To the Lord and Before the Lord

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Address—Bill Prost
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People's address and gave it out.
And I can remember to this day the effect it had on me as we sung those verses together.
And I trust that the grip.
That it had on my soul back then is still there.
And I trust too, that what the Lord has for us in words like that, we'll have a grip on each one of our souls this afternoon. I suppose if I were to pick some kind of a title for what I have on my heart this afternoon.
We might say.
For the Lord.
And before the Lord.
Living for the Lord and before the Lord.
Again, maybe some of you get a little tired.
Of hearing some of us talk about our living in the last days.
But I don't think that anyone would argue with that, at least no one that's sitting here.
I suppose.
Most of us could not help but be horrified by the specter.
Of terrorists getting hold of two big hotels in Mumbai, India within the last 48 hours.
I've never stayed in either one of those hotels, but I know them very well having been in the vicinity of them.
And to see and realize all that is going on there.
But then it brings it a little closer to home.
When I saw.
On a TV screen in a restaurant at lunchtime.
That an employee at a Walmart in New York State had literally been trampled to death by the crowds frantically trying to get their hands first grab at the merchandise that was going on.
Sale today.
And you and I are living in that kind of a world today where it just seems to be one thing after another until we look around and say, what next?
And it has been very typical in the past that when things have been very indefinite and unsure, when war and other things have cropped up in this world, when life has been very uncertain, when the future.
Has been very questionable.
What the apostle Paul brings forward in First Corinthians 15 has very much taken hold of people. Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
And men have thrown to the four winds, as it were, any moral standards that they had any thought of. What is right and wrong, perhaps, but only living for today. Do what you want today, because there may not be a tomorrow.
And you know if this life is the only horizon.
Then that makes some sense, doesn't it?
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, Paul says, we are of all men.
Most miserable? Absolutely. And why not just do your own thing? Do whatever you want, because the future.
Is not even there.
Most likely.
And yet, what do we find in this precious book?
All we find as we have sung together, that the Lord Jesus says it's only going to be a little while.
It's only going to be a little while.
And then I am going to take you home.
And it's all going to be worthwhile in that day. We sing it sometimes at young people's meetings. That Him it will be worth it all. When we see Jesus, life's trials will seem so small. When we see Christ, when look at his blessed face, all sorrow will erase. So bravely run the race till we see Him.
I'd like to speak a little, first of all, about living for Christ in these last days and to bring that before us. Let's turn first of all to a scripture in Second Timothy.
Second Timothy.
Now probably many of you know this, but we'll repeat it that the book of Second Timothy was written by the Apostle Paul during his last imprisonment in Rome.
When he knew from the Lord that he was not going to be released again, and when, sad to say, the breakup of things that he had labored so strenuously for was already starting to occur.
And so he gives Timothy instruction as to how to conduct himself under those circumstances. And notice what he says here. Second Timothy, chapter one.
Verse 6.
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up.
The gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. I think Mr. Darby uses the term renew or rekindle.
The gift of God.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me as prisoner, but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God.
Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
But now is made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Who have abolished death?
And hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. For unto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. For the which 'cause I also suffer these things, nevertheless I am not ashamed, For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
Hold fast the form of sound words which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus.
That good thing which was committed under the keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in US.
This thou knowest that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me, of whom are fajilas and homogeneous.
Chapter 2 and verse one. Thou therefore, my Son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
It's a wonderful thing in any field.
Whether in natural things or in spiritual things, to be carried along by, shall we say, a tide of energy and blessing that takes hold of other people.
And forges ahead.
I have always been interested in history.
And I remember reading something about the history of the United States and how that in the beginning of the 19th century, when Europe was embroiled in what are known now as the Napoleonic Wars and Napoleon had conquered most of continental Europe. And the only country in Europe that was able to hold out against him with any effectiveness was Britain. Oh, it's true. He never quite conquered Russia, but.
They weren't able to do too much at that time.
And the comment was made that over in America, America was like a young man.
Braced and ready to forge ahead.
That was probably very true.
And it is a wonderful thing to be on the leading edge of a tide of wonderful blessing.
It would have been a wonderful thing to have lived in the days of the early church when everything was going ahead and things were opening up in a wonderful way. It's a wonderful thing when the Spirit of God is working in a wonderful and outward way to raise up, shall we say, a leading edge of blessing.
Both in the gospel and in the truth.
