Traps and Snares: Beware of Sheep's Clothing

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Many Christians would go to a so-called "sacred" concert, who would not attend a "secular" one; they would not listen to a play of Shakespeare's or be seen at the opera, but would go so far as to persuade themselves that in hearing "The Messiah" or "Elijah," or seeing a motion picture produced for a prominent so called "fundamentalist," they are attending a religious service, or performing some religious rite. Thus does Satan delude those who listen to his voice. To a godly Christian, the recital of the agonies of our Lord by professed and paid stage players is an awful thing. In any way to make the Word of God a means for raising money, of pleasing the senses, is utterly abhorrent. "Sacred dramas" are being revived, and we would warn our readers against them, and against the folly of supposing that in any way they can be pleasing to God. The end in no way justifies the means. The devil knows he cannot get a devoted Christian to the play, so he makes the play "religious," and seeks to bring it to the Christian.
Never then, dear young believer, allow yourself to be led away with his devices. Leave the theater and the concert room to the world: you have Christ and heaven; but above all avoid those horrible mixtures of Christ and Belial, of Scripture and stage plays, of the Church and the world, that would either beguile the Christian to the concert hall by their appearance of respect for religion or, more daring still, would seek to intrude themselves into the very places where God is worshiped.