Trust in the Lord

Duration: 43min
Children—Tim Kaiser
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And previous printing not included. Let's see.
If somebody has that one and can start it.
What do you have there?
Ah, same as me. You want to pick another one?
OK #44 OK #44.
Salvation story reaping your rainbow.
Tillman can say I don't want children, not men.
Nobody ever so beautiful.
Give me some lovely help for let go.
Nobody. Ever.
Salvation story reaping over the.
Nobody ever has told me before.
Just as he entered the valley of death.
The one scentiest son is so bad to send me.
Salvation story.
Nobody, nobody, nobody ever told me.
Says tell it again, see your hand up and we'll call on you in just a minute. OK, Just a minute.
Tell it again. Tell it again.
Salvation story Repeat over and over until nobody can say.
That nobody has ever told me before.
I know people.
That I live near, that I don't think have heard.
About the love of the Lord Jesus and I just sang Tell it again, tell it again.
I should tell the people that I'm around the good news, because it is very good news of the Lord Jesus. OK, Did I see a hand up over there?
What number? 32? Nice and loud. Good #32.
What can wash away my sins? Oh, I like to sing this song.
I see this song is actually the first line asks a question.
And the second line answers the question.
So I'd like the on the first verse. OK, I won't make it too painful.
No, let's let's let's practice the first verse, just singing it. But then when we get to the second verse, just the second verse.
The guys. All the guys.
Well, yeah, we'll say the first for this pardon for for my pardon this.
And then the girls will answer thing, but the blood of Jesus.
OK, so only for verse two guys first, girls 2nd, and then the guys will do the third line and the girls will do the fourth line. And if you get confused, that's okay okay. Here we go.
What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
4-5 One thing this might be nothing but the monarchy.
Jesus, do you make a long time righteousness nothing but the blood of Jesus.
All precious, it is not low.
And makes me quite a small.
Low for my breath comes dying low. Nothing's up the blood of the pleasures.
OK, one more song.
Around the throne of God in heaven will many children say, children whose sins are all forgiven will heaven the anthems bring singing.
Playing the children, They're sleeping glory.
Sake yourself? Yes. What do you want to say?
But how much can that must precious? Love me all the way and we can sing well.
OK, that will be enough seeing for now. Maybe we'll have time later.
How about the verse? Let's see, I have had it running through my mind for a week, but.
Somehow it's not in my mind at the moment, so I the reference is Psalm 34.
Verse 8 O taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Now is there anyone here that memorized that verse?
I see 12345.
A few half hands, so anyone here that wants to say the verse?
You like to.
See there this.
OK, stand Say that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34, eight. Good job. Anybody else?
Oh, taste and see that the world is good.
Blesses is the man that stresses in him some.
3344 to 28.
Anybody else?
It can be scary to use the mic. You don't have to use the mic.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
I got to thinking.
About trust.
And I grew up with.
Five brothers and one sister and on the the third in there.
I trust is an interesting word. It can. It can mean a whole lot of things.
Has a lot of things that.
Can be scary about it and since I like to.
I like to sort of have a definition. I can ask somebody that I trust for at least to help. Dad, can you help me?
What does trust mean? It doesn't have to be an all-encompassing definition, but can you help us out a little bit?
It means to believe what they say. It means you can rely upon them.
OK, to believe what they say means you can rely upon them.
So I'll give a little bit of an example of trusting.
And it's only a little one, OK?
These are Sunday School papers for this week and.
They mean a little bit.
Different to me than probably just about anybody else here because.
Well, I think the person that designed them is here.
Then they got sent to me and and I printed them on a a printing press.
And I enjoy running a big machine. I really like it.
I remember struggling with the picture on this one here. The father's face here is a little bit mottled and I don't like that that's not what it's supposed to look like. But, and then I I cut it apart, cut the sheets apart and I ran it through a folding machine to fold them in half and.
So I've put a little bit of work into these and.
I do like people to appreciate them, and so I'm going to, I'm going to entrust 1 to you.
And you?
And U?
I hope that.
They get read.
And you're welcome.
I It'd be sad to see one thrown on the floor somewhere. You're welcome, or even in the garbage. I'm sure that most of them eventually end up there, but I I hope that you're welcome. You're welcome.
You're welcome. You're welcome.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
You're welcome. You're welcome.
You're welcome. You're welcome.
You're welcome too, and the rest of you are welcome to one later.
I have taken something that has a little bit of value. The word of God has a lot of value, but I've entrusted each one of you with one of these sheets of paper and I I hope that it gets read and used properly and eventually dispose them properly, whatever that ends up being.
Can I? Can I?
Can I trust you kids with those?
I see a very slight nod. Can I? Can I trust you?
Yeah. OK. I I I think you're right. I'm I'm willing to trust you with them. How about that? Even though most of you, I don't really know.
And with someone I don't really know, it's.
I can trust a little bit with something that I don't.
