A gospel preacher was addressing a group of railroad men. He presented to them their need of believing in the Savior who said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
“The only way to true happiness here and to heaven hereafter," he told them, "is by way of the cross of Christ. How suddenly accidents can happen, especially in your line of work! Let me urge you to accept the Savior. Know you are saved. Then if an accident should be allowed to take place and you are killed you will 'be in heaven in a jiffy!' The moment you are absent from the body you will be present with the Lord.”
Among the listeners were two Christians, John Thompson and Joe Smith. At the close of the meeting John asked his friend Joe: "What did you think of the preaching?”
“I did not like his idea of 'going to heaven in a jiffy, '" replied the other.
“Just what I did like," said the first. "It was an odd expression, but it will not be forgotten. You and I can praise God that it is blessedly true. Instant death here to the Christian will be instant glory yonder.”
Little did John think that in a few short hours he would know the reality of this. But so it proved. Very soon after the two friends separated, John was on his train journeying toward the south. All went well until B station was reached. There, as usual, they were shunted on to a siding to let the express, then due, pass.
On it came through the night and in a few moments had whizzed by and was out of sight. But for some unknown reason, John had failed to get clear of its way in time. His crushed and lifeless, body was found between the rails over which the train had passed. The train crew gathered around and tender hands carried their companion's remains to the station. But the happy spirit was with the God who gave it, and had redeemed it by the blood of the Lamb.