A conspiracy had been formed to kill Archias, an ancient Greek magistrate. A friend learned of it and sent him a note warning him of his danger. He requested him to read it at once.
Archias was in the midst of a feast when the note was delivered, and not knowing the danger he was in, he put it away with the remark: “Serious things tomorrow!”
For him no tomorrow came; he was assassinated that night. “Tomorrow” was too late.
King James I of Scotland felt very secure in his own castle, surrounded by his own subjects and enjoying a banquet. He had little thought of danger that night as he left the banquet hall and went to his room. He little thought that before morning he would be cruelly murdered. Yet he, too, had a chance to escape.
That same evening a woman had come and urgently requested that she might see the king. In the midst of his pleasures, the king only replied, “Let her come tomorrow.” Her message was to be for him a matter of life or death, but he put her off until the next day. Then it was too late.
The warning could not be plainer; the danger is not merely physical death, but eternal condemnation—eternal separation from all that is beautiful and good, from all light and all love. To say “I’ll think about it tomorrow” is too great a risk—the “blackness of darkness forever” is too terrible a fate.
We can’t count on tomorrow—today is all we know we have.
“Boast not thyself of
tomorrow; for thou knowest
not what a day may
bring forth.”
It is a joyful message
That God now sends to you,
Repentance and forgiveness—
How old, yet ever new.
It is a joyful message
That Christ for you has died,
That He who once was buried
Is risen and glorified.
It is a joyful message—
For you His blood was shed,
For you He bore the judgment
And suffered in your stead.
It is a joyful message,
So full of grace and love;
It comes from highest heaven—
From God’s own heart above.
It is a joyful message,
Today, oh, hear His voice—
The voice of Jesus calling:
Repent! Receive! Rejoice