Value. I mean, I do value them, but not not as much as some things, let's put it that way.
Now I.
Didn't look through my wallet before I came here, but we're going to look through my wallet here.
And I have some Ace Rewards $5 off your next purchase.
Like, what's this?
A free 3 1/2 inch Super Blade aluminum flashlight at Harbor Freight.
Sam's Club membership credit card.
Let's see here ATM card.
And my driver's license.
Is this valuable?
Who here would like to have a driver's license?
Would you like to have my driver's license?
That's OK. I wasn't really thinking about giving it to you.
But you would like a drivers license, would you? Wouldn't you?
I like my driver's license.
The pictures OK, but really what matters is that it means I can drive.
It's valuable to me and.
The law says, at least where I live, that I can't drive a car unless it's on my person unless I have it with me.
So I consider my driver's license fairly valuable, and this credit card was fairly valuable. I wouldn't be able to get home without it. Let's see here.
I've got.
90959697 dollars.
Is that valuable?
Anyone here that would?
Be happy to be entrusted to 97 dollars.
Yeah, yeah, I see lots of hands.
Yeah, see a few business cards.
A picture of my wife.
I consider that very valuable. Another credit card.
Paycheck in there. I must have been to the bank recently. Let's see.
Well, that's probably about it.
So that's that's pretty valuable. I don't, I wouldn't entrust that to just anybody.
What's this?
A flip phone. Notice how he mentioned flip.
To me, this is valuable.
You know what, I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a two year old daughter and a wife back home that you know what, I just got a picture this morning. They went and visited my sister while I'm gone.
And they sent me a picture saying hi.
This morning.
And this is the way I can communicate very easily with my wife, with my kids.
If I have any, this is very valuable to me. I know some of you this.
Would be about as valuable perhaps as well. Anyways, we won't compare it to a Sunday school paper, but this is very valuable to me. In fact, to say I mean in the carload that I came with. It's the only phone at all, so perhaps more valuable than you expect.
And this?
Is a key.
Who would like a key to a car?
Yeah, I'm not planning. I'm sort of I'm, I'm, yeah, these are valuable to me.
I want to.
Make I want to show.
A little bit of something about trusting. I've entrusted each of you kids with a Sunday school paper, OK?
But I consider these to be valuable in a very different way, and I don't just.
Give these to anybody.
Sometimes I give my wife.
This cell phone when hers isn't working.
I don't remember really giving my wallet. Oh yes to my wife a few times.
And these keys, well, right now this is the one that I have to keep track of for the company vehicle.
It's pretty valid. In fact, it's a couple $100 to get replaced.
So our verse was let's see now, oh taste and see that the Lord is good.
Blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Blessed is the man. What in the world, Dad, can you help us out again? What in the world is blessed mean?
Happy, happy. OK, that's a pretty simple, alright.
So if I trust the Lord, I'm happy trusting, trusting with certain things to be easy. It was pretty easy to give you those, those high school papers, so I'm going to find somebody.
And I can entrust with my wallet and my key and my cell phone.
And that's scary.
Does anyone here volunteer?
I see a hand here.
Couple hands over there.
I'm just going to going to ask.
Would it be? Would it be?
Would it be wise of me?
To entrust my wallet and keys and cell phone.
To this young man.
You know.
I tend to agree. I saw a lot of heads shaking and, you know, I don't know you and I'm sorry, I I, I trust you with the same school paper, but these mean an awful lot to me.
And it's something that's easy to trust people with, and something that's hard.
So I was thinking about this before I came up here, which is probably good. And so I thought there is one person here that I do trust and that's my father. So I'd like to have him come up here and.
Happy is the man that trusts in him and so you know, we're told.
Blessed is the man that trust.
Let's see. You'll taste and see that the Lord is good.
Blessed are happy is the man that trusts in him.
If I can, I trust my father.
Seen a lot of people shaking their heads. Yes, I think they probably had good fathers.
Or perhaps they know something about my dad.
So I have my hands are actually shaking a little bit. I don't know what do you think here all I.
I'll give these to my father.
I'm waiting to get happy.
So what do you think, kids? Do you understand what trusting is yet?
See, I've given these things to my father.
Or have I?
Have I given these to you? Not yet.
Can I trust you?
Can you trust me?
Well, you've told me in the past I can.
And I guess.
You've been trustworthy in the past.
Trusting is hard.
When it's something that is really valuable.
I hold on a second now I've taken care of this phone.
I don't know.
At least two or three years in this wall you can see.
It's been mined for a while and.
If I lose this key, I'm I'm out a couple 100 bucks.
But OK.
There you go.
Now folks, this is not rehearse.
Tim says he trusts me.
Give me your glasses.
This. He didn't know about this.
Thank you.
Your Bible, please.
You know, I don't think you need your glasses to find the Bible.
Tim ended up trusting me for more than he bargained for, but it's not a bad bargain.
I happen to know he needs the Bible. He's getting it back with the bookmark.
