Truths for Young Christians: Worldly Amusements

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 7min
 •  6 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Chapter 17.
We have seen in a previous paper that the Christian is not to identify himself with the world, as such, religiously or socially, and have had abundant Scripture proofs that all such associations are condemned by God. If such connections then with the world, many of them for good and unselfish objects, are condemned by the Word, it is easy to see there can be no justification of joining with the world merely for one's own pleasure.
Cricket Clubs, Etc
In the present day, when nearly all games and amusements have their special clubs and organizations, a young Christian is often very hardly pushed to join one or another. Some, indeed, may join willingly from various reasons, such as better to enjoy themselves, or perhaps thinking to do others good by a little Christian influence, etc. Instances, however, are exceedingly rare where any good has been effected by this means; too often the result is the other way, and the Christian soon acquires the worldly tastes that characterize his associates. When this is the case, he has only himself to blame for taking the wrong step at the outset, for with the Bible (2 Cor. 6) in our hands, we must characterize as wrong, contrary to, and beneath true Christian walk, any alliances for pleasure with the world.
In this, reluctant as we are to lay down any law, or to make any path narrower than God has made it, we must include all rowing, cricket, football, tennis, bicycle and other clubs. Of course, when boys are at school together, the case is quite different, and the amusements as well as the studies are largely regulated by others. We speak of those who have left school, and are free agents, and we must repeat that for any such to join a worldly club for any purpose of pleasure or amusement is beneath their calling as Christians, and contrary to the Word of God.
Recreation and Exercise Are Profitable
Recreation and exercise are recognized by the Word as profitable for a little (1 Tim. 4:77But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. (1 Timothy 4:7), R. V.), meaning, we believe, for a short time (that is this life), but these can be taken and enjoyed without joining clubs. No doubt there is not the same scope or the same advantages. An eleven often cannot be made up for cricket, or a full crew for rowing. This is true, but here the child of God must take his stand, and deliberately counting the cost, be prepared to suffer all inconveniences that may arise from his being true to Christ.
An old Christian may not think it much for a young man to refuse one club after another that is pressed upon him, for he, if not too devoted a Christian, is at any rate too old to care for such things. But Christ knows, and Christ will not forget, what it costs at such a time to refuse resolutely for His sake, and His smile and approval is surely well worth the inconveniences that may follow. As the Christian grows in years, however, he begins to feel that to spend hours in mere recreation and amusement is no longer necessary, and he finds that he can combine some variety of work for the Lord with his recreation, so as not absolutely to spend all the time on himself. Long walks can often be combined with profitable visits, and change of scene and air with looking up the scattered saints of God, that seldom get a help; in many ways the believer who seeks to redeem the time, "and who feels that the Lord is at hand," can and will seek to turn even his hours of recreation to good account.
A Christian in the World
But what shall we say if we look at the other side of the picture, no longer considering those who desire in all things to glorify Christ, but those who, though still His (at least professedly), are worldly in heart, who are seen at concerts, flower shows, cricket matches, athletic sports, etc., if not actively engaged at least pleased spectators, surrounded with worldly friends, and being for the moment, not only in, but of the world? What a description we get of the world (say at a concert) in Job, "They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave. Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of Thy ways" (Job 21:12-1412They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. 13They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave. 14Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. (Job 21:12‑14))! And can you, dear reader, feel happy in being one of such a company? O, how true it is for a believer when seeking his amusement in such a way, "Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful, and the end of that mirth is heaviness." (Prov. 14:1313Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness. (Proverbs 14:13)). The reflections next morning when the Word is opened, and we are alone with God, are not pleasant, and too often the amusements of the evening lead to the neglect of the Bible in the morning. This is repeated until the soul becomes deadened under the round of worldly gaiety and want of spiritual food, while the outward course can only be characterized by, "Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God" (2 Tim. 3:44Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (2 Timothy 3:4)). Surely all would shrink from such a brand.
Satan's Devices
But Satan is clever, he is subtle; and if we turn from worldly amusements, he will mix them with religion to suit us; and the deluded Christian, following his own will, and not guided by God, substitutes the oratorio for the concert, the bazaar for the flower show, and thinks himself at last consistent. Alas! he has only made matters worse. What can be more blasphemous to the ears of Almighty God, what more offensive to Christ, than to hear the most sublime passages of the Word of God sung by those who openly reject Him? At first sight it certainly does seem incredible that any true Christian could be found willing to listen to the sacred sorrows of His Savior sung by some professional vocalist or "prima donna." The mixture seems so horrible that surely it is a masterpiece of Satan's skill to lead Christians to believe that their presence at oratorios is better than at concerts. Bazaars, too, are another specious, though not so repulsive, a form of mixing up what God has forever separated by the grave of Christ-His church, and this present evil world.
The one who is following Christ is found at none of these places. Indeed, to be there would be a pain and no pleasure to him. His happiness is in Christ and in Christ's people. How, then, can he find it in that world that crucified his Lord. Besides, he is better employed. He does not stand about idle, waiting for Satan to send him off on some errand, for surely it is true that "idlers are the devil's workmen," but he is busy in work for his Master, seeking to send to Him a good account of every day that he lives, and to account to Him fully for every talent entrusted to his charge. We trust enough has been said to show that although recreative exercises are perfectly legitimate and needful for the young Christian, all distinctly worldly amusements, clubs, and other associations are not for the one who desires to be true to Christ, and to obey the Word of God.