"The Kiss of Death!"

SUCH is the heading of a pictorial advertisement in the Police News, portraying the tragic scene enacted in a busy street in C— on the evening of Whit-Monday, when a soldier enticed a girl to kiss him, that meanwhile with one stroke of a razor he might launch her into eternity!
Much excitement has naturally been caused; many are the words of pity expressed for the victim, and execration for her heartless assassin.
Yet how many who saw the picture have seen themselves there but for the grace of God, and who lays to heart the words of our Lord, when told of the men on whom the tower of Siloam fell, and of the Galileans whose blood Pilate mingled with their sacrifices— “Except ye rent, ye shall all likewise perish”?
Happily such horrible occurrences are not common amongst us, but still the solemn fact remains, that death as the wages of sin is reigning around, hurrying thousands on to the judgment to come.
But, dear reader, there was another “kiss of death,” infinitely more infamous from every point of view, to which I would fain call your serious attention; one which the God of all grace has turned to such blessed account, that whoever believes on Him who in grace submitted to it, receives “the kiss of reconciliation.” He yielded Himself to death for sinners, and thus His God and Father can reconcile us unto Himself. The prodigal, when sick of his own ways and their bitter fruits, arose and returned, and met a welcome far beyond all his expectations or deserts; he was kissed and brought into the father’s house as a son indeed.
Who then would dare to limit the boundless grace of God, now reigning through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord, which makes it possible even for the victim of this awful tragedy and her cruel assassin (like the penitent thief) in their last moments to find the peace that has been made by the blood of Jesus, and is now declared to every creature under heaven, without distinction, all having sinned and come short of the glory of God, as it is written, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Oh, that all who read these lines may have their eyes opened to their own state before God as ruined and undone by sin, so that by faith they may now receive the free gift of His grace, which is “eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Then, like the eunuch of Ethiopia, they may go on their way rejoicing in the knowledge that Jesus, “the Saviour of sinners,” is the “Son of God.”
“No wrath God’s heart retaineth to us ward who believe,
No dread in ours remaineth as we His truth receive;
Returning sons He kisses, and with His robe invests,
His perfect love dismisses all terror from our breasts.”