Vessels of Blessing

Children—R. Reeves
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General Meetings. Wheaton, August 1974. Children's Meeting. Ron Reeves.
Verse #7 In fact, we'll sing the first verse of several songs, but the first one will be #7.
And by the fall?
About the first verse of the next one, which is #8.
Shall we gather at this?
Shall we hear the Savior Psalmist who was more beyond the sky?
We're going to sing a little while today. There are several reasons for that.
One reason is that I like to sing with anybody who else likes to sing.
Now, the reason is that it's awful hard to get your breakfast over with and into Sunday school on time.
When there's such a big crowd. So we'll sing just a little while while the folks are are coming in. I'm so glad that we didn't have to make our beds this morning. That's one of the things that are fun about coming to the conference, that we were able to go to breakfast and come back to our room and brush our teeth and so on and we didn't have to make our bed.
And that's great. You like that too, don't you? Well, let's sing then the.
First verse of #14.
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed into the?
Trusting in his grace, His heart. Are you harsh in the power of the Lamb?
Firewall in my life.
#16 the first verse the soul ever hear.
The world around.
This bomb, whosoever will take home.
Don't so ever will welcome. How about #24 just the first verse?
We call their surprise and.
Highway in the heavens are.
Where all the readings challenge? Wow, wow. Well, you're all right.
Now let's sing #29 first.
Stand performance.
A ruler once.
In the way of the way.
Of death.
Is born on.
What can walk away from the world?
Our old favorite number.
We finally got to #40.
I knew we'd get there sooner or later. When we finally got there, number 40, the first stencil.
She's a small gentleman.
He didn't hear from that guy and he's not from our city. We got our hearts in God's love, in anything. You have to have a feeling it's not the last of Christianity.
Now #6.
And let's sing the first and last stanzas #47.
When he comes to the man, when he comes.
Against your.
Soul, I can start from the morning.
Still crying from the Lord, and it's the God and he's going to be a sinusoidal forehead and crown. Let's go, Let's go through. Let's move your ground.
OK, please just put your chem sheets under your chair on the floor. They keep the floors so clean here that it won't do the hem sheets one bit of harm so just put them on the floor.
Now it's easy for me to remember.
What we're going to consider this morning, because all of the things that we're going to talk about start with H In fact, we're going to talk about four HS and the first one was a hamburger joint.
And the second thing we want to talk about is we want to talk about Hezekiah.
The third thing we want to talk about is a hungry apostle.
And the fourth thing that we want to talk about this morning and we're going to have to get right along if we get it all done in about 20 minutes.
The fourth thing is a house that got saved, a house that got saved. Well, let's pray 1St and then we'll talk about these things. Our Father, how you feel about it, but.
In our family.
We oftentimes.
Go to a hamburger joint one second.
I want to make sure they hear you.
Well, I tried to get along without this but.
Now we start over.
A hamburger joint is very important.
In my life and is very important in the life of my family.
So we were coming to Wheaton and we had to get up pretty early because it was quite a ways.
Fact. We got up a little after 5:00.
And we were on the highway about 6 and didn't have much breakfast and.
Had a banana or an apple and some grapes and stuff like that.
But that really never would take the place of a hamburger.
You know that never would. So eventually we found our way to a hamburger joint not far from the from the conference here.
And we enjoyed what we got. In fact, it's very interesting to me that with some of us, even if we go to a real high class restaurant to have a real nice meal.
You'll always find somebody passing over the menu where it says sirloin steak, T-bone fried chicken.
Fried shrimp, lobster and that kind of thing. And they say, well, you know, I would just dad.
I just want a hamburger, a French fries and a malt.
I've often seen that happen and enjoyed it very much. Well, finally we got to this hamburger joint because we were all hungry and we enjoyed what they had. Hamburgers, French fries. And they didn't call them malts there, they called them shakes.
