An Extract.
I FOUND him (an Irishman) deplorably ignorant, and I had difficulty in making him understand the most simple language. All he could do was to repeat a few Ave Marias. He had never had a copy of the word of God; but after a few visits he consented to accept one; and he had it read to him, and the Spirit of the Lord applied its truth to his heart, and the most pleasing of all enquiries was heard, “What must I do to be saved?” He became a Christian; left the Romish Church, and attended where he could hear Christ and Him crucified preached. Affliction overtook him, and being in adverse circumstances, he was obliged to go to the workhouse. He recovered, but kept in the house. He was permitted to have a holiday. I called to see him, and was rejoiced to find him in such a happy frame of mind. He said, “I am happy. Oh, what a treasure Christ is! Strange that I should have been ignorant of Him for so many years. And what wonderful love His must be to have mercy on one who for seventy years had no love for Him!” “Are you happy in the house?” “Yes, with one exception. There are so many wicked characters, and their bad language grieves my very soul. However, I do what I can to show them their error; but they say I am too quiet a man. But, poor things, they don’t understand why I am different.” “God’s grace has done it.” “Well, sir, I can’t do much by argument; but I hope what few days I have to remain on earth to live for Christ. And do seek out those poor creatures who are deluded like I was. I know the difficulties you have to contend with, and the enmity there is in the hearts of all Catholics against the Bible and the simple truths of the gospel They are taught it. I know I was. Well, here am I, a sinner plucked out of their clutches, and out of the clutches of the devil, thanks be to God and to you.” A few weeks elapsed; the old man was taken suddenly ill, and soon expired. His last words were, “Unto Him that loved me, and washed me, &c., be glory forever and ever.”