“A flash flood is coming! It has already washed away a restaurant only 4 miles up stream!”
Don and Debby heard the warning and planned to get safely away. But why hurry so fast? There was plenty of time to put the jeep safely up into a driveway.
But!—Alas, their neighbors watched them perish in the angry waters. There wasn’t time for anything, but to escape. Don and Debby were too late!
How this reminds us of those who put off the solemn matter of their soul’s salvation! “Later,” they say, “I will make my peace with God.” Then that day finds them gone from this life into eternity — without Christ!
Dear reader, do not put off any longer so important a matter as the salvation of your soul. “It is time to seek the Lord.” Hos. 10:1212Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. (Hosea 10:12). Come to the Lord Jesus now while there is yet time. He wants to save you, but it must be on His own terms, and NOW!