in verse 25.
But chapter, chapter uh, five verse 25 husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that umm, and then dropping down.
So, so, so men ought to well might read the 27th, that he might present it to himself, a glorious church, not having a spot or wrinkle, or any such thing at which he's doing now. So men ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loving himself. And no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherish it even as the Lord, the Church, and so on. He goes on through with this that he speaks about as the great mystery concerning Christ in the church, and someone that put it this way.
If if a if a warrant husband acted in the principles that he has in the divine Word, following the Lord Jesus.
His wife would be delighted to be obedient to him and to and to bow to him and to help him. I'm sure there's a lot of truth connected with that. So it's something that's brought out here, uh, that the wife, uh, be discreet, chased keepers at home, good obedient to their own husbands.
Obedience is very difficult when you've got a strain against it. So obedience is not very. It's not easy for someone to be obey if they're being ill treated.
We started the official.
Realizing that it was not the, the, the, uh, the, the doctrine of, uh, of the truth, but more the, the, uh, practical side of order. And I was just counting up the number of verses that we've been on. Uh, we could say that there are five or six in the first chapter.
And the second chapter down.
To 12. So that's 18 about 18 versus 17 or 18 verses on order. Imagine 18 verses in the scripture telling us about order.
And then it goes on.
We have only 5 minutes, so, uh, then the 13th were so beautiful looking. That's the imperfect tense. That's our attitude for that blessed hope. That's the rapture and the appearing in glory. That's the appearing of which takes place after the rapture.
Of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
That summarizes all the behaviors and if for carrying out these orderly things, what are we going to be doing? We're going to be looking for the rapture and also the appearing, and that's going to give our life that sweet perfume that ascends up to God of Christ.
Isn't nice that God knew it would take all those verses pardon teach it isn't nice to know that God who can't make a mistake, put those verses there knowing they were to take those not many verses to get. Oh nice, it's amazing. I marvelous. We all do Imagine you put in if two or three just two or three are gathered together and it may come to the someday soon.
But God is wonderful. How are you?
Instructors in his word and he doesn't take any shortcuts because he knows exactly our need and the perfect example that we have in the 13th course of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ back it goes to the foundation of it and the perfect example of order who gave himself.
For us.
That He might redeem us from all inequity He's done. That He has washed us from every sin will ever commit. But we have to realize that there's the responsibility to be walking in an orderly way for the Lord's glory. Like redeem us from all inequity and purify unto Himself.
A peculiar Now that doesn't mean being odd. Christian people are saying, oh, he's odd. Well, that take word peculiar means it's a treasure. It's something that's unique. Like we have an, an exodus When Israel was chosen, they were a peculiar people. They were gone and like the children were singing, uh, that we are treasures, uh, in his crown.
Oh, just think of it, brother.
This is very lovely that the grace of God has appeared for all men and for everyone. Say that again in the 11Th, 1St year. It's lovely that the grace of God that bringeth salvation, that appears for all men that they wouldn't have it, but it has appeared for all men. That's the way the other translation is read. Umm, teaching that us that we, uh, denying ungodly and worldly lusts we should live.
Soberly, righteously, and godly in heaven.
In this present world, here was Creek and a very ungodly place, and yet they could live for the glory of God there. The end of act ends with Paul dwelling 2 old years in his own hired house, teaching and preaching the things concerning the Kingdom of God. And we are in a Kingdom now, and we're in His righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, and we can enjoy these things. And I think that we've seen as our own hearts is straight from the truth, that we've seen others apart from the pathway of the truth.
How quickly it degenerates, life degenerates in these practical things and everything becomes messed up. But we can enjoy these things. And in this present world, even though it was creep where it was, Oh well, we got a description of what it was like and so he wants us to enjoy that now and umm.
It appears for all men, but umm, it is a wonderful thing to enjoy it.
I'm thinking too, it'd be good to clear up for for the young people here and perhaps some who are not acquainted with the word of God. They were not speaking about good works for salvation. That's not it. There is no work that you can please God for salvation, but these are the works that were to maintain after we're saved. I think it's good to bear that in mind because sometimes we go away from our conference and statements are made and some of the young people don't get a hold of it. Now, dear young people.