And he needs his glasses right now.
And so he's getting them back. Thank you. But the other things he doesn't need right now.
What do you think?
Can I trust my dad?
I think so.
But I tell you, I wasn't expecting that.
But I wasn't expecting this either.
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.
Blessed are happy is the man who trusts in him.
My dad.
Took my.
Phone and my wallet.
And my keys.
And my glasses and my Bible.
And he knows that I need my glasses.
And it sure would be handy to have my Bible here, but he also knows I don't need.
My wallet and my keys.
And my phone. And you know what?
As we go through life.
Learning to trust is the hard thing.
Particularly when people that you trust.
Sometimes people that you trust.
Aren't going to do what is best for you.
But I trust that my father is going to do what is best for me.
And you know, as I've gone through life.
There are times.
That I've trusted the Lord.
I trusted I trusted the Lord when I was 5.
I asked him to.
Wash away my sins.
I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior.
And he is my senior.
As I've gone through.
He's asked me to trust him.
With telling the truth.
He's asked me to trust him with who and Mary.
He's asked me to trust him with.
Not cheating on a test.
He's asked me to trust a man.
An awful lot of things, and some things are easier than others.
But you know that verse that some of us have memorized taught was written by David?
After he had just gone through an experience when he wasn't trusting the Lord.
But the Lord was still faithful. He was still.
He still came through and provided for him and he was so grateful.
Recognizing that it's foolish not to trust.
God, He's the only one that knows what's going to happen next. He's the only one that knows what's right in every situation. You know what?
I gave you all a Sunday school paper and.
We printed those Sunday school papers for children to read and to have. It wasn't very hard to give them to you.
Without my wallet and my keys and my cell phone.
I'm going to have to.
I'm going to have to.
Let my father.
Provide a way to contact my family. Provide.
A way to pay?
Gas and food.
Provide a way to get back home. I don't have any way of getting back home. I can't drive anymore.
I think in the right time my father will give me back those things.
But think about it.
What are you trusting the Lord for now?
Are you trusting him?
He's worthy of being trusted.
Blessed, happy is the man that trusts in him.
In God, Alright, how about we sing some more?
Number 50 Boy now.
I'm going to try it. This is hard. Try to smile while singing.
Oh, happy day. That fix my choice.
On Thee, my Savior and my God.
Well may this glowing heart rejoice.
And tell its raptures all abroad.
Happy day.
Happy day.
Concern. I am my love and he is smiling. He driven me around like all the time.
Like it can be honest. So one big one.
Happy day when Jesus, when Jesus falls my sins away.
Wants my sins away.
And rest my body hard.
Drinks from the world. The Simpsons remains. No one is from my glorification.
May Jesus.
My extent somewhere.
We're going to sing another one but.
Now rest my long divided heart.
You saw when I was trying to give those things to my father.
And I held them out to him.
But I kept them in my hands.
I have a hard time just speaking to kids when there's so many others here.
What are we trying to give to the Lord but not letting go of?
Dad, what was that verse you found for me this morning?
5117 Psalm 5117.
It's scary to give things up.
Psalm 5117. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit.
A broken and contrite heart. Oh God, thou wilt not despise.
Contrite surrendered.
Not fighting anymore.
We must surrender to the Lord.
Giving away my cell phone and wallet and keys this morning.
It's not permanent, you all know that.
Now let me ask you a question, Tim.
Did it pay you to trust me? Yeah. How did it pay you? Well, you gave me $10.
That's right, when I gave Tim his Bible back, there was a $10.00 bill stuck in it. It always pays to trust the Lord.
OK, how about one last song?
Let's see.
Wow, that was my favorite every gospel. I always hoped somebody would give that one out.
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?
You're going through anything hard. You know, no matter where you are in life, whatever your worst problem is, that's your worst problem. You've got something big.
Well, your anchor hold in the storms of life, when the clouds unfold their wings of strife.
I like word pictures. When the strong tides lift and the cable strain, will your anchor drift or firm remain? You can just imagine a boat going up, the water's coming up, and that rope's getting tight, pulling on the anchor. What are you trusting in? You trusting something that's going to move?
If you're trusting yourself, yes, you're trusting something that's going to move.
Trying to figure out how to not move.
We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure, while the billows roll fastened to the rock which cannot move.
Grounded, firm and deep.
And The Saviour's love? Let's sing the whole song #11.
Will your Anchor hold in the Storms of Strife?
Let's talk to the Lord.
Our God and our Father.
Give thanks that.
You've given us truth.
And love.
And grace and mercy.
That you are faithful.
We can trust you.
Thank you also for giving faith.
We ask.
Your blessing on what's been said here.
And what's been thought?
Father me.
Pray that you would be glorified.
By what goes on in the heart of each one here?
As we.
Many times have to again and again.
Remember to trust.
Thank you that you are faithful.
Give thanks.
And again we ask blessing in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.