To an Exercised Soul

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It gave me pleasure to find real interest in the welfare of your soul. From your own statements there had evidently been some change wrought in you: the fear of God, with reverence, if not love, for God's own word; desire to know the Lord Jesus, and salvation through His finished work, &c. I gather that you do not know, that your sins are forgiven, so as to take the place of the “blessed man” of Psa. 32:1, 21<<A Psalm of David, Maschil.>> Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. (Psalm 32:1‑2). In other words, you do not know the way of peace, so as to have nothing unsettled between your soul and a holy God, against Whom you have sinned. Whether you think this happy state either unattainable or only to be known after a deeper experience, I am unable to say. Through mercy I am able, on the authority of His word Who cannot lie, to declare to every believer in Christ and His work present absolute forgiveness of sins. I trust you are in earnest about the truth and will not stop short of its known possession for your soul. “For this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.”
We have to remember that the gospel of God has, so to speak, two sides to it, one about the Lord Jesus Christ, the alone perfect Savior, and the other about ourselves. We need for heaven the new life, to be had only in and through Christ. One must be born anew in order to see or enter the kingdom of God. You are conscious of your need in both respects, not forgiveness only but divine nature. Therefore do not (as many thousands) rest in any uncertainty with activity of good intentions and desires, but only in a right start with God, as a lost sinner to be saved. Have the question of your sins settled in His sight by His word; and then serve Him Who saved you, not allowing anything you do to hide in the smallest degree the work of Christ, or to take its place.
The first all-important point for an awakened soul, desiring peace with God, is to learn that our sins and the righteous judgment of sin have been not only raised but forever settled by Himself. The cross of Christ solemnly shows this: then God and Jesus were alone, and the judgment due to sin fell upon the spotless person of Jesus. The One Who knew no sin was made sin, enduring the terrible consequences when He cried from the depths, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Then was the mighty sacrifice offered. “It is finished,” said He. The blessed proof is, that He Who suffered for sins is not only raised from the dead, but, as Hebrews declares, forever set down at God's right hand. Hence it will never be in question again. The gospel goes forth founded upon this “one offering” of which the Holy Spirit witnesses to us. It is for you to believe in the work already done in order to peace with God.
When this is not understood, how often are souls exhorted to make their peace with God! The truth is that peace has been made by Christ; and God has been proclaiming it in the gospel for more than 1800 years. The poor sinner has only to believe. What good news to the anxious soul desiring it! I trust, dear friend, you may learn and receive it for yourself on the sure testimony of God's unerring word. Turning to Col. 1, you read that the One in Whom all fullness dwelt made peace through the blood of His cross. The fact is once and forever established, both as to the person and the means by which it was done. Nothing but the blood of Christ, the Son of God's love, could make peace with a holy and righteous God. But this having been done and accepted, God Himself proclaims it, and surely would have you to receive it. “Preaching peace by Jesus Christ” said the apostle Peter in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10:3636The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:) (Acts 10:36)). “For God is no respecter of persons “; and “whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.”
Thus it is written for the simplest believer. “Whosoever” leaves no question on the part of God that you are included if you believe. Solid peace is founded upon the precious blood of Christ dead and risen. Believing on Him is the revealed means of possessing it. God freely justifies. “It is God that justifieth: who is he that condemneth?” The very righteousness of God is manifested thereby. Blessed reality, to be justified freely from all things by Him, as every believer is! May you believe what is written and rest in the peace Christ Himself made then! Peace with God will be yours assuredly. G. G.