Well, I was enjoying my chocolate shake. I always get chocolate because that's what I like the best. And even if I get strawberry or vanilla or wild cherry or something else, I always am disappointed because it doesn't taste like chocolate and always waste after I got halfway through it that I'd order chocolate. And so generally I prevent that problem from happening by ordering chocolate in the 1St place. So this I did yesterday. Got chocolate delicious and.
Just enjoying it. In fact, it got down to the bottom of the cup too fast.
Then my son had ordered a vanilla, but he was through about third of the about 2/3 of the way down. He says, Dad, would you finish this up? I said of course. So I finished up his vanilla and we were using a very interesting vessel to enjoy that shake and I was sitting there in this hamburger joint looking at this vessel.
This apparatus that somebody had made for that purpose, this is just a little straw.
Plastic straw. Nothing particularly complicated about it. It's it's open at both ends. That means that what goes in at the top comes out at the bottom.
Or vice versa, which is makes a good vessel. In fact, I've often thought a servant of the Lord ought to be like that. He ought to be so clean that if God gives him something, goes right out to the others and blesses them because that's what he wants. Well, I was looking at this straw and I thought, what a wonderful thing that is. It's a it's a vessel that that carries the blessing to me. And it's quite unusual, isn't it? A straw? Everybody's seen one and there's.
There's really nothing too complicated about it.
But it brought the blessing to me first, first a chocolate shake and then the remainder of the vanilla shake. And I just even used the same straw my boy just handed to me Here dad, finish it up and I just said well, fine. And I just use the straw that he was using and it was didn't make any problems.
But I brought that with me because it it's an interesting vessel that conveyed something good to me, brought something good to me. Now the things that we're going to talk about today will will bring before us interesting vessels that have brought good things to us. And so the next thing we want to talk about is Hezekiah and we'll have to turn to our Bibles for.
Of that, it's the second Samuel. Excuse me, Second Kings.
Chapter 20 and verse 20 where we have a most interesting thing said about Hezekiah.
It's not hard to find because it's Second Kings and it's chapter 20 and it's verse 20.
And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah.
And all his might.
If we were to turn to the book of Chronicles, we would find it says and his goodness, as though God said he did a good thing there it says here, but in our verse it says and his might. And now notice what Hezekiah did. Very interesting thing. He made a pool.
And a conduit. He made a conduit. And that's what I was thinking about this morning, was that conduit.
He made a conduit.
And brought water into the city.
That was a good thing he did, wasn't it?
This good king Hezekiah first made a pool, and if we would read other parts of the word of God, we would find out it was called an upper pool.
It was higher than the rest of the place. He made an upper pool, and then he made a conduit.
Well, in other words, a pipe or a big straw. He made this big pipe to bring water into the city. And wasn't that a good thing to do, to bring water into the city? So people could drink the water and they could wash their clothes and wash their hands and face and do all the other things that are necessary with water. And God records in another part of His precious word that Hezekiah did a real good thing when he made that conduit.
To bring water into the city.
I was reading a little paper that came to my house this last week about a town that.
Was dependent upon a big pool of water.
For their drinking water that was a reservoir, but the water dried up and they didn't know why.
They couldn't figure out what had happened. There was number more water coming out of the pipe and so they began to look around and you know what they found? They found somebody put a plug in the mouth of the pipe so that they could not get any water. And I felt so bad about that to think that somebody would be so.
What is a good word now to say? Dumb and so inconsiderate.
That they would put a plug in the pipe. And you know, I thought this, I thought, oh, I sure wouldn't want to put any plugs in the pipe. That would bring water to God's people. And I hope there's no daddy in this room today or Mama that's putting a plug in the pipe so that the water of the precious word of God can't get to their children. Wouldn't want to do that, would we? Put a plug so the water couldn't get down to them. Well, they found out that this person had put a plug in there and they took the plug out and the water came again.
And I was glad, but how good a thing Hezekiah did when he made a conduit to bring the water into the city.
Wonderful. Now let's talk about a hungry disciple or a hungry apostle, and for that we'll have to go to the book of Acts chapter 10.
