Try One First

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I ONCE knew a young man who had just started in business as a dyer. One of his first customers was a lady who brought a very expensive fur cloak to be dyed. When she had gone he began to seriously consider the matter thus: “I have had no experience with this kind of fur. If I spoil it, it will be a great loss to the lady and a great disgrace to me. What shall I do? I will procure a scrap of this very material and try one inch first. If I cannot succeed with one square inch it would be foolish to venture on the whole cloak.”
Was he wise, my reader? Then take a hint yourself, and before attempting to remove from the eye of God the guilty stains of a lifetime, be sure that you can succeed with ONE SIN. Select from your history just one sinful act. Meet God’s righteous requirement against it Bear its judgment. Remove its crimson stain as though it never had been. First satisfy God, then satisfy yourself about it.
Ah, this is impossible. But the precious blood of Christ has done what you could never accomplish. Trust that precious blood, and not a charge, not a spot, shall remain. It is God who says, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” “And by Him all that believe are justified from all things.”