To Be With Christ - The Lord Understands But You Don't

Address—A. Mauer
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The most precious, meaningful.
Read around with taking the Lord.
Ask him as the object of our worship.
He died.
The one who has the slain Lamb, you know, one who is the.
And who now exceeded the majority? They offered to borrow worship.
And I believe they're ones that if you look at Revelation 5, you see, look at the order there, you'll see that it's the appearance of the slain Lamb of God.
That Usher sport, that song were all. If you look back in Zechariah, you'll find it would be essentially the same thing with the Jews, the Israelites.
It's the appearance of the Lord Jesus and when they see the marks of the wounds in His hand and His feet.
Going to draw them into the fence and I believe and rejoicing and worship forever.
I wonder what it will be like I.
Wonderful to actually get a glimpse of the face.
I don't think that we have any concept.
No, because we're more.
I think we have no concept of what it will be like.
I want to see that.
Touching, you know, when Thomas took his.
Cried out, my Lord, my God.
When we see the fails.
When we see the face of our Lord Jesus.
It appears in that glorious scene.
And it's only that.
Holy presence of God.
And we see it. That's song of Joy, first four.
Will be there.
All lovely talk.
And finally, the one who will slay them strong.
They're trying to have his right?
You know, you and I.
You know, we can look at each other and you can look at the words and the simple. I don't know how why the Lord says that.
But that really doesn't make you.
We know what.
I will say yes because he wanted to fulfill.
I want to resign that song that we started with this morning.
And I want to notice especially the last standard.
Then endless praise our lips kill Malika and joy our spirits still.
The objects of his love design.
Oh, who? That joint?
Here we grow cold in our hearts.
We will be in this professional PLC but it's so easy to grow cold in our hearts.
And we get choked with the cares of this world. You know, that's really what happened to the good seed in the Parable of the Souls. Is that children? That's easy, is it not?
It's easy for the cares of this world and the responsibilities of the day.
To have so much influence on our hearts and on our minds and on our time.
That in the Word of God and the enjoyment of our Lord Jesus gets displaced.
It's to our loss is that.
I think the Lord understands we have responsibilities, but the.
That's not what I'm thinking. I'm thinking of the pure joy of gaining service.
We used to take care of a very dear sister.
I'll tell you who it was because I think that you would appreciate more the one who said it.
Grace Brown, who lay dying in the nursing.
And I went to see her in the nursing home that Sunday morning.
Interested. I'm not going to make this.
And I said to her, I said, I think the Lord understands.
She looked at me and she said you don't.
I want.
I want to be.
That made an impression.
Yes, it's true that the Lord understood that she wasn't going to be there.
But that did not displace her desire to be worthy of.
Do we have that burning time?
Want to be who are located do we have that burning desire to want to have him for our.
Do we have that burning desire to have that joy that fulfill our spirits?
And that in the coming days going to bring forth that end.
You don't understand. I want to be here.
What a lovely thing that was.
Thing #279.
Don't think you're crazy.
Well, on the lamps of changing love and praising.
You everywhere.
That really wasn't what I wanted to talk about.
I wanted to talk about the other side of the story.
Because when we talk about the other side of the story for those I was talking about how how lovely and how much I enjoyed the meeting this morning and the fact that our teacher was drawn drawn price brick to the slain landing glory and to sing his glories really more. And what a privilege that was. But I really wanted to talk about the other side of it. Because when we talk about the other side of it, not only do we bow because of what he is to us, but we see what he is, what he is in himself.
And what makes it simply?
Fall and wonder. It's about.
What God is for? I'd like to turn to the very first book in the Bible.
Very first book in the Bible, the very first chapter.
And guess which first?
The very first verse.
The very first Genesis 11.
And I want to focus.
That first verse in the beginning.
God created the heaven.
I love this first.
If you look up in the meaning of the word of the Greek word or which is fake, I guess it's Hebrew.
For God, you'll find it, you know.
I'm not a Hebrew scholar, I don't pretend to be, but they tell me that this word is below him.
And Elohim has the sense of being thorough.
And wherever we find Elohim.
We can almost always assume that it is Speaking of God in his triune character, God the Father, God the Son and Brother Holy Spirit.
4 words into the Bible God brings before us to this Holy Spirit.
