Tract Distribution: Is There No Hell?

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
One of old said, "One man might sow sand, another weeds, and another good wheat, but it was the value of the crop that gave value to the work." Today there is much sowing that is not only valueless, but, like the tares in the parable, is producing an evil crop, to be bound up hereafter in bundles and burned. But the sowing of the good seed-the Word of God-is producing wheat that will be gathered into the garner before the tares are burnt up with the unquenchable fire. Blessed are they that sow this seed beside all waters! God gives the increase.
The following letter received by the printer of a tract, should be an encouragement to those who distribute, as showing how God may use a little tract to save a soul from death, and add to the number of the redeemed ones.
"Dear sir, I received a tract on Saturday evening while in the street car, and it says on it, copies may be had free from you. Now, I would like to tell you that I am saved. I was convicted through that tract, and last night, through reading another, I saw my ruined state, and accepted my Jesus as my Savior. Now I have peace within, and the knowledge of sins forgiven. Praise God! I would like to tell all my friends, and would be glad if I could have a few tracts to help. (The name of the tract was "Saved or Lost.")
My Dear Sirs:-While walking through Central Park over a week ago, I chanced to see a small piece of white paper laying on the ground. I passed over, but something within me seemed to tell me to go back and pick it up. Well, it was nothing other than one of your leaflets, entitled "Is There No Hell?"
Now, sirs, what I wish to tell you is this: My belief is the same as yours, in this respect, and, although I have gone to hear Pastor Russel preach, and I must admit that, although he preaches very logically, there is something in the way he speaks that he cannot believe everything he preaches.
I have a gentleman friend who is a private in the United States Army, and is what I call "God-fearing,” and I have come to the conclusion that if he had a few of these pamphlets, he could do a "world of good" by placing them in the hands of his comrades, who, he tells me, jeer anyone who professes a belief in God or even hell.
I am sending below his full name and address, so you may send the leaflets direct to him. I will notify him in the meantime, explaining it all to him, so that he will know where they come from.
Trusting that you will do me that favor, thereby favoring and perhaps being the means of enlightening dozens, I remain, Yours for the true Light. (_____ _____)
Would you kindly send me just the amount of tracts of this type that I am enclosing with the fifty cents. I also enclose a few other kinds as well that will attract those that are unsaved. The one I am sending for a sample seems to me just the right kind; it seems to hold people's attention. It seemed to hold me, as I am only just come into the light. I was lost and now I am found. As I was leading a most sinful life before and I feel it is my duty to my Savior and my Lord and Master to try and help others unto salvation for what He has done for me. Excuse my writing so much, but I feel I must do something and this seems my best way, as I can give the money I used to spend on pleasure and drinking for this work, which is the greatest work there is. Hoping to see a few of your other tracts, then I can pick a few out for any other time. Trusting you will kindly oblige yours in Christ Jesus, (_____ _____)