WE have had a picture of. Ruth entreating Naomi not to leave her, and the lesson for us in it. Now we have a Picture of Ruth gleaning. She went to the land of Canaan where God’s people were, and there she was a needy one, and went to a mighty, wealthy man’s field to glean ears of grain that the reapers had left behind. We may draw another lesson from all this which is most needful. That field reminds us of a field that God has given to us which is His Word. It is there that we can learn the great and good things that God has for us —the wonderful salvation that He has provided for us through His beloved Son. He looked on us in our lost and ruined condition, and seeing our “utter helplessness to save ourselves, gave His Son to die for us, to bear the awful judgment that we deserved for all our sins. Let me ask you, Have you gleaned that much from God’s Word, and are you enabled to say, “I praise and thank Him for this wonderful Saviour?”
If you have not yet gleaned thus far in the Word of God, may you do so quickly, and learn by heart this wonderful verse,
Perhaps some other time we may go a little further in this wonderful incident and learn more lessons that God has for us in it.
ML 11/03/1918