SEÑOR CANALEJAS, the Spanish Prime Minister, who was shot while entering the House of Deputies, in Madrid, in November, 1912, used to earnestly protest against the habit of procrastination, or putting things off, which is only too common among the people of the Peninsula.
“Tomorrow! always tomorrow!” he once exclaimed; “tomorrow will be the ruin of the country!”
The reader of these pages may think himself fortunate to have been brought up on different lines from these, and to be accustomed to act with energy and promptitude. But while this may be true as to the general affairs of life, what about the greatest and most important of all matters, the salvation of the soul?
You cannot plead ignorance. Unlike the dwellers in less privileged lands, you know that salvation is to be had, not through a sacrifice to some hideous Hindu idol; not through the wearisome repetition of Buddha’s name; not through the vain mumblings of a degraded and degrading superstition; but through CHRIST. You know that He is the only Saviour, and that you, a sinner, are in need of what He alone can give. You are quite aware that, apart from Christ, eternity for you means darkness, doom, and unutterable woe. You are not ignorant of the frailty of human life, and of the suddenness with which men are often called away.
Yet is it possible that when urged to put your confidence in the Saviour, to claim Him by faith as yours, to definitely take the step that will make you His forever, you whisper in your heart, “Tomorrow”?
Probably my question, my appeal, my words of warning, kindly meant, will have no effect whatever upon you. “I have heard all that before,” you may exclaim, and toss the paper aside. But, stay! Give heed for a moment to the words of One whom you cannot afford to ignore, One to whom you must without fail render account. Let me place before your eyes what the Word of God says as to “Today” and “Tomorrow.”
“DO it today,” is a motto often recommended, and rightly so, in business life. How much more necessary that promptitude should mark us when issues of such infinite importance hang in the balance.
Do you ask, “What should I do today?” Turn to the Lord in real repentance and faith; trust Him to save you; receive the testimony which God has given in the Scriptures that Christ died for you, an ungodly sinner, and that His death serves to atone for, and cleanse away, sin, the one thing that will keep you out of heaven.
H. P. B.