But as every dispensation has drawn to a close.
It has come down to individual faithfulness, It has come down to the point where.
People have had to live for God's glory according to their individual energy and faithfulness.
And sad to say.
In many cases.
There are those who say it is too rough, this is too difficult, there are too many problems, there are too many difficulties, there are too many discouragements.
I cannot handle this on my own anymore.
Do you sometimes feel that way?
It may surprise you to know that.
I don't think there's anyone in this room, if you were to buttonhole them and say have you ever felt a little bit that way?
I venture to say that almost everyone here would say yes.
I have to admit that I would. I have to admit that there have been times when I have said, where do we go from here?
And at times like that, I have appreciated what Paul says to Timothy.
Because there was a man in the person of the Apostle Paul who probably had labored with more energy and more reality and more devotedness than perhaps anyone else in this dispensation. The Lord knows, and in a coming day He will put his stamp of approval or otherwise on what we have done. But certainly we would have to say that Paul laboured, as he says, of his own accord, more abundantly than they all referring to others in his own day.
And to see at the end of his life, the fruits of his labor have to come down to what we read in verse 15 of Second Timothy. One, all they which are in Asia be turned away from me. Can you imagine how he must have felt? And there he was in prison, not able to get out there and do anything about it, not able to go and try and encourage anyone in a practical way.
Know if we could say it?
He could pray and that is a most wonderful thing.
But there was number more that he could do. He could pray and he could write.
And you would have expected under any other, under all of these circumstances for any other man to have said, Timothy, I don't know where we're headed. I guess it didn't work. I guess it wasn't worthwhile. It's all been a failure.
Even as well taught and devoted to man as GV Wigram back in the 1800s, when troubles and difficulties came in among the Saints of God and among those gathered to the North Lord's name, he said back in the 1870s, it's all over, we're finished, it's all over with.
Thank God he was wrong. Thank God he was wrong. Yes, he was wrong, dear Mr. Wiggum got under the condition of things that were going on.
Who am I to criticize him?
We don't criticize. All I say is thank God he was wrong.
And what I say to you and to me today, each one of us, is that God wants you to look.
At one who suffered more discouragement in his life than you and I will ever be called upon to suffer.
I don't say that the Lord Jesus was ever discouraged. I don't believe he was, and I doubt if Paul was either.
But if I could rephrase that expression, let me say the Lord Jesus suffered more that was potentially discouraging than anyone else.
And if anyone could have looked around and if I could say it with all reverence.
Felt sorry for himself.
You would say there was one who had every right to do so. Have you ever felt sorry for yourself? I'm afraid I have, and maybe you have too. And maybe we have all, at various times in our lives, indulged in the luxury of feeling sorry for ourselves.
Let me tell you from experience, it's a bad thing to do. It's a bad thing to do. Don't, don't let yourself do that.
Because what God would say to your heart and mind is the same thing that Paul says to Timothy. He would say Timothy.
All this that is going on.
Is temporal all this that is going on? Yes, it is discouraging, but I want to raise your sights so that you can look above it all. Look above it all.
Well, you see, I can't do that. I can't rise above it all. It is too difficult.
How do you rise above it all?
If I were standing.
In an airport.
And there was a huge cloud cover over everything. And maybe it was raining. And I would say to myself, I want to get above that cloud cover. I'd like to get out of this rain. I'd like the sun to shine.
How do I get above it? Can I do it myself? No.
Can even the birds do it? Not very well, because once they get up too high, things aren't very good for them either. Once in a while they can do it. Some of them can, but it doesn't go too well.
But you know, if I were to climb aboard a jet, you know very well I could get above that cloud Comer very easily.
Not that I could fly the plane, but if someone else would do it, that plane would soon take me up above it. And there the sun is shining just the same. And you say, oh, isn't that beautiful? All the rain is falling down below.
But I'm rising above it all.
And I believe that's what the Lord is saying to Timothy here. Oh, he says Timothy.
Don't you get taken down with all of this. I'm telling you what is going on South that you will understand.
And it seems that Timothy was discouraged because Paul has to tell him to rekindle the gift that is in him.
I suppose we could say that the whole theme of Second Timothy is having energy for the Lord when everything is starting to come apart.
And it's not easy.
But Paul says in what we have read here together verse seven, God hath not given us the spirit of fear.
You know, the Word of God tells us that in these last days, men's hearts are going to fail them for fear.
