Vera’s mother had given her a new hoop, and she was very proud of it. Her little brother had one too, so the first fine day, their governess took them for a walk, and of course the hoops had to be taken with them.
They had great fun together, racing each other with their hoops. But on the way home a sad thing happened. The children wanted to go back a different way, along a cliff path close to the sea, to which their governess agreed. It was very windy, and all at once the wind caught Vera’s hoop, and over and over it went at a great speed before she could get it. Faster and faster went the hoop, and faster and faster went Vera’s little legs, as she chased after it. But alas, just as she had nearly reached it, a big puff of wind came, which made the hoop give a sudden bounce, and away it went, right over the edge of the cliff.
O, dear! poor Vera thought she would never see her hoop again. Whatever could she do? Just as they all stood wondering, to their surprise they saw a big fisherman coming towards them, and what should he have in his hand but Vera’s lost hoop. Vera was delighted to have her treasure back again, and the rest of the wav home she held it tightly, so that it should not get lost again.
Dear little ones, what the kind fisherman did, reminds me of what the Lord Jesus has done for us.
He is seeking the lost ones, those who have sinned against Him, and when He finds them, He carries them safely to His home above. How safe are all those who trust Him!
ML 01/21/1940