Where we find a real interesting story about one of God's servants who got hungry. And let's not forget that even God's servants get hungry. God reminds us of that.
We should consider, but in this case something real interesting happened.
When his servant got hungry. It's Acts chapter 10.
And verse 9.
Journey and drew nigh into the city.
Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the 6th hour now.
He didn't get on the roof. I used to think that he went out and sat on the roof because I thought maybe that house was like my house. But no, he just went up in the top of the house there where there was a little railing around the the top of the house and it was cool. And he could just sit there on the on the roof and enjoy the cool and quiet of the day. And so that's what Peter did when he went up on the housetop.
And he went up there to pray about the 6th hour and it says he became very hungry.
And would have eaten, but while they made ready, he fell into a trance and saw heaven opened. You know, wonderful things happen when heaven gets opened. Wonderful things happened. And it's the most interesting study for us if we just find out what happens in the Word of God when heaven is open. Well, when heaven was opened, this time it says a certain vessel.
Descending unto him as it had been. A great sheet.
Knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth, wherein were all manner of four footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.
And there came a voice unto him, Rise, Peter, kill and eat. But Peter said, not so. Lord, I've often thought about what Peter said. He told the Lord no.
And I've often thought of what a wonderful boss, what a wonderful master Peter had that would let him get by with saying no. Some of us have had bosses, you know, that if we dare say no to them, he'd they'd fire us right away. But oh, what a wonderful boss the Lord Jesus is. He so knows the servant so well that he would even let one of his servants get by with saying no. Well, Peter had something to learn. Not so, Lord, for I've never eaten anything that is common or unclean.
And the voice spake unto him again the second time. What God hath cleansed that call not thou common. This was done thrice, and the vessel was received up again into heaven now.
This is an another interesting vessel.
God uses interesting vessels.
And in this case, he used a sheet. You can just imagine what that looked like, a big sheet with the corners tied up and all kinds of animals in. There never was a vessel like that I ever heard of. But God often times uses different kinds of vessels to teach His people and teach people. Teach those that need his his instruction, teach them valuable lessons. So he sent this interesting vessel to teach Peter that he should give the gospel.
To those who were not of the nation of Israel, God used that interesting vessel.
Now we want to talk about a house that got saved, so please turn over to the 11Th chapter of Acts.
This is a little bit more about Peter, but here's a house that got saved.
And God used an interesting vessel too, to bring that blessing to this house.
Acts Chapter 10.
And verse 14 notice what it says.
Well, we better read 13 so we know who it's talking about.
And he showed us how he had seen an Angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa.
And call for Simon, whose surname is Peter.
Who shall tell thee words? Words. Notice that words.
Whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.
So here is a house that's going to get saved, and do you know how it's going to get saved?
Do you know how the blessing is going to get to that house?
Through a vessel by the name of Peter.
Yes, God was going to send the water of his precious word through a very interesting and unusual vessel called Peter, and he was going to just convey to that house the water of God's precious word. And it says about Peter, who shall tell the words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.
Did you ever see a house that got saved?
Did you ever see a house that got saved?
How can you get? How can I? How can a house be saved?
You know, that's quite an interesting question, isn't it? How does a house get saved?
Well, you know, the word of God is talking here, not about the boards and the nails and the stones and the roof and the doors and window, but he's talking about those in the house.
That's what he's talking about. It's about those in the house.
And when those in the house get saved, then the word of God says that house is saved. And God used Peter his servant to bring that water of his word. Now notice it says his word. That was the only thing.
That was brought to that house in order to save that house. There wasn't anything else.
Just the Word. And Peter gave the word of God, and that man Cornelius, and his whole house was saved. Now why do I talk about these things? I'll tell you.
I am talking this morning with.
In this room who live in houses.
Who have Christian parents?
Is your daddy a Christian?
Is your daddy? Is your daddy saved?
Is he?
If somebody would tell you is your daddy saved? Write down yes or no, what would you write down?
