To Correspondents: Letter on Separation

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It is notorious to all readers of the “Collected Writings” that the “Letter on Separation” in our last Number was written and printed many years ago. A date never was affixed to that letter, which kept to the general principle. Not a word was changed, nor was there even a thought that any one would conceive it referred to recent circumstances. It was inserted, like many other pieces from time to time, because a similar need calls for it now as when written: for the exercise of his judgment the Editor of the Bible Treasury is alone responsible. He believes that there is a superstitious notion largely prevalent, that once an assembly, always an assembly (save for judgment): a notion which wrought of old the fatal false security of the Jew, and which helped to build up the vast imposture of popery, where unity is the constant plea to swamp, not conscience only, but the energy of the Spirit in testimony to the glory of Christ, and to the holy nature and righteous ways of God. Those who think themselves exempt from such a snare are already deceived; and there is no danger which may not assail those who desire to stand together in their weakness, but faithfully on God's ground for His saints in the present ruin-state of Christendom. It is a great sin to abandon what is of God I it is equally a sin to accredit what dishonors Him collectively or individually. None can escape from responsibility; nor. would faith desire it but to glorify God in obedience though in suffering and grief for Christ's sake, as well as righteousness.