You're not you're not it's not told here that we're to do these maintain these good works in order to get saved. But because you are saved, God wants just notice. Notice just following this up a little bit in verse seven. Well, verse six young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. Well, we had the young women, we had the aged women and now it says, but verse seven in all things, showing thyself a pattern of good works.
Why? Because God has saved us for that very purpose that we might say a pattern of good works in doctrine. Again, teaching, showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech that cannot be condemned. Well, I think these are very practical things and we should remember them, that you don't do this in order for to get saved, but because we are the Lords.
He wants to us to maintain a testimony wherever we are, whether it's our neighbor or workmate or schoolmate, whatever it is to be a testimony for the Lord to honor him in all this. Isn't it strange how Satan imitates God's work? And what's he say to an unsafe person? He says work. Work would be good. So then what is the Christian? What does Satan say to the Christian?
You're saved now, just forget about it. Doesn't matter how you live, just have a good time and do not. You don't need to do anything, just the very opposite. We do nothing for salvation and now he wants our whole life right? Not to give up our job. I don't mean to be.
Reading the Bible all day long. But it's a practical Christian life. He wants our whole affection and our desires of our heart to exalt Christ. And that's a full time job. This will come naturally.
Yeah, that's not what the characteristic of scientists here is, that it's not the salvation of our souls, but in our lives presented here.
We're talking something else. We have the salvation of our souls and she's had her sins washed away and we'll never have to pass through judgment. Passing through judgment passes. No, uh, going to be right. The tightest concurrent recreation in Duarte, uh, saying that the grace of God is granted formation health and teaching us she's denying of his happiness. The world wants to overly crisis things, obviously in this present world and then in the next chapter.
Chapter 3 and verse four but opposite the kindness of the love of God our Savior toward man appears not that worth the Christmas the three of us, but according to his mercy he saved us by the Washington regeneration when he went to holy Rood, not the indwelling of the Holy Ghost to work with the Spirit. Now that we are safe to change our manner of life and to change our behaviors. So now that they're no longer accretion and have national characteristics.
Here I I put my trust in large Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit is now a thing and I'm learning something else in Scripture while I shouldn't behave like this. Then in the evening, I have different motives now on the way I went on before and so here's a Savior God and my life is saved now instead of being lost to business or indulgence or worldly luck and whatever it is, they can carry on and have a Christian and have my whole life lost and now God.
Uh, you're hooked down and he sees the light here and he's working and instructing me in a brand, but now there's something in it requires and there's something that's good with the amount because you do have any lights now. So it is important that if we're not doing this for salvation, but now that we have it, our lives need to be made. Because if, if we're not responsible for this and if we're not putting these things in the process, then our whole lives can just flip away. And I'm sure we all feel that.
The the duties and work and home and the community and whatever it is, all lives can be gulled up and can be just lost.
But, uh, here we have instruction, very construction. But what, what is the characteristics of the Christian now a Nazi game? Probably, but because we have not had behavior that has come in, it's also.
The first Timothy is characteristic of that too, of a savior God.
I think that's worn out and Ephesians chapter two, I think we brushed on the verse earlier in the meeting, but to read a couple of verses.
Birthday, but by grace are you staying through state, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God not at work that he managed to vote. That's the great side of it. Or we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God had before ordained, that we should walk in them. When it says, for we are His workmanship, that means we are God's work.
That's what grace has brought. We are God's work. So there's nothing for us to boast in regards to salvation but being God's work. And what becomes characteristic of us is that our works are like his in a sense. They're righteous for the righteousness of God in Christ or through Christ. So it's it's a wonderful thing to see that we are God's worth, but in seeing that it should.
Bring out of us recognizing what that work, what it took to bring that work, about the things that we consider this morning and that precious morning, our Lord Jesus Christ. Then that should draw from us the proper and appropriate behavior. Could we stand and sing hymn #197? Oh God, what chords of love are thine?
How gentle, yet how strong like truth and grace. Their strength combined to draw our souls along 197.