And if they say is your Mama saved, write down yes or no? What would you write down? If somebody said is your Mama saved, how would you write down?
I'd write down yes.
Would you? But now the point is this.
How about the rest of the people in that house?
If Mom was saved and if daddy saved, how about the rest of the people in that house?
Is everybody in your house saved?
How about your brother?
Is your brother saved? How about your sister? Is your sister saved?
Are you saved?
Oh, it's a wonderful thing when the whole house gets saved and they get saved when they hear the word of God and believe it and accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior by the Word. And so Peter was a vessel that brought the word of God to the House of Cornelius. And now we're going to read in chapter 10 just what he said, and it resulted in that house being saved. Oh, how wonderful when a house gets saved.
And it's interesting, the vessel that God uses to save a whole house. Now verse.
Chapter 10 and verse 34, we're going to read the word that Peter brought to that house. Now let's never forget that Peter carried the word to the house.
And it was by means of that word that that house was saved, nothing else.
Verse 34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth I perceived, that God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him.
The Word. See what it says. Does your Bible say that? Does your Bible say the word?
That's what my Bible says. It says the word. Yes, that's what God uses to save a house, the Word.
The word I say you know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached.
Now I missed a verse, verse 36, the word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ. Now notice what's inside that bracket.
You know, a bracket is kind of like a little fence that protects what's inside.
And God wants us to know what it says. It says He is Lord of all.
He is Lord of all. Oh I'm so glad that the day came in my life when I acknowledged Jesus as Lord of all and that wonderful verse God gave me to bring me peace in my heart. It says, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart, that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be.
But saved. You see, I belong to a house that got saved.
My dad, my mom, my brother, my sister and me, we all got saved. How, how do you think we all got saved in that house? Because we accepted the Lord Jesus as our Savior. That's the only way we were saved. We got saved that way by the word of God. Well, that's what it says. He is Lord of all that word I say, you know, which was published throughout all Judea.
And beginning from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth, and with the Holy Ghost, and with power, who went about doing good and healing all the progress of the devil. For God was with him, and we are witnesses of all these things which He did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, which they slew and hanged on a tree.
Notice what verse 40 says. Him God raised up the third day and showed him openly.
Whether you believe it or not.
God raised him from the dead, and the Lord Jesus is living this morning at God's right and him. God raised up the third day, and showed him openly, not to all the people, but under witnesses chosen before of God, even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is He.
Which was ordained of God to be the judge of quick and dead to him. Give all the prophets witness that through his name.
Whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. Tell me now.
Who is it who has their sins forgiven? It's the one that believes on the Lord Jesus and nobody else. Nobody else. And the only way to have your sins forgiven is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And then you'll know the wonderful fact that it says in the Bible the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. It's the believers that know that person. Love it.
Well, Peter was an interesting vessel that brought the word to that house, and that house was saved. Is your house saved?
I couldn't say your house is saved if there's one left in it that's not safe.
Is there a girl in this room this morning that has not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior?
Do you know that your house is not saved until you are? Did you know that?
Is there a boy here who has never accepted the Lord Jesus as His Savior? Do you know that your house is not saved until you are?
Oh, it's the desire of my heart that you'll accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior during this conference.
And we were talking about some interesting vessels. First we talked about that straw that we got at the hamburger joint. Then we talked about Hezekiah that made a conduit to bring water to the people. And we talked about God letting down a sheet tied at the four corners to teach his servant a lesson. And then we read about a servant by the name of Peter who carried water of God's precious word that a house might get saved now.
I don't really know.
What kind of a vessel God is going to make use of to bring the water to each one in this room? He may use different kinds of vessels, but oh, it's the longing of my heart that during this Wheaton conference, God would use His servants and vessels to carry the water of His precious Word.
Down into your heart that every house represented in this room will be saved forever and ever. Let's pray.
Our Father, we're thankful for thy precious word.
And some of us are here this morning because of the power of that precious word that has brought salvation.
To us individually and to our houses.