And when we look around us, we see that happening already. Now it's going to get worse after we're called home, but it's happening.
Oh yes, people can put on an outward show. They can pretend that everything's all right. But deep down inside, if you get people to let their hair down a little, if you get them to talk a little bit about what they really think and really feel, men's hearts are failing them for fear. Where is it all going to end?
Few days ago there was an issue of the magazine called Newsweek.
It was put out since the recent election in the United States.
And in that Newsweek, there were a couple of very.
Shall I say well educated, well-rounded, well informed people?
Who undertook?
To tell.
President-elect Barack Obama.
Some of the things that he should.
Be doing and ought to be getting hold of.
When and if he takes office in January.
I read through those articles.
They were somewhat similar. Both of them covered many of the same problems.
Both of them addressed major issues in the world.
And as you may well imagine, the list.
Speaking in colloquial terms was as long as your arm.
And I thought as I read through that list of problems, that list of things that the new president ought to address, needed to address how he needed to bring this and that one together in order to resolve this difficulty in that difficulty.
And I read it through and shook my head.
I said even if one man.
Had supreme authority to be able.
To tell everyone what to do and where to get off at.
I don't think anyone man's mind, no matter how brilliant.
Would be equal to it.
The situation is too complicated.
And deep down inside, I think that both of those men who wrote those articles realized that. They realized that despite what they were saying, there was no man in this world who had the capacity and the power to pull everything together that they were suggesting he needed to do.
And men's hearts are failing them as they see what's going on. But all I say to each one of us today, what does the Lord say to you and to me? Oh, he says, look up for your redemption draweth nigh.
And I say to you and to me, it's going to come down to individual faithfulness, and it is not going to be necessarily that you can rely on others. Oh, it's a wonderful thing to have a happy assembly.
But God does not promise you and me that. Does He think about it, He does not promise that.
He says that's what it should be, but he doesn't promise that.
It's a wonderful thing to have other supportive, well instructed, well grounded Christians with whom I can have fellowship and on whom I can rely for help and support.
Somebody said to me some time ago relative to a problem and difficulty that was being experienced in their lives.
Something to this effect. Where are the shepherds? Where are the pastors?
Who will care for the sheep?
I hung my head.
Will God provide those to look after his sheep right to the end? I believe He will.
But I am not promised, if I can say it, that there is going to be a pastor or a shepherd standing right there when an if I need him every step of the way, no.
It's wonderful to have a happy family.
And we ought to expect that.
But I know believers right now.
Who desperately would give anything to be able to have a happy Christian family surrounding them?
And it isn't that way.
And the list could go on and on. It's wonderful to come to a Bible conference like this, but does the Lord promise us that that will always be there?
I spoke to a dear brother on the telephone some years ago.
Over in England, not one who is gathered to the Lord's name, but I had had some contact with him.
In various ways, by letter and by e-mail. And we talked on the phone at least once or twice.
He said. What are you doing next week?
Oh, I said I'm going to a Bible conference and it happened to be in Walla Walla, WA.
Oh, he said. How many will be there?
Oh, I said. I don't know for sure, I said, but it usually is pretty well attended. I said at least 6 or 700 would be there and maybe more.
Is that a fair number, Walt?
Oh, that brother. I could hear the longing all the way across the Atlantic.
Oh, he said. Oh.
What wouldn't I give to sit in a meeting like that? What wouldn't I give to sit with that many Saints together again?
Sighing at the other end of the line.
But we ended up by saying, but isn't it wonderful that the Lord is the same whether it's America or England or India or Australia or no matter where it is? And that's what Paul directs Timothy to.
Yes, I believe on the ground of what we read in Two Timothy 2 and 22, that there will always be the with them who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
But ultimately it's going to be a connection with and in obtaining the strength from the Lord himself for you and for me.
Turn back to Romans chapter 13 for a verse.
I'm sorry, 14 Romans 14.
Verse 12.
So then.
Everyone of us shall give account.
Of himself to God.
I don't have to give account for someone else. I don't have to give account for how my brother in Christ behaves a care for him or her. Absolutely a heart for every child of God. Thank God I trust we have it.
But when it comes down to the Lord talking to you and me at the judgment seat of Christ, it won't be a question of what he did or what she did. It won't be a question of.
How they behaved.
Everyone of us shall give account of himself to God, and I'd like to say to you and to me.