Not that he is a single dog L.
L is a singer.
What he brings to.
And I think that tells me something. It tells me that there were three persons of the God.
And this verse tells me that they had a purpose. What was the purpose? To create the heaven?
Now why didn't it say here?
Why didn't it say that he.
Creative universe. I didn't say that it doesn't. Why doesn't it?
Do you have a purpose in acting?
Because I believe he's saying that the Triune God is saying that.
We're going to create.
A universe, but there's going to be two parts to it. There's going to be the stars, there's going to be the galaxies, there's going to be the sun, there's going to be the planet.
But we're going to create, we're going to have our special occupation.
Because Earth is going to be a place.
So we're going to create men.
We have a purpose and our purpose is to create man.
That my son.
I have children. Behold, I and the children which are.
That lovely in the very first verse of the Bible, I believe we find very clearly stating that each one of the triune guardians, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are of one mile. One mile.
But there should be a people for himself.
Can that welcome?
And it's easy to say, well, that's a great way to start the scripture.
To start that very idea and that very idea what the idea that God wants with people person.
But you know what this is not.
This is not the beginning at all.
Turn with me to a deep.
The book of Ephesians.
Chapter 3. Chapter 3.
Beginning at.
Well, I'm going to read the 11Th verse.
According to the earthly purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus.
Does it touch our hearts?
It touched our hearts that we read from the beginning.
That this earth is made especially for people, for God to love, for the Lord Jesus to say, for the Holy Spirit to bring in the wind will blow.
Very first verse in the violence case from the very beginnings of the earth. But you go to Ephesians 3 and you find.
And we understand how that in God's mind.
He could look down to 19.
They can say well.
It isn't that I want some, but.
But he could look down and say.
Does it mean anything to us that I am an individual? That you?
Are a person that God has had his eye on ever since an eternity past, and that that is going to be part and our being there is going to be part of the eternal purpose.
His will, his mind, God's whole energy when you say that, Reverend.
Was bent on, if I could say that was the fact that you as an individual should be brought in to.
Notice here there's two things.
He Let's go.
Purpose and press.
And you will find I believe.
But as alluded to in the first verse that we read that this fulfillment of his purpose.
Carried out in a oneness of mind regarding.
Now it's true that you don't always have the Holy Spirit mentioned with the with the Father and the time, but there are many places where the Triune is mentioned. For instance, we read in Hebrews 9 where it says.
You don't have to turn to it, I'll just read it to you.
How much more shall we shall the blood of Christ, who's through the eternal Spirit, offered himself up without spot to God? Purge your conscience, universe.
If you look in John 14, you find God mentioned in the first verse, you find the Son mentioned in the sixth verse, and you find the Spirit mentioned in the end of the chapter.
The Father and the Son look for the Holy Spirit. You will oftentimes either find Him mentioned or you will find Him with Him because that triune God has one purpose.
And that's fulfilled the purpose and you.
Look back in Genesis chapter 22.
Chapter 22.
We know the verse so well.
Verse 8 The last part of it. So they went, both of them again, who went both of them together, The Father and the Son.
Of one purpose, one mind, one mind. Turn over to Genesis chapter 45.
Genesis chapter 45.
This is when the children of Israel were restored to Joseph.
Joseph now being the second in the Kingdom, and he had authority over the whole Kingdom. The type of the Lord Jesus isn't it when he will have his rightful place.
Notice the touching words.
In verse one.
Joseph could not restrain retrain himself.
Before all men are.
Because he loved his friend.
His brethren love him today.
Think of that.
They were terrified.
You're absolutely crazy.
But what does Joseph say to his friend?
Go to the 4th place.
Come back.
Is that what the Word wants us to do? He wants us.
Come here.
You think it was real? It was real enough that he wanted them to be all by themselves. He couldn't refrain.
His emotions, his real reality, his feelings were so strong for his brother and his love that he wanted to have them exclusive of all.
He could not refrain his faith.
The Lord Jesus wants us that name too. He wants us.
And it is only that he wants us, that he wants you, each one of you. He wants you that thing. He wants me.
He didn't love the most saintly of all people in the whole world that live now or come in a coming day or in a past day anymore.
Thank you.
Because it's instant flow and it requires infinite light to bring us into that position.
