To Him That Loves Us

 •  2 min. read
“ To Him that loves us”—Ah, those words!
And shall such words meet no reply
The full heart swelleth, but its chords
Are silent; not only through the eye
The rapt soul findeth utterance; evermore
She bends in silent ecstasy her Lord and
Savior to adore.
“To Him that loves us!” can we speak
When bowed beneath that weight of love?
The human tongue is all too weak;
And even in the choirs above,
Though angels hymn His everlasting praise
They know not, cannot know, the love
Which He to us displays.
For He hath washed us in His blood!
O let us then His grace adore!
“ And made us kings and priests to God,”
To Him be glory evermore;
“ His God and Father,” on the heavenly throne,
Our God and Father too, for we are one with
Him, His own.
Behold He cometh in the cloud,
And every eye shall see Him then,
And they which pierced Him, weep aloud
And every tribe and race of men
“ Shall wail because of Him” who sits in judgment then;—
Lord, this Thy righteousness requireth-
Even so, Amen.”
They spit upon Thee when on earth,
In mockery crown’d Thee with the thorn,
They trampled on Thy lowly birth,
Thy “ grace and truth” they laugh’d to scorn;
They cast them out, who still Thy holy name adored—
But Thy God bath exalted Thee, and they
Shall own that Thou art Lord.
Thou art the First—thou art the Last,
Thou art the ever living One;
The Father’s joy, in ages past,
His only, well beloved Son;
In Thee He bath been glorified—and now
He hath decreed “ that at the name of
Jesus, every knee shall bow.”