Used of God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
What an encouragement this verse is to us as women! We read the sad truth in many places throughout the scriptures that it was through a woman, Eve, that sin was first brought into this world. She had been created to be Adam’s helpmeet but ate the forbidden fruit and gave some to her husband.
But many years later, God sent His Son into this sin-stricken world through a woman! Isn’t that an amazing thing? He, in His grace, uses a woman to bring God’s beloved Son into this world, when 2000 years before a woman had been instrumental in bringing sin into the world. This is an encouragement. Although we may fail often in being a helpmeet to our husbands or being a godly mother, we can be comforted that the Lord is gracious and still wants to use us for blessing to His people, to lost souls around us, and most of all in our own family circle.