It is a special privilege to live before the Lord and to live for His glory in these last days.
I had a long chat.
With a brother on the phone a few days ago. I won't mention his name because probably some here at least and maybe quite a few would know.
Him if I mentioned his name.
But we were talking about.
The last days.
And I was sharing with him something that I have enjoyed for many years, because when you read the parable of the sower in Matthew's Gospel and in Mark's Gospel.
There is at least one very notable difference.
In Matthew's Gospel, when it talks about the good ground, it talks about.
The good ground bringing, bringing forth fruit.
Summon 100 fold. Some 60 fold, some 30 fold.
But then when you read the same account in Mark, it says some 30 fold, some 60 fold and some 100 fold reversed in order.
That's not by chance.
And I remember that question being raised many years ago in a reading meeting.
And I'll pass on to you the answer that was given by a brother who's now with the Lord.
Someone said why the reversal in Matthew and Mark?
He said. Well, he said. I'll tell you my thought on it.
He said Matthew gives us a dispensational view of things.
And as such, every dispensation starts off with all kinds of energy and all kinds of blessing from God.
But everything that is committed to man tends to fail, and so the end of the dispensation ends with only thirty fold of fruit instead of the hundredfold.
But then he went on to say, but he said, Mark is individual. Mark brings us, brings before us the perfect servant in the person of Christ and ultimately the example of the perfect servant for you and me as individuals.
And he said when it comes to individual testimony and individual blessing, individual faithfulness, oh, he said, the light of the individual continues to shine brighter and brighter as the collective testimony goes further and further downhill.
Oh, I say to each one of our hearts, what an encouragement. What an encouragement.
I am not to be indifferent to what is happening collectively, but I am not to let that rule me.
We said we were going to talk about living for the Lord and maybe we're kind of overlapping a bit.
But I said we would talk about living before the Lord.
What does that mean?
It's one thing for you and for me to have.
Right thoughts in our own hearts and a right state of soul before God.
And an energy that comes from looking only to Christ and not to the circumstances and situations around me.
But is it another thing?
When those circumstances instead of being just generally discouraging.
Hit me personally.
It's one thing if there is a general downhill trend, a general giving up in the world around, and shall we say it without being critical, a general going downhill of the state of things in Christendom in general. And we're part of Christendom. Let's not pretend we're not.
But it's another thing, isn't it, when those adverse circumstances start to affect me personally, when, as it were, the Lord says I am going to allow something not merely to affect the testimony in general, but to hit you.
Does that make it more difficult? It does for me.
Let's turn to another couple of scriptures that bring some of some of this before us. Turn first of all, back to the book of Job.
Was a godly man.
But when the circumstances hit him personally.
He found the going rather difficult.
And what ultimately brought out what was really in his heart.
Was the unjust criticism of his three friends.
But God uses a man like a lion to speak to him and notice in Job chapter 34.
Verse 29.
Well, let's read verse 23 first.
Job 3423.
For he that is God will not lay upon man more than right, that he should enter into judgment with God.
Verse 29 When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble?
And when he hideth his face, who then can behold him? Now notice this, whether it be done against a nation or against a man only.
Verse 31 Surely it is meat to be said unto God.
I have borne chastisement. I will not offend any more that which I see not teach thou me. If I have done iniquity, I will do no more.
35th chapter.
Verse 14.
Although thou sayest, thou shalt, or thou dost not see him.
Yet judgment is before him. Therefore trust thou in him. Or I think, as the Darby renders it, therefore wait for him.
Wait for him.
Now a verse in Proverbs chapter 21.
Proverbs 21.
And the first verse.
The King's heart.
Is in the hand of the Lord as the rivers of water He turneth it.
Whithersoever he will.
2nd Corinthians.
Chapter 11.
And verse 7.
I'm sorry, it's chapter 12. I wanted beg your pardon Second Corinthians 12.
And verse.
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan, to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
For this thing I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me, and he said.
My He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly, therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
One last verse, Ephesians chapter one.
Verse 21.
And the antecedent of this verse is in.
Verse 20. Christ.
And it says there in verse 20, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.
Far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head. Now notice the language here.
Not head of the church, although that is true.
Head over all things to the Church, which is His body, a fullness of him that filleth All in all.
You might be wondering how all these verses that we've read tie together.
But I suggest that there is one common theme that ought to grip our hearts in all of them.
And that is that no matter what the circumstances in your life and mine.
