THE following letter we have just received from the father of two of our little friends who were taken to be with the Lord after a very brief illness, and we send it to our many readers with the prayer that the Lord will use it for blessing to souls and for His own glory.
“The Lord took our little daughter home November 12Th, at 7:20 a. m. She would have been five years old this Christmas day, and it pleased Him two weeks later to take our little son of eight years. When I arrived home at supper time he said, “Come here, Papa, I want to feel your face, I am so happy.” Just then the doctor came in and as George saw him he said, “I don’t need you any more, doctor.” The doctor soon left. A little while after he said, “I am so happy, I am going to see Annie,” his little sister.
At 9:30 p. m. he went into a convulsion and we thought he was gone. In about 20 minutes he became conscious and gave expression to these words, “Two weeks tomorrow morning since the Lord took Annie’s soul away. I am so happy, Jesus died for sinners,” and almost with the same breath, he said to one who was near him, “You should go to the meeting where I go.” He spoke no more but lay unconscious for one hour and a half, and then passed away. I might say that early in the evening he wanted so much water, and that I told him it was not good for him to take so much, and he said, “I can’t help it, Papa, but when we get to be with Jesus there won’t be any pain or sorrow, and we won’t want all this water, will we?”
If the Lord should see fit to call the little one who reads this paper, as suddenly into His presence as little George was, would you be able to say “I am so happy”? It is only the one who knows Christ as his or her Saviour that could say this. The believer in Christ has every reason to be happy at the thought of soon seeing the Lord Jesus, whether it is to pass through death into His presence or to be called to meet Him in the air at His coming. Our prayer is, that all our little readers may be able to say like little George, “I am so happy, Jesus died for sinners.”
ML 01/31/1904