The following letter and lines were written by one sister to another when both were on beds of affliction and suffering.
(The sisters were called into the presence of the Lord within three weeks of each other. May the Lord graciously use them now to comfort some of His afflicted ones.)
“Just a line or two to you yourself, poor darling, to say how very sorry and anxious I am to hear so poor an account of you. O, how I wish I could see you and help nurse you, or at least do something for you. But to the One who can, does and will help, cheer and be with you, once more I can only commit you. He knows all, every pain, every struggle for breath, every feeling of sinking weakness.
O, it is simply splendid when we can fully realize this! The wonderful fact recorded of our Lord Himself, as offering up, in the days of His flesh, prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save Him (Heb. 5:77Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; (Hebrews 5:7)), has been a comfort to me lately under continued pressure of pain and weakness which seemed as if it were enough to quench all natural energy and spirit out of one by its very long continuance. When driven to one’s lowest ebb, it only seemed as if, in that even, we were still to follow our Leader, and we do and shall bless His name for it right up to where He is now above all that sort of thing forevermore.
While lying perfectly helpless, doing nothing ten weeks ago, these few simple lines kept floating through my mind, but I could not jot them down at all for some days, still they abode there and rested me a bit; perhaps they may you too, you often have proved their truth at any rate.”