God is over everyone of them.
In the Apostle Paul's case, as in Job's case.
What instrument did he use?
And there is no question about it, the word of God says so very clearly in both cases. What Satan be used as an instrument of God?
Now, Satan perhaps didn't know it, at least not to the extent that God knew, and he perhaps did not understand what God was doing. But God allowed Satan to attack Job and to attack Paul.
And in each case.
God gave Satan, I have no doubt.
The right to go only so far.
Satan, you can go this far and that's it.
And sometimes I say to my own heart, as I say to you and to me, the circumstances in our lives seem overwhelming.
And if I might speak very, very practically, sometimes it becomes doubly.
And Tripoli?
And quadruple E difficult when perhaps the Lord is used as in blessing to others.
As he did with Job. As he did with Paul.
Until if we're not careful. And I am not suggesting that either one of those men said this.
Maybe they didn't, maybe they did, but we can get to the point where we say I help others when the Lord is chastising them and teaching them something. I show them, I help them. I encourage them.
But me, Nah, I don't need it. I'm OK.
And then when the Lord brings something into my own life, it's devastating, it's flattening.
I can't believe it.
And suddenly everyone else is the problem. Suddenly it's the devil trying to spoil my ministry, my service for the Lord.
Yes, that's in the equation. No doubt the devil is trying to do that, no question.
Or it's my brethren that don't understand me. Or it's the condition of things in the world. The world's just getting so bad. You just, well, you just don't know what you're going to expect nowadays.
I say to my own heart.
Ultimately, the Lord says.
This thing is from me.
Now that quotation came from the Prophet to rehab in the Old Testament on the occasion of the 10 tribes dividing from the two tribes. This thing is from me.
And I say to your heart and mine, first of all, we need to look above everything in this world in order to live for Christ.
But I need to look above everything in this world in order to live before him.
Because not only is it a matter of energy for the Lord, it's a matter of acceptance in taking everything from the Lord. And if you have read the book of Job, and I'm sure you have, you know that essentially that was the message from God that Eli you had for Job. Job.
Don't look at your three friends. Don't find fault with the Lord, which is.
What job was really doing?
Justify God as the starting point and everything will start to fall into place.
But it says in Ephesians one there that Christ is head over all things to the church.
There are two things that we read in that chapter.
That surround that expression.
That are most wonderful.
First of all, the one of whom it is said.
Is far above all Principality and might and Dominion and every name that is named.
He's all powerful.
And not one thing can happen in your life and mine right down to the smallest detail. But what he doesn't allow it?
But secondly, it says that the Church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth All in all. Can you imagine? I, I, I don't know.
I want to say this very carefully.
But if I had been the Apostle Paul penning that by inspiration.
I think my pen would have hesitated at that point.
Am I really putting down what the Spirit of God is saying?
Is it really true that the Church is the fullness of him that fills All in all?
Christ is all powerful.
And all loving. And you and I couldn't be closer to him.
And he couldn't, if we say it reverently, have more power on our behalf.
That one is head over all things to the church.
Not one thing the smallest detail in your life can happen without the Lord's allowing it.
Well, you say, but you don't understand.
You don't know the kind of things I have to deal with. You don't know the kind of boss I have at work or the circumstances I have.
Now let's bring it really close to home. Is it alright if I put it that practically?
You don't know the kind of people in my local assembly. You don't know what I have to deal with.
I probably don't.
But there is one.
Who puts us together in assemblies?
For the good and blessing of each one of us.
And who uses it all for us?
What is Eli who say to job?
When it comes to the Lord, judgment is before him. Therefore wait for him. Wait for him.
Sometimes it seems like waiting a long time, doesn't it?
Yes it does.
Was the Lord indifferent to what Job was going through? Absolutely not. Was there blessing at the end? Indeed there was.
What does he say to Paul? Paul.
My grace is sufficient for you. I'm not taking that thorn in the flesh away. Whatever it was, I'm not going to remove it. But what's even better, I'm going to give you the grace to be an overcomer.
You know, I think in the coming day.
Our late brother Ruskin Gil, that quite a few here, well, they're not say that too much, but.
Certainly some here remember well.
And he used to say, I look forward when I get to heaven.
Some time to have a good chat with the Apostle Paul.
I'd like to ask Paul too. I'd like to say Paul, what was that thorn in the flesh and what did it feel like?