Now you say, well that was nice of Joseph. He was the second woman. He was the 2nd in command, if you will. He had authority over the whole land.
And you say, yeah, that was nice. Those have had a pretty good office.
And the Lord Jesus, you know, can say now to us, come unto me.
He served in the remembrance of the Lord. Come show that he wanted a short place where he could be with His disciples.
But you know, there's something in this chapter that's deep detention.
There's something that had to go before, something that had to go before has invited them to come under him and look at what it says.
The 7th person.
God sent me before you to preserve your posterity in the earth.
And to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not used as simply delivered at all. What had to happen before Joseph offered that invitation to come to his dream? He had to be so, and he had to.
That's how he got into a position of being able to invite his brethren to come from himself.
That's the way. That's the position.
As the Lord Jesus is in today, he invites us to come, but it's not.
He could never, he could never have brought us into a position that he had like this.
If he had not been so.
So now when he offers us to come.
It's because he is being depressed. Awful, awful price.
But notice what it says. It was God that sent me.
They went, both of them together.
Remember the first verse of our body?
It was below him. Remember in Ephesians three it was.
The Lord Jesus Christ, I define both of you again.
They were one, absolutely one, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Of one mind.
Is that correct? Yes, that's correct. But I think we need to put another, another word in there. They were of 140 miles.
And so it was God's eternal purpose to purpose in Christ that we should be of being.
But keep in mind that it was up with your mind.
Does it chill?
She put us on our knees.
Let God breathe.
Now let's go to John's Gospel.
Chapter 17.
John Gospel, chapter 17.
We've heard said that this is the Lord's Prayer and.
There is another prayer, but that was a prayer that the Lord taught the disciples.
Is their prayer? Was it the Lord's Prayer? I'm sure it was because He gave it to the decisive to pray.
But in a sense, this is the word.
How many times have we enjoyed reading this check?
Lovely, isn't it? It's lovely. Is there any of us that can read this chapter without bowing our office?
But I want to look at it in a little different way.
Want to look at it in a little different way. We think of this prayer and rightly so, rightly so that it is a communion communication, you know.
Difference between communion and communication.
I can be in communion with my wife and not singing.
Two men can have communication in an argument and not being communicated.
But this is communion with communication.
Not only that, I believe that it is oneness.
Of course, that's what communion means anyway, doesn't it? Calm means with and human means one with one. And if you go, as you go through here and you find the desire of being one.
I want you to notice with me the last part of the 33rd.
The last part of the 16th chapter, the 33rd verse. These things have I spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.
That's a nice purse, isn't it? I have overcome the world.
Now what I want you to do with me this afternoon for right temporarily is to extract out 17th check.
I want you, with all respect to the Word of God, to extract the 17th chapter and put it to the side a little bit, because what I want you to do with me is to go from the 16th chapter to the 18th chapter.
I have overcome the world.
When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth.
With his disciples under the brook center, where there was a garden into which he entered in his desire. Judas also, which betrayed him, knew the place.
For Jesus OFT times resorted thither with his disciples.
Jesus then having Judas then having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, come a thither with lanterns and torches, and weapons. Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth and said unto him, Them whom seek ye, They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said unto them, I am people, and Judas also, which betrayed you stupid.
Look what happens when you take that 17th chapter.
You go from the end of the 16th chapter where it says he has overcome the world.
And in the 18th chapter, he and his meekness allows himself to be taken. Is that a paradox? Is that a paradox? Here you find one who says I've overcome the world. And in the next verse he's taken as a prison.
Does that sound consistent?
Well, the human mind would say nothing. The human mind would say no. That just doesn't make any sense.
Doesn't make any sense. How can he proclaim? How can he claim to have overcome the world?
And then be taken as a prisoner.
Well, we don't understand fully these things, but we know by faith in the Lord Jesus and by reading other scriptures we know that He was allowed. He allowed himself to be.
Had he overcome the world? Oh yes he had. There was no question that the one that they took and that whom Judas betrayed and the one they took and supposedly had his prisoner.
Was only allowing himself to be taken.
Allowing himself to be put on the cross.
But when he says these words, he knows full welcome.
He knows full well that the time is coming in the next few short hours.
In the next few short hours.
