AT the close of a gospel meeting for children, several young ones remained, desiring to hear more of the “good news” which had been the subject of the address.
One little girl, of about nine or ten summers, was sitting by herself, evidently much interested. I sat by her side, and asked her name, and then said,
“For whom are you waiting?”
Her simple reply was,
“And whom is Jesus waiting for?” I asked.
One word alone she answered,
Little Mary was waiting for Jesus; Jesus was waiting for little Mary; and so, very soon, the two met, for Mary, just as she was, a poor, lost sinner without one plea, but that the Lord Jesus had shed His blood for such, came to Him who was “waiting for her,” and found that He kept His Word, and did not cast her out.
My little friend, do you know that Jesus is waiting for sinners like you to come to Him? Yes, just as you are, and just now. This loving Saviour—
Stands patiently:
Though oft rejected,
Calls again.
How many times has the Lord Jesus called you? Perhaps through your Sunday school teacher, or father or mother, He has called you, but you have not come. You have kept Him waiting, He still calls;
“Come unto Me.”
When on earth, He called a little child unto Him (Matt. 18:22And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, (Matthew 18:2)), and the little one seems to have come at once. Now, will you come? Do not say, I am such a sinner, must I not wait till I am better? No, dear friend, the Lord says,
ML 12/31/1933