Two Great Facts.

John 3:15‑16
WE have in John 3:1515That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:15) and 16, two great facts — that which God’s righteousness demanded, and that which God’s love provided. Note the words, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so MUST the Son of man be lifted up.” What else could meet the case of lost, ruined sinners? Absolutely nothing or no one. Like the Israelite bitten by the fiery serpent in the wilderness of old, so we all have suffered from the effects of sin.
The remedy was simple; so simple that it was available to the poorest as well as to the richest amongst the people. They had but to look at the serpent of brass, which Moses lifted up on a pole, and whoever looked was cured. This was not a work requiring years or months, it could be accomplished in a moment. So one look of faith at the Son of man, Jesus lifted up on the cross, brings life to the soul. What a wonderful fact it is that the Son of man, the One who should be set as man over all the works of God’s hands, the One who as Son of man will sit upon the throne of judgment, has been lifted up as a crucified Saviour on the cross! There was no other way: God was so righteous, and all men were sinners; none could take up the case but a spotless victim. That “must” stands as an eternal proof that God never gives up or abates His holiness and justice.
But in verse 16 there is no “must.” Who, could say God “must” love the world? Who could have suggested to Him to send His Son?
No, no, this could not be; the gift comes free and unasked, as an expression of the heart of the Giver. Well we can understand how the traveler, crossing a dry and trackless desert, must long for a stream of pure water where he can quench his thirst and supply his wants. At last he comes in sight of an immense river — how natural that he should desire to trace out the source from whence its waters come. God is the source from whence life and salvation come — He loved, He gave. How different this is from the false thought that God is a severe Judge: no, He is a God of love, and He has given the very best gift, His only begotten Son. The gift is worthy of the Giver; and the result of such a gift is worthy of both. The mighty work accomplished on the cross, where the Son of man was lifted up, has so satisfied every requirement of a God of justice, so glorified Him in all that He is as a righteous and holy Being, that now His love can flow forth without let or hindrance to the most unworthy sinner who believes.
Nothing can be more simple — the wayfaring man, the humble peasant in his cottage can understand it. God has bound together “beleveth and “hath everlasting life.” Take God at His word, He is worthy to be trusted; let God be true, if everyone else is a liar.
F. G. B.