That he's going to be he's going to be persecuted at the hands of men and he's.
Going to have you there. The stroke of God's life for us.
Just as a little digression.
This is a little digression. You think about this, these circumstances.
If I am correct? If I am correct?
The Lord's Supper occurred on Thursday night.
I suppose that the Lord Jesus had been upholding.
He had the Lord's Supper.
And after that he was taken.
And he was under the judgment of man.
All night.
He was taken the next morning.
And then He was crucified. And from noon on Friday until 3:00 in the afternoon, across and before the judge artist.
Almost 36 hours.
At least.
I wonder how many of us fear could function?
And carry a right way before our God.
After going 36 hours.
And what does that mean? It meant that he must endure the punishment of man.
Dinosaurs smite City when he was physically tired.
They physically died. It also meant that after he had been tired and had endured all that man could put upon.
It was.
This it was then that he must endure the wrath of God.
Let's touch you.
It wasn't that the Lord Jesus got out of bed and had been on vacation for two weeks.
It wasn't that he got up fresh in the morning and said OK, now it's time to go to the cross. I say that with most Reverend because I want to make a point. It was the Lord Jesus who first had sought to be with his disciple, to be around 2% of disciples around him, and then to suffer at the hands.
Simple man.
And then, after all that, after all that, he was willing to be taken, tired, beaten.
Put in exile, scorn be righted, all of those things. It was.
That he subjected himself.
Your hands off.
Because of your sin and because your mind.
There could, humanly speaking, not have been a worse time for him to have taken on himself the wrath of God.
Pretty sick. Probably not magic if I.
Well, so we found that this paradox is really not a paradox. So when we take the 17th chapter out, we really see that he did. He had to overcome the world because he could. Look at the cross that hasn't been completed already. It was just as sure as the case.
So even though he was taken.
He knew that the work would be.
Let's put ourselves back in that fight.
If we could, we can.
Let's put ourselves supposing that we knew.
That we had something like that before.
Some of the apostles did. Peter did, called in. They all did. Both did. They knew they were going to die. They knew they were going to.
I wonder what I thought.
Would our first thought be.
People of God or would we be concerned about the pain that would be offered?
The dear ones.
Notice where the Lords Prayer comes. It comes.
Before. Just before.
After the.
When he when he had spoken, these were apparently it was within a short period of time, perhaps even a few minutes.
The time had come for him to begin.
And so that's the light in which I want to look at John 17.
Remember we said that it Father the Son went together. Remember the Tri Union City. Read about in Johnson, and remember about the eternal purpose in Ephesians 3, The oneness of mind, the oneness of purpose, the oneness of traveling, the oneness of going together, the oneness of of desire.
I think there's something tremendously precious about John. We read it and we enjoy it, and we say mine wasn't a communion between the father and the son of pressure.
We enjoy that because it's as if we could kind of open the door and we could hear the Father of the Sun talking together.
It's a little crack in the board fence, if you will, being able to look in here what the Lord Jesus is saying to his Father.
But I want to ask you something.
Have you read the nine of the 17th chapter of John's Gospel?
Thought about with your father.
About 50 times. About 50 times.
In John 17.
There is a pronoun which refers to.
Look at it's them.
There, go there.
Exactly then.
Look at any of many of the verses with particular that manifested Thy name unto the men which Thou gave us Me out of the world dying they are, and they'll gave us them me, and they have kept I will.
You know what's one of the main subjects is John 17.
The father and son communion of our.
It seems as if even though the Lord Jesus so much wanted to do his Father's way.
And in the face of the crowd, his father.
That's something so much to think. I want to talk to you.
Banks of people, its own people. I love those people. I've asked my people.
Here we are, Father. We've come to the point. We've come to the point where I can join the process. I can join the fact that now I'm going to have those people as money.
And this is Father.
And the father and the son are of one mile in John.
About them?
If I were in no circumstances and I could never stay.
I am sure that my thoughts would never be about a people who hated me.
I'm sure that my thoughts probably wouldn't be about a person who.
But here was the working.
And the Fathers and the Son.
Once again, this is the time, the center of your eternity.
When God is going to fulfill, when to complete the way by which His eternal purpose could be carried out in this through eternity past?
Yeah, but so that there can be.
This is the thing.
