It is with very deep regret that we have to inform the many readers of The Bible Treasury of the great loss to them and us, of the beloved Editor, Mr. W KELLY, who fell asleep on the 27th March last, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. Yet should we be more than thankful for his long and unremitting labors in the Master's vineyard, and for the nearly fifty years of able and unbroken Editorship of this Magazine, as also for the many invaluable papers so regularly contributed by him to its pages. The Bible Treasury was commenced in June 1856 under the Editorship of Professor WALLACE who gave it its title, but his connection with the periodical ceased with the close of that year; and from January 1857 henceforth, Mr. WILLIAM KELLY became sole Editor. Under ordinary circumstances therefore The Bible Treasury might fitly have closed the 50 years of its existence with the present issue; but as it was the expressed wish of the late Editor, only a few days before he passed away, that, if possible, the Magazine should be continued, it is proposed that for the time being this should be done, as there are in the writer's possession, manuscript notes of addresses, which were taken down in shorthand, besides also a considerable quantity of other matter never yet published in this paper, which we feel sure will prove of real interest and profit to our readers. If any of our friends should have notes of addresses by Mr. KELLY which have not yet seen the light, and would kindly forward them to E. B. T. c/o T. Weston, 53, Paternoster Row, the writer would be very grateful for same, as also for any letters of interest from the late Editor's voluminous pen. Moreover, it is hoped that, as hitherto, helpful papers from other writers may continue to find a place in this serial, as may be contributed from time to time. We earnestly ask the prayers of all God's children for His gracious guidance and blessing, and that this Monthly may still, in its measure, contribute to the establishment and growth of souls in the grace and truth that came by Jesus Christ.