Tell me a bit about it.
You know what Paul will likely say? Oh, he'll say I would far rather.
Have had that thorn in the flesh and had the experience of God's giving me the grace to be an overcomer.
Than to have had the freedom from it that I prayed for at least three times.
Now, maybe it didn't feel that way when he was praying. I'm sure it didn't. And with you and with me, I'm sure it often gets that way. And I'm looking at young people here, and I know you face some of these difficulties. Maybe not in the same way I do. Excuse me.
We go through different trials, different difficulties relative to different things in our lives.
And I look back at the things that upset me when I was a teenager and wonder whatever I got in such a Stew about. But they certainly seem pretty big at the time. And so it is. But the Lord knows how to reach every one of us. But what's He seeking to do? Oh, as he says, to do the good at thy latter end. And isn't it wonderful to know that there is One who has walked that path before us?
And he draws us after him.
Turn to 2nd Corinthians 5 for a well known verse.
And I want to leave us with this verse. There are many other verses we could have read.
2nd Corinthians 5.
And verse 14.
For the love.
Of Christ.
Constraineth us.
Because we thus judge that if one died for all.
Then we're all dead.
And that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live under themselves, but unto him which died for them.
And rose again.
What will keep you going?
A sense of right and wrong in your conscience, A sense of responsibility before God. Yes, that's important. That's important.
I can well remember.
Again, dating myself a little.
Probably 50 years ago now or close to it.
When a brother made some remarks at a conference much like this.
And he said.
In so many words, he said. I've talked to all of those who are taking part in the meetings here, and he said almost every one of them is over 65.
He said, I trust there are young people here who, if the Lord leaves us here, will be able to take their places.
And I remember thinking no way.
No way.
I could never do that, that he's not talking to me.
But you know, I didn't forget what he said.
A sense of responsibility is important.
But you know that won't be enough. That's not enough. You will not last if it's only a sense of responsibility.
There needs to be a tug at our heartstrings. There needs to be a tug at our heartstrings.
I've told the story before about a young woman.
Who was Jewish and who was taken to one? I think it was at Auschwitz in.
Hitler's well, Auschwitz is in Poland, but it was under Hitler at that time and she was taken there.
And consigned to the gas chambers.
And six times she managed to escape.
And to read her story is very heart moving, heart rending.
Why did she do it? What made her jump off those trucks and try to escape?
They got her, finally, but what made her do it?
Well, it wasn't for herself.
She had a child. She wanted to live for that child. She knew that if she perished, that child would likely perish too. And she would do anything, suffer anything, take any risk, bear any hardship, do anything because of the love she had to that child.
The Lord Jesus touches your heart and mind.
The love of Christ constraineth us.
It tells us in another place that.
In the last days the love of when iniquity shall abound, it says, the love of many shall wax cold.
Now, no doubt in its real application, that is referring to what will happen during the Tribulation, but morally and spiritually it can apply to us.
But then the Lord reminds me.
That he died for me.
And rose again.
He reminds me.
Of that love that took him all the way to Calvary's cross.
And he says.
Now I want you to walk not only for me, but be for me.
Look above all the difficulties in the circumstances.
Why do I read that verse? The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord as rivers of water. He turneth whithersoever he will. I read that because sometimes you say there is somebody whose mind is immune to any change. No matter what I do or what I say, he can't see straight.
Or she can't seem to see straight.
I've talked that way too.
Sometimes it was I that couldn't see straight.
But be that as it may, suppose there was someone whose mind needs adjusting, whose heart needs adjusting, who needs to see things in a different light. The Lord says I can turn that as easy as I can turn a river of water. The Lord can change your circumstances and mine.
And if you chooses not to do it.
Remember, judgment is before him, therefore wait for him. Justify God whatever He allows, whatever trial He puts you through.
And then say Lord.
What do I have to learn through all of this? Oh, then you will find, and don't think I haven't been through it, that not only will you get the blessing, but it will be as if someone has turned the lights on. Then suddenly things, I don't mean everything, will immediately straighten out, but the path will be clear.
And best of all, you will find that you will have the enjoyment of Christ himself and all that He is, and the enjoyment of His love in your heart. Let's sing the last verse of that hymn that we sung at the beginning. 173 the last verse.
A little while.
Come, Savior, come.
Take thy poor waiting pilgrims home to sing the new eternal song. 173 the last verse going to start a different tune to it.