This is the theme, this is what was on the Lord Jesus heart as he went to come.
I'm sure it was on the father's side.
Read a little bit John 17. These words say Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven.
And said, Father, the hour is come. Glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify me. What does it mean to glorify?
I have a hard time with that. I have a hard time really understanding what it means to grow up. Leo. You probably could understand it or not. Perhaps you should be OK talking rather than.
I have a hard time looking for Mr. Glorify, but I lifted up my dictionary and has a meaning something like that.
To manifest ones love.
Make the glory.
No, to make the glory so we could read it. Something like this. The hour has come.
Father, the hour has come. Make my glory known.
That I may make God.
You see what it is The Lord Jesus wanted the Father to use Him to manifest His glory.
Why? Because the sun wanted to play? No, it's because he wanted God the Father's glory to be manifested, the Bavar.
Draw the side his clothes desire.
Why has always given power all questions that He should be that He should give eternal life to as many of those kids. Why did the Lord Jesus want His glory to be manifested so that the Father's glory could be manifested? And what was that glory? What was that purpose that He could give eternal life to life?
Touch, touch.
And this is life eternal, that I may be with thee in heaven. No, that's not what it says.
That day might know the.
Had they known him in a world path? Not enough. The world by wisdom knew not from.
But this is the time when the Lord Jesus is going to have his glory manifested.
That He may manifest the Father's book.
So that we.
I have glorified her. I have manifested thy glory.
On the earth I have finished the work which Sal gave us me to reach.
Now, I believe that it's well accepted that the work here is probably a wider scope, a much wider scope than simply the work of Redemption.
I believe that it's possible that the work here refers to the total purpose of the Lord Jesus in doing the whole will of God.
But you see, that includes us too.
That includes them.
I have finished the work which I gave it to me to do and now old father manifest.
My glory, along with Dino himself, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
And then he goes on to mention they them their though almost 50 seconds.
Touch it that in the last minute, the last second.
Before the Lord was taken happy.
Willingly, Captain. His concern was if he might glorify the Father, and that he might have a people.
Did you deserve it? Surprise me, Hoover enemy.
You know what we would have done if we've been back there?
We were here crucified, crucified, crucified just like the other.
And I'm not sure I'm holding the song. I can't force converse right off hand, but it seems as my voice is there to crucify.
I hear my voice.
Does the world by wisdom knew not God in the world by its by its own, then sin would not have gone.
Now let's turn to Ephesians 3.
Same chapter we read before, but let's look at the verses ahead of it.
Verse 8 Unto me that is Paul.
To him less than the least of all things. Verse 8.
Now notice here that this is the lowest I believe that Paul ever puts himself.
He puts himself the very lowest tier of any expression. As in the applied system, I am less than the least of all.
It's as if Paul was saying I'm going to take the very lowest place in the whole body of Christ that I can possibly take because I've got something to tell you. Got something to tell you.
And what is he going to tell me?
He's saying that I should preach among the Gentiles in searchable riches of Christ. Oh, you say that's wonderful. Isn't it wonderful that the Lord was the perfect man? Isn't it wonderful that he was the perfect sacrifice? Isn't it wonderful that he was the the perfect man that we get in Leviticus 2 broke up the meal and so forth the meal.
Isn't that love? What are the unsearchable riches of Christ? Is it that is it?
Included, but what is it?
To make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world has been.
About that, didn't we?
Who created all things by Jesus Christ? Do you find God the Father and God the Son coming back? He certainly did. They went both of them again.
Do the intent. What is the intent? Here we have what are the unsearchable riches of Christ? Do the intent that now under the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, might be known by the Church, the many colored wisdom and God. Mr. Smith used to use that as many colored women come.
According to the eternal purpose, which person himself?
What are the unsearchable issues of track?
Visit bow our hearts to realize that in the coming days those of us who would have cried crucified Him crucified, and those of us who would have helped to put the nails in His hands and in His feet.
How can it possibly be?
How can it possibly be?
That you and I are going to manage.
Man, God's working in it.
The manifold wisdom.
Do we fast? Do we take in and all in the least?
The least amount the fact that you and I as members of the body of Christ, as members of the Church of God.
Are going to be that which?
The wisdom of God.
We are going to manage that we are going to make known.
