Two Seas

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Dark rolls the tide of human woe, a troubled, restless sea,
And evermore there yawns below the gulf of misery;
O’er whose abyss of ills and fears, too dire, too vague, to name,
There heaves the ocean-swell of tears, disaster, sin, and shame.
Its arctic regions of despair gleam loftily in pride;
And full-sail’d vessels founder there, or ice-bound must abide.
Erst gaily launch’d, the colors float with music on the breeze,
But hands unseen grasp every boat, there’s danger on the seas!
Where you far-reaching breakers foam, a thousand ships are toss’d,
The death-knell sounds with ceaseless moan, ship after ship is lost!
Or by the Maelstrom’s giddy whirl, unthinkingly betray’d —
Small barks go down; the waters curl above their hapless grave.
Beguiled by distant tropic clime, fair crafts becalmed lie;
Or heavy-laden for a time, to golden marts they hit.
Ah, woe is me the dismal end no tongue hath power to tell,
The port where crew and captain tend is an eternal hell!
Ο mariners! what harm and loss on those deceitful waves!
Yet see — the lode-star of the cross shines still, and shining saves!
It watcheth you from yonder skies, it hath a potent spell;
Look up! oh, fix thereon your eyes, that star will guide you well!
It pointeth where still waters flow, God’s ocean-tide of love!
Would ye to His fair haven go? His mercy-waves above?
The star — the star declares the way — soft shining through the night,
It leadeth all who heed its ray to blissful realms of light.
Dark rolls the tide of human woe, God’s ocean shineth fair;
Its depths the angels fain would know, my sins are buried there!
A sea of peace, and not of tears, of glory, not of shame.
Ο mariners! farewell to fears, once launch’d in Jesus’ name!
Η. Κ. B.