YOU love true stories. Well, this I am going to tell you is quite true, and the latter part of it happened a short time ago.
Little Una early knew and loved the Lord Jesus Christ as her own Saviour. One day, not long ago, a little friend asked her brother, in her presence, what a christian was, and whilst he was thinking over the question, she said, “I am sure, James, you know what a christian is — one who loves Jesus.”
Una, as a great many little girls and boys in and around London have done, attended services for children, and at these happy gatherings she learned many beautiful hymns. When she was laid aside with a severe cold she delighted in repeating these hymns to her father and mother, one or other of whom was never absent from her cot.
This verse was one of her favorites: —
“Jesus, take this heart or mine.
Make it pure, and wholly Thine,
Thou hast bled and died for me,
I will henceforth live for Thee.”
Looking up with intense earnestness a few minutes before she was taken home, she said, “Jesus, I am happy now.”
I felt, dear little friends, when I looked on her sweet, calm little face, and thought of her spirit which had fled, that I would like to tell you how a little christian maid can die. Her loving Saviour wants, oh, how much I cannot tell! your young hearts. Think of the heavenly throng of which dear little Una forms one today, and ask the Lord Jesus to make you one of His little lambs also.
T. S. G.