To the Prince of Paris and Powers.
Can have an advice, you know, we if we were just naturally think safe, we would say, hey, that's what the Angel didn't do. But that's not right.
If you would stick you and I up and go, and you and I, members of the body of friends, is members of the church.
I was going to fulfill the intent of God the Father and God the Son.
That the wisdom of God should be made known.
And it will be.
Sometimes I liken it you.
You've seen you've seen diamond. Well cut as the diamond moves, it shines in different colors Come and you know too that if you take a diamond, I don't understand this, but I'm not a jeweler, but if you take a dime under a stone.
Each one has its own view, and each fasted on the diamond has its own little view, its own little color. And I believe that that's the way that we're going to be in glory, each of us, you know, in, in.
In a sense, we are indeed precious stones.
And I believe that in glory there's going to be a beautiful Church of God, and each of us are going to have our own.
Oh my God, Jesus is done.
Now we're going to manifest. If you have a light, you've seen the light winds that have all kinds of mirrors around them and so forth. And what do they do? They're beautiful. And as they as they swing around, you can see the manifestation of colors that are in those mirrors.
But you know it takes a like those to do it.
If you turn out the lights and put it in a dark room, you don't see it.
You don't think, but turn on the light.
And that and you see each mirror perhaps?
And I believe that in a sense, that's what we're going to be, an eternal.
There's going to be the church.
And in a spiritual sense, there will be the little different reflection from me, from you, everything else.
God didn't make any clothes.
He wants each of these individuals. He created you just like you are because that's the way He wants you for himself. That's the way that He wants to manifest.
The wisdom of God, and your little stones and your little son.
We want you just like we are. The work of Christ applied, the blood of Christ applied to sin. That's true.
He wants you just like you. That's the way he makes it. If he did not want you like you are, he would not have made you that way.
He wants you just like you are, because he wants you.
To have a little bit different hue.
Little bit different color than everyone else.
But it's on a display. The manifold was.
And I believe we should add here in Christ.
This is Valerie.
The valve of our heart doesn't to think of what he's done for us. Oh God, how, why? How high thy grow is right, How wide thy voice, oh.
A wide bed glory shine how high thy wind is going to rise. Known through the earth by 1000 signs by thousands to the side, but when we viewed like rain.
Say 2000 the love of truth. It's a lovely truth.
And we enjoyed that. But there's another truth to add to that.
And that is?
It's more than salvation. It's more than just saving.
He wants us to do that and He wants us to reflect His glory.
Is that and that from an eternity past this has been his whole intent, that you and I as members of the Church of God.
That which reflects management makes clear His glory, his wisdom.
That's the position.
That's the position that you and I have been running.
And all eternities must be behold us and the children, of course.
Where do we say where do we stand when Joseph's brother stood before Joseph? Could they claim anything?
Nothing. When we get to glory, you know, even now, we say, well, nothing that we have is ours. It's kind of a trite expression, true, but we kind of use it so many times that it loses it.
But I believe that when we get to glory, the reality, the reality of what Christ has done for us and in US, and that we should be to the praise of His glory, and that we are going to manage them.
The burn should be flat.
Physical and manifest the wisdom of God.
Did anyone the glimpse of the Lamb of God was going through?
Immediately bring forth that shot of the song that will say that will grow my ball.
Oh, the Lord Jesus is the Sinner that.
The Father looking down upon the Lord Jesus.
With infinite delight. Perfect delight.
To thank the Lord Jesus, I suddenly say this forever. If you think he's going to be proud, of course he is.
As he sits there in the center of that door.
All of his affection are going to be.
Does it bring us to our need of leadership? And I believe it doesn't bring us lower than that. I believe it should.
Prostration before the sun before when we realized and we realized that only so when we realized that this.
It's my job.
Perfect, perfect. So much more.
So we look forward to the time in the middle of Jesus will have a grateful place both in heaven.
Oh, we're going to, I believe we're going to bridle, say, well, Jesus, have you given anything in the reward? As a reward, you take it back. It's all I want nothing to be.
I want nothing to eat because that's the heat. I'm not.
But it was.
Father and Son, when both of us again, you see it from the very first verse all the way to the Scriptures.
How the below God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit wanted you specifically you manifested manifest.