Truth and error are two forces at work in the world, exercising their sway over the minds and hearts of men, their thoughts and words being constantly actuated and prompted by either of them. They have each a history behind them and a future before them. In the case of truth, those who have in simplicity received it from God have had light from and communion with Him. Their path is as “the path of the just that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” Tampering with or turning from it, men have but laid themselves open to the deception of the enemy, whose error has easily supplanted the truth for which they have no heart. In a day of such unparalleled activity of mind as the present, it becomes men to consider by which of these forces, truth or error, they are being controlled. How various the attitudes men have, at various times, been enticed into taking up towards His truth! In the giddy godlessness of the world, how many seek a refuge where that voice may be drowned! If man disowns, disobeys, is it so strange that now he seeks to discredit a divine revelation? The Scriptures are now the sole repository of the truth, being the Word of God which lives and abides forever, inspired of Him, being absolutely infallible in every detail and worthy, therefore, of every confidence. Oh, that men too would be warned that the point of departure in all cases has been, and for each still is, the attitude we assume towards